My dad called me today to let me know that a girl that I went to school with my whole life & was really close to while growing up that her Dad was killed in an accident at work this week. I'd like to send a sympathy card & the obituary lists her married name but I have no way of knowing where she lives. I was going to send a card to her mom's house, but I hate to address it to her & not her mom (I spent the night there all the time in school so I know her as well). Keep in mind I haven't seen this girl since our class reunion 6 years ago but I really feel like I need to send a card for some reason. So do I address it to her mom & mention to let lynette know how sorry I am? Which then overlooks their other kids that I really don't know? Or just send it addressed to her? What to do? Help.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Have you already tried looking her up in the whitepages online? Or googling her?
If those turned up nothing, I'd address the card to her at her mothers house. Then in the card you can write something like 'My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time' - that way you're not leaving anyone out, but you are sending it directly to the person you're closest with in the family.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Yeah, I tried looking her up but her husband's name (thus her name) is pretty common. Plus I'm not even sure that she still lives in the same town - she could be anywhere really. Thanks for your thoughts on it though.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
This might not be very logical, but I'd probably send two cards: one for the friend (a little more personal) and one for the mom and the rest of the family (just a general "I'm so sorry for your thoughts, my thoughts are with your family")... both to the same address.
This might not be very logical, but I'd probably send two cards: one for the friend (a little more personal) and one for the mom and the rest of the family (just a general "I'm so sorry for your thoughts, my thoughts are with your family")... both to the same address.
After thinking about it some more yesterday i was about to suggest this too. I think I'd go this route so no one would feel left out/offended.