1.My mother is supposed to go into surgery soon (waiting for it to be scheduled) and it's possible they may remove her bowel which means a colostomy - and that just really bothers me for some reason, as I could not imagine having to live with that. There's also a mass near her aorta that can be risky to remove. It's just all scary and potentially life altering.
2. I'm high risk for cancer, and have been getting mammograms for a few years (my mother's sister died from breast cancer when she was 30, and her mother died from breast cancer as well -- my mother has also had it). Anyway, I got a call back that they found two calcifications in my right breast - this doesn't necessarily mean anything yet - I have to go back in tomorrow so they can take a closer look. I understand a lot of people get called back and that calcifications don't always mean cancer, but it is still scaring me.
3. I'm 2 days into my period and I can't stop crying today.
ETA: I know I should be plugging away on the July issue and I'm having a hard time focusing. I did find time to buy myself a black leather Pollini bag that I've looked at before that was marked down from $300 to $80... now that I've treated myself, I need to buck up and get back to work!
-- Edited by detroit at 13:17, 2006-07-12
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Wow, *HUGS*, that's a lot of difficult stuff to be dealing with all at once. I'm terribly sorry, and my thoughts are definitely with you through all this!
I hear you. Any scares like that take such a toll on your emotions!! My thoughts and prayers are with you. At least you are very cautious about getting checked regularly. Some people just think they are invincible and don't take precautions and end up wishing they did. Hang in there.
I know what you mean about being emotional (especially close to your period) DH and I are struggling so much with $ right now (we need to take care of debt and don't really know how to go about it) Our account is so low, and we are living paycheck to paycheck, that it makes me have panic attacks and I take out ALL my frustrations on him, which I know isn't right. And since I stress so much, he tries not to, which in turn makes me believe he doesn't care, and that causes problems as well. And when I am dealing with all these things right before my period, I am an emotional wreck! We try to talk things out and be on the same page so that $ problems don't take a toll on our marriage, but I know now why people fight so much and get divorced just because of $ problems. If there is no foundation there, things will fall apart. That's why I thank God we have a strong foundation and can work through these problems. But, my new way of dealing with it instead of taking out my frustrations on him are eating comfort food and zoning out in front of the TV every night after work. I know I should be trying to loose weight, but I don't care, if I put those stresses along with the $ stresses I will loose my mind!!! So, until something changes, it's chubby and poor for me!
I guess I just have to be thankful that we own our own home (and it's not in forclosure which I am hearing about more and more these days), we have a good marriage and a great family who will feed us if we can't!! Many people are much worse off then we are.
HUGS!!!!! I am just so glad we all have ST to come too for support and we have you to thank for it so we will give you all the support and sympathy your heart can hold!!!!
that's so much to be dealing with at once, of course you're distracted and emotional!
i hope that things go well for your mom and that your calcifications turn out to be nothing serious. and don't stress about the july issue, we all understand that you're crazed right now.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I hate times like this. Your thoughts just consume you and you can't seem to concentrate on anything.
It can be so exhausing emotionally and mentally.
We are dealing with some money stuff too. Since we settled on our house, our savings is down to pennies. Our first mortgage payment is due in Aug and we are soo stressed about being able to cover everything. And our new house is double the size of our old house.. so I am panicking already about our first gas bill. :(
awww detroit, i'm so sorry (((*hugs* ))). that is a lot to be dealing with all at once, so i will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way. and to have to PMS while dealing, well that just plain sucks!
please keep us posted on your appointment/follow-up exam. i had a calcification last year and also had a history of cancer in my family. everythign was ok though. it is scary; i can vouch for that. will be praying for you
more ((( ))) to you
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
The rest of the girls have said all of what I'm gonna say...but I felt it was worth saying again - when facing stressful times it helps to know that you have LOTS of people behind you, in front of you, to the sides...all hoping and praying for good things for you. Detroit...it will be all okay. You are a strong strong woman and can handle everything that life throws at you...even your period. I'll be thinking of you and your mom in the coming days- Good luck.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. When your bag arrives you should plop down on the couch with it and watch some SATC reruns. That would make me feel better, for 30 minutes anyway.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
That sucks, detroit! Man, when it rains, it pours, huh? That's how I always feel at least.
Anyway, we're all thinking of you. Don't stress about the July issue--that can wait and we all understand. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself first. Hugs!
Oh Detroit honey! I'm so sorry all this is coming down on you at once - that is so hard! Sending good thoughts - and I have a friend with the same breast condition; it's scary, but it's NOT cancer... {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Oh Detroit (((((hugs)))) i'm sorry you have so much on your plate right now. Like the other girls said, just know that we are always here for you and thinking of you