that really sucks. no matter what the outcome, it's really no fun to even have to think about or deal with. you're a strong person and you will get through it. in the mean time do whatever you can do to make yourself calm and happy. i hope that all of us can give back to you what you've given to us, so use ST as an outlet, after all, that's what YOU created it for, right?
take care. i'll be thinking of you.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Aww honey I am sorry. I'm sure your mom said everything is fine because that's that what mom's say. Even if she isn't the perfect mom and normally supportive she probably wants you to feel better and not be nervous. Just know I am thinking of you and that it will all work out for the best.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
ayo - I know, I'm pathetic weeping at the computer - lol, but my husband is at a business function this evening, and the girlfriend I called hasn't called back yet. if it's ok, I'll just hang out with you guys, ok? maybe I'll watch some tivo to get my mind off things...
awwh not pathetic...I just felt some live company might help..
Hugs. My thoughts are with you. It is perfectly normal to feel scared at this moment. Treat yourself and be close to those who you want to be with. We all are here for you.
I was there before with a lump in my neck which everyone thought was cancerous but it turned out bengin. It sure wasnt fun. I ve learned that the best thing is to move on and live everyday as its normal from this experience.
Hugs. I really am sorry you are going through this. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers... As for your mom, sometimes when one is really upset and scared, the remarks of our nearest and dearest end up being really grating - and it doesn't matter what they say.
As for your mom, sometimes when one is really upset and scared, the remarks of our nearest and dearest end up being really grating - and it doesn't matter what they say.
this is a really good point -- I totally agree.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Detroit...we are all thinking of you and keeping you in our good thoughts. Is there anything that we can do to help you with the July Issue (just to get this off your mind), I'm sure you don't need to extra baggage right now. And if there isn't anything we all can do to help then I know that I can speak for everyone here that if the July issue doesn't happen till August then so frigging what? You, and your health, are way more important to us! But hang in there!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
This brings tears to my eyes. Everything happens for a reason though-something made you check this out early-as you noted early detection makes all the difference. You are so young and I am positive if there is anything to worry about they can catch it in the earliest stages. You've also inspired me to go to the ob/gyn which I have not done in over 2 years.
Sweetie, everything you do is with style, and your strength has been an inspiration to us all. We're all with you. Sending good good good good good good thoughts! {{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}
Please keep us updated, and know we are here for you through all this. Keep thinking positive and try to stay strong (although I know that is easier said than done). I will keep you in my thoughts.
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
I'm sorry you are going through such a difficult time right now. I'm glad you are researching what is going on and are well prepared for either diagnosis (sp??)
You can definetly hang out on here tonight with me. I'm watching so you think you can dance right now. I'm really hooked on it.
I do not knowif this helps, but I understand what you are gong through...I have had calcifications and lumps...but all havebeen not cancerous...I have the breast cancer gene mutation...If you ever want to talk youcan pm me...Iknow it is important to have people to talk to and support youwhen you are scared and unsure...just know we all support you and are here for you
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Everyone else has said all that I could ever think to say, but I just wanted to send you (((huge hugs))) and let you know that you are and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
((((((((((((((((((((big hugs))))))))))))))))))) you are in my prayers and you are a strong women & you will get this through this. Of course you can hang out with us! Isnt it strange that a bunch of ladies that we dont really know(personally) can make us feel better when we need to a shoulder to cry on, vent too etc...
Oh detroit!! I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. My heart and thoughts are with you, and I hope that your results come back clean and that's the end of it. You are so wonderful to all of us and of course we've "got your back" on this. Please let us know what we can do to help you in any way. *hugs*
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Oh sweetie, I hope your appt. goes well, and it's OK to cry to your on-line girlfriends, that's what we're here for! Yall were there for me when I was down and out, so....
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".