ok all, this game is kind of like st'er of the week, except we all participate. i'll start by posting a question and giving my answer, then the next person answers my original question, plus comes up w/ a question of their own and answers it as well. so as the game grows, so do the amount of questions and answers.
hope that makes sense, here goes:
At this very moment, what are you thankful for?
My answer: I am thankful for my awesome co-workers. They rock, and when they leave (we're all federal law clerks with staggered term-end dates), I will miss them sooo much.
Ok, I'll go while it's short! At this very moment, what are you thankful for? *I hate to be sappy, but today I'm thankful for my husband. We celebrated our second wedding anniversary yesterday & we are a really good fit. I think I did it right this time!
Question #2: Where in the world would you like to go but haven't been yet? * Egypt & India
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
My slow cooker - I'm leaving work at six and I'll have a nice beef roast waiting for my starving self when I get home. I can't wait!
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't been yet? Sooo many, but some are: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Tahiti, South Africa, Thailand, etc.
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? Normally I get up at 6:30 and am out by 8:45. I usually work before I go to work. Sick I know.
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? My husband. I'm thankful that I have someone who will be there for me for better or worse.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't been yet? Madagascar. I find the unique animal species really intriguing, and have always wanted to go there.
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? I get up 2 hours before I have to go so I can try to get in a work out and get ready. Workout = 1 hour, getting ready = 1 hour (from brushing teeth to shower to makeup to hair to getting dressed - it's tight though!)
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? Finding happiness with who I am and contentment.
My question & answer:
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Lobster bisque, a green salad with blue cheese dressing, filet mignon with Bearnaise sauce and white asparagus spears (spargel), and chocolate flourless torte with raspberry ganache. (I'm hungry right now!)
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? I'll say my life...I couldn't ask for anything more.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't been yet? Hmm that's a tough one I'd say...Greece. But I'll be taking care of that in a few short months! yipee!
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? At like 7:30...and I eat breakfast, pray, watch a little TV and then head out to work. Thank God for a short commute and flexible hours!
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? Hmm..I'd say finding my purpose and operating within it..
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Pollo- I haven't had chicken in 12 years..but no one seems to have told this baby that. I'm eating chicken in some form or another every BLESSED day
My question and answer
6. What is your one guilty pleasure?
Gossip columns or radio shows...I feel like they are so awful and tacky..but I can't help myself. I love the Wendy Williams show!
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? My parents...I know I'll run out of money this summer at some point and I am so thankful that I have the greatest parents who will help me out even though I am way past the age of asking my parents for money. I'm an adult...and should act like one but my parents just don't care. Whatever they can do for me, they will.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Southeast Asia. I would love to do a bike tour of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. I don't have a terrible desire to see Europe but have always lusted after the jungles and peasant villages of SE Asia.
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? Really..anytime. I can get ready in fifteen minutes if I don't have to wash my hair and know what outfit I'm wearing. Other days I can stand in my closet for an hour and still not know what to wear. I don't wear makeup and with such short hair I don't have to do terribly much to it.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? Crap. I have no clue..besides travel. I would like to go through doula training and do that part-time (doulas are lay midwifes and assist at births as well as be with the women throughout thier pregnancy, sorta as somebody to lean on emotionally and otherwise).
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Indian- and all carbs too. Samosas and nan!
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Children's fantasy books. I'm a sucker for the young adult section at the library.
And my question and answer: 7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? I would love to do Survivor, not because I think I could win but just because I would love to do the challenges and show my bf that I do enjoy physical activity and wouldn't complain all the time and could handle it. The bf has really never seen that side of me but it's there...just don't have much opportunity to bring it out.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? My husband and my parents. I've had an abnormally shitty day at work this week and they all let me bitch and cry and do what I needed to do to get it all out of my system yesterday.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Thailand. I had a trip planned for Sept. 26th, 2001 for my spring break when I studied abroad in Australia. We called the trip off, unfortunately.
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? On weekdays I get up at 6 and get out the door at 8.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I want to be a mom.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Flank steak and a glass of nice red wine. Good thing that's what we're having!
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? PerezHilton.com. I'm addicted.
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? It's not a reality show, but I feel like I'd do well on Wheel of Fortune. That's about it. I'm pretty much a big wuss when it comes to physical endurance and/or pain and/or eating gross things, so I don't think I'd do well on most "reality" shows.
My question: Do you believe in ghosts? Nope. I just don't for some reason.
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? My boyfriend. He is really the greatest and I don't know why I couldn't have met him sooner. He just makes me so happy and we have so much fun together.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Australia, Italy, and London for sure!!
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? I tend to roll out of bed by 7:15 and I'm out the door by 8/8:15
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I would like to travel to another country and experience another culture.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? crawfish etouffee or crawfish and pasta. I had steak instead
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Stylethread
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? I would like to try out dancing with the stars.
8. Do you believe in ghosts? Nope. I just don't for some reason. <- I agree.
. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? So many things! Most importantly, finding my wonderful husband.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Umbria, Italy and Paris
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? When I worked, I got up at 7, hit the gym, got ready for work and was out the door by 9:10 to start my workday at 9:30. Now, while I'm not working, I get up at 8:00 and either go for a run, pilates class or yoga.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I want to have 2 kids and travel more.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? I am a total carnivore - filet mignon from Capital Grille.
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Stylethread
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? I dancing with the stars!
8. Do you believe in ghosts? No. I'm such a realist.
9. What is your little piece of heaven? That's tough - ice cream?
At this very moment, what are you thankful for? My job, my friends, my family, my clothes, and just in general life.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Everywhere!!! Especially Europe
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? Yikes. I have to be at work at 7:30 and work about 30 minutes away. Usually I get up anywhere between 6:40-7am and run out the door. I'm so not a morning person.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I'm not entirely sure yet. Awhile back I would have said a career, but I have tht now. I think now I am just looking for the perfect life and continuing on that path.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Candy, ice cream, sweets, anything bad for me with sugar. Oh and I wouldn't gain one pound.
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Shopping, tivo, ST, shoes... I don't really have just one.
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? I would love to go on the Bachelorette and have my bf be one of the guys and pick him and have them do our dream wedding.
8. Do you believe in ghosts? No so much ghosts like cloudy white things floating around, but I do believe in angels and things (whether a memory or a thing) haunting us.
9. What is your little piece of heaven? weekly massages (I'm spoiled for life).
10. What would be your ideal job? Suprisingly I have my ideal realistic job. My unrealistic one is making millions and traveling all the time and enjoying life. I have my doubts that doing nothing for a living pays well though.
11. (My Question) What did you do tonight? I had a friend over and we cooked dinner, drank wine, and watched Project Runway from last night.
-- Edited by HeatherLynn at 23:24, 2006-07-13
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
At this very moment, what are you thankful for? I have a few. My husband even though we have had our share of hard times. My son, my Mom, a house to live in ,job and my health
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Jamaica
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? That depends on what time I have to be at work, if I work a 2-10 shift I get up about 8-9a. If I have to work a 6a-2 shift my alarm goes off at 5a but I dont roll out until 530 I jump into my clothes and grab my coffee and out the door. I usually dont bother with makeup
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? Accomplish would be the best Mom I can be to my son and have him grow up to have a happy and rewarding life.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Pasta the bad kind
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Shopping and peanut M&Ms love them so much
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? Humm Iam not sure about that one I dont watch to many of those. Does ten yers younger count? If so most def.
8. Do you believe in ghosts? I believe in spirts b/c I have had some things happen that made me believe
What is your little piece of heaven? Going to the hair salon and getting my roots and grey covered
10. What would be your ideal job? SAHM but since I cant do that I would love to be a lvn and than maybe go for RN
11. What did you do tonight? worked till 10p, came home, ate some stirfry veg and got on s-t to unwind
12. (My question) What is your birthstone and do you like it? Mine is the peridot and I use not to like it but now since green is one of my fav colors YES!!!
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? My hometown. It's my most favorite place in the world - I was off work for the week so I came home. Everything from my parents' house, to my family business, my friends here, etc. I've been gone for a few years now, but I come home every chance I get. I just love it here. I couldn't be happier than I am when I'm at home.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Alaska! I've always wanted to go, hopefully I'll be able to make it some year while the Iditarod is going on, so I can squeeze some of that into the vacation. It seems like such a beautiful place, I've wanted to go since I was very little.
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? On days I work in the office, I get up at 8-8:15 and I'm out of the door at 8:50. I always cut it close, and I really don't want to leave that late, but I am NOT a morning person.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I feel guilty for saying this, because I feel like, as a modern woman, I should put my career etc above everything. But really, my biggest goal in life is to have a successful marriage.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be?I already had dinner, but if I had my choice it would've been 100% Cheetos.
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Magazines. I spend far too much on them.
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? I don't really know of too many reality shows! My TV only gets 1 channel! But I love What Not to Wear when I can watch it, I know you can't really "win" that, but I'd love to be on it and hear what they really would have to say about what I wear and what I should wear.
8. Do you believe in ghosts? I was just talking to a friend about it tonight. I'm not so sure.
9. What is your little piece of heaven? my favorite thing in the whole world is to snuggle up in bed - preferrably with someone, but I can be happy by myself. I just like to wrap up in the covers and look out the window.
10. What would be your ideal job? That's a tough one. I'm trying to figure that out as I only have a year left until I graduate. I'd like to be the editor of a small magazine, but I could just as easily see myself staying in the family business - it's not my preferred field, but it is my preferred co-worker company, which is at least, if not more, important to me.
11. What did you do tonight? Worked on my car, went out for coffee with a friend and then to her boyfriend's house to hang out with some of their frends.
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it? I have no idea. Every chart I consult says something different, so I can't say for certain. But of them all, they've been okay but I've never been overly thrilled by it
13. (My Question) When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? I call up my best friend to go out to dinner. If he's unavailable, I become a hermit and sit alone in my apartment all night watching movies, taking a bath, and generally being a useless bum.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? This will sound silly but I am thankful for life in general, the life on earth, and its wonderful ability to flourish in the most unexpected places :) And also for my DH, of course.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Galapagos! I have to see the turtles. Also Greenland, the Czech Republic, and Italy.
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? In the last year I've had a flexible schedule. As long as I put in my regular writing hours, I could pretty much wake up any time (the classes and other work assignments were all in the afternoon). It usually takes me about 40 minutes to get ready to walk out the door, but I can also do it in 15 if I need to.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I would like to publish two academic books and at least finish the fantasy novel. It doesn't matter if I publish the novel. I would also like to give birth to 2 or 3 children and adopt one from a foreign country.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Salmon baked in pomegranate juice, quinoa or polenta side dish, salad with cucumbers, arugula, radishes and avocado. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow.
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? I have to say fantasy novels, some of them quite cheesy. And shopping, of course. Also gelatto.
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? I really can't answer it, I don't watch TV.
8. Do you believe in ghosts? Not really, though there was definitely a ghost in the house I grew up in.
What is your little piece of heaven? Massage. A backrub from DH is wonderful. Also professional massage, though I rarely get those.
10. What would be your ideal job? Tenured professor at a research university.
11. What did you do tonight? Spent the whole day unpacking after the move. The nesting instinct is really weird.
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it? It is sapphire, and I love it but don't own a single one (too expensive).
edited TTara, you beat me to it :)
13. When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? I play a very old video game and eat a big lemon meringue pie from the neighborhood pastry shop. This usually takes care of the blues. Also, if the badness is due to a problem that can be solved, I call one of my friends to get their advice. If all else fails, I wash dishes (find it relaxing when I am down).
my question:
14. if you could settle down anywhere in the world, where would you live?
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? Before I read this I was just sitting here thinking about how great my life is. I have great friends, family, and have had some truly amazing opportunities.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? So many places, but I’m thinking about Indonesia right now.
3. What time do you get up amd how long before you head out the door? Today I woke up at 9:15, and left my house at about 10.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I’d like to live and work abroad and publish a book.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be?
A delicious burrito. Those are few and far between here in Oxford.
6. What is your one guilty pleasure?
My life is really just a compilation of many guilty pleasures. I particularly enjoy reality TV, Kelly Clarkson, and French fries dipped in ranch dressing.
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win?
UK Big Brother.
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
Not at all.
9. What is your little piece of heaven?
A delicious meal from a really nice restaurant.
10. What would be your ideal job?
Ooh. I’d love to work at the UN, an embassy, or the State Department. I’d also love to be a freelance writer.
11. What did you do tonight?
Last night? I went over to my friend’s house and we cooked dinner for her housemates.
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it?
Amethyst, and yes.
13. When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? I take a nap and eat disgusting food and watch TV.
14. If you could settle down anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Tough one. New York or Seattle. I’d love to live abroad, but I think for settling down I’d always come back to the US.
My question:
15. Is there a book or movie or album changed your life?
I feel like every word ever written by Joan Didion is hugely influential to me, but particularly Slouching Towards Bethlehem and within that Goodbye to All That.
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? sleep, and of course, lilah. sometimes i am so exhausted but i just look at her and she's pretty amazing. (even when she cries!)
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? europe
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? it depends. today i was up at 8:30. we probably will go for a walk around 10.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? even though i've been out of the photog scene for awhile...one of my photographs on a cover of a mag. (i've been so close several times...and i guess the closest i've come so far is one of my pics on the front page of entertainment section of the post)
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? veg orange beef with crispy shiitake mushrooms from harmony cafe in georgetown
6. What is your one guilty pleasure?
long john silvers. i go about once every few months.
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win?
project runway
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
9. What is your little piece of heaven?
walking on the beach on a summer night
10. What would be your ideal job?
being a colorist at a nice salon where i could pick and choose my clients
11. What did you do tonight?
Last night...did my SIL's girlfriend's hair, took a walk to the library and read for a bit. came home, put lilah to bed and relaxed with my husband.
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it?
peridot, not really.
13. When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? go shopping, but if stores are closed...i usually bake.
14. If you could settle down anywhere in the world, where would you live?
i like pittsburgh, but if housing was cheaper and schools were better, i wouldn't mind living in dc again.
15. Is there a book or movie or album changed your life?
yes...a photography book. "fuck you heroes," by glen friedman. it made me want to do photography, and in a way, influenced me to move to dc and do photography...i was able to interview him in college and he kind of became a mentor to me..through photography i got to do a lot of amazing things and had my own mini-version of 15 minutes.
my question:
16. what are you reading right now?
i am amidst "eat this book" about the competitive eating circuit, "from diapers to dating" about raising sexually healthy children..and "marlys" a collection of comics from lynda barry.
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? Of course, my family and friends, and getting my health back.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Jamaica, or Paris, or Italy....LOL
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? I usually wake up between 5:15-5:30a., and I'm out the door by 6:15-6:30, so about an hour.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? Well, I'd like to start school, even for an almost 35-yr. old, I think it's never too late to further your education.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? I want Red Lobster really bad, but I'm sure I'll have left-over spaghetti from last night.
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Home shopping
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win?
project runway
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
9. What is your little piece of heaven? Sitting on the front porch, w/Joe, watching cars drive by, reading a book/magazine.
10. What would be your ideal job? Def. something fashion-related.
11. What did you do tonight? Cooked dinner, washed a load of clothes - boring, I know.
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it? Sapphire, and yes, I like it.
13. When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? Exercise, go shopping, read
14. If you could settle down anywhere in the world, where would you live? I like where I live now - nice and quiet out in the boonies, and not too far from civilization......
15. Is there a book or movie or album changed your life? Um - not really.
16. what are you reading right now? Currently I am reading InStyle's Secrets of Style
My Question (ST-related):
What section of ST do you first check when you log on? I usually check TS, see if I've missed out any cool, new outfits.
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 11:40, 2006-07-14
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? my mom, my bf and our dog. They all make my life so much better.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Belgium
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? I usually wake up between 7-7:30, walk the dog, breakfast etc and get to work at either 9 or 10.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? to be completely self sufficient, even at my age my mother helps me out so much.
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Portugese sizzling steak. 6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Internet gossip sites: Perezhilton, go fug yourself, egotastic
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win? Amazing Race with my bf
8. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, many people in my family have had "other-worldly" experiences. Ghosts are not necessarily scary 9. What is your little piece of heaven? laying out on the beach.
10. What would be your ideal job? host of a cooking or travel show.
11. What did you do tonight? Went to an industry party with my bf, bestfriends and her bf. Drank beer and ate bad food. Gossiped about other people we knew there. It was fun.
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it? Diamonds, looooved diamonds.
13. When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? hug the dog, eat ice cream
14. If you could settle down anywhere in the world, where would you live? Seville, Spain.
15. Is there a book or movie or album changed your life? yes a few. The Lemonheads- its a shame about Ray and Rancid- Out come the Wolves.
16. what are you reading right now? Nothing. I am waiting for Kite Runner.
What section of ST do you first check when you log on? Whatever looks most interesting on the front page or where I posted last.
What superpower would you pick to possses? I would want like telekenisis- moving things with my mind.
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? That my Dad let me borrow his car GPS for my trip to Southern CA this weekend. I'd end up in Mexico without it.
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Japan, Italy, Egypt, ISt. Bart's. (well, everywhere, but those are the top of the list)
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? Alarm goes off at 6am, I try to be out the door by 7:15, but I usually hit snooze till 6:30.
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? I want to see as much of the world as possible!
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Gazpacho, chilean sea bass with some veggies, some good wine.
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Computer games! (and wine, shoes, surfing the web at work...)
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win?
The Amazing Race
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
9. What is your little piece of heaven? Eating dinner on the balcony w/ hubby.
10. What would be your ideal job? In house counsel at a computer game company
11. What did you do tonight? Tonight I'm going to a wedding rehearsal dinner.
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it? Peridot, and I love it because I love pretty much any shade of green.
13. When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? Play computer games, vent to hubby, retail therapy.
14. If you could settle down anywhere in the world, where would you live? In my dreams: London or one of the gorgeous townhomes in Georgetown, DC.
15. Is there a book or movie or album changed your life? Not that I can think of.
16. what are you reading right now?Baudolino by Umberto Eco
17. What section of ST do you first check when you log on? Either general chat or shopping and fashion.
18: What superpower would you pick to possses? Hmmm...That's tough. Either flight (more fun) or mind-reading (more useful ). I think I'd have to go with mind reading.
My question: What's your favorite play or musical? Spamalot!
1. At this very moment, what are you thankful for? That my family is still healthy
2. Where in the world would you like to go but haven't yet? Spain, Italy, Paris, all through Mexico, and all through the US, Argentina
3. What time do you get up and how long before you head out the door? Now that I am in summer vacation about 9:30-10:00
4. What is something you really want to accomplish/experience in your life? To have a successful career in medicine and to treat my parents to something very nice
5. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? Chinese food!!!!!
6. What is your one guilty pleasure? Buying school supplies
7. What reality show (you must pick one!) would you want to go on/think you could win?
Deal or No Deal
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
9. What is your little piece of heaven? mexico with my whole family
10. What would be your ideal job? Neonatologist
11. What did you do tonight? Well tonight I have Drivers Ed then I am going to the movies with my mom
12. What is your birthstone and do you like it? Ummmm I forgot what it is called but its the blue one for March. I like it a lot!
13. When you have a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day, what do you do to feel better? shopping
14. If you could settle down anywhere in the world, where would you live? Spain
15. Is there a book or movie or album changed your life? Ummm I dont think so
16. what are you reading right now? magazines
17. What section of ST do you first check when you log on? Either general chat or shopping and fashion.
18: What superpower would you pick to possses? mind-reading