Did you all have things your mother used to tell you growing up or sayings she had that now as an adult you're like "what was she talking about?" Thought I'd share a few of my mom's and hopefull you'll share some too!
Her favorite warnings
If you sit on concrete you'll get hemroids
Crossing your legs in Church is a sin
If you swallow chewing gum you'll fart bubbles ( actually tried it hoping it would happen when I was like 12)
Her favorite sayings
Every garbage can has a lid ( meaning for every ugly person, there is an ugly person for them to marry)
Don't tell your father
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
fortunately, my mother didn't believe in old-wives-tales, so I don't have any of those. there are two things she said to me that I still say to myself today:
"if you settle for less, you'll get less" (in other words always strive for the best)
"what have you got to lose?" (whenever I second guess going for something - this is what I ask myself)
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
This isn't exactly what you are talking about but my mom is famous for this...
Whenever I told her I thought something wasn't fair..you know the 'ol..."it's NOT FAIR!"
She used to reply "If you think it's not fair, write your congressman." - It makes me laugh now, but boy did I hate it then. She is pretty lucky I never wrote him haha.
Collette wrote: Every garbage can has a lid ( meaning for every ugly person, there is an ugly person for them to marry)
This cracked me up!!!
My mom told me that if I ate crust, I would be able to whistle.
She also told me that if I shaved my thighs, I would get a bunch of little black dots all over my legs??? I have no idea what that was about. Thankfully, she seems to have realized the error in recent years
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Oh my, more than I could ever type. She was / is full of old wives tales. Every so often I spit one out & my DH looks at me like I have 2 heads. When we were dating he used to tell me I wasn't old or a wife so could I stop believing those things. I'll have to think of examples though. Literally - I have so many I can't even think of one.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
My mom says that once you wash a new piece of clothing for the first time, you'll have to start washing it all the time - so you should wait as long as possible before you do wash it. Apparently, clothes get dirty much more easily once they have lost their protective chemical coating, or something like that...
Ok, this isn't my mom, it's my ex's - she told them that if you ate dirt, it would turn into glass in your stomach. And kill you.
And my ex-sister-in-law believed it so completely she asked her COLLEGE PROF what the chemical process was that turned dirt to glass in your stomach...
I can't think of any lies she told me, but she had a saying that I never understood. If I said "so" (you know, like she'd say "Sandy, you didn't pick up your toys" I'd say "so...?") she'd say "sew buttons on a bath tub"
some of my mother's favorites were ones that had to do with pretty girls that acted ugly (usually brought up when i was throwing a fit about something or another)
"pretty is as pretty does" to which i would always retort- well that must mean i'm beautiful!
"there was a little girl..." which is a rhyme that my mom always would say and when she was upset with me for acting out she would just say the first line. the rest of the rhyme is: "there was a little girl with a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. and when she was good she was very very good and when she was bad she was horrid!"
Hedvig wrote: My mom says that once you wash a new piece of clothing for the first time, you'll have to start washing it all the time - so you should wait as long as possible before you do wash it. Apparently, clothes get dirty much more easily once they have lost their protective chemical coating, or something like that...
My mom always says: "You have the same pants to get glad in that you got mad in." It used to tick me off so much when I was younger but now it instantly calms me down when I get worked up. I know I'll be over it eventually so why waste the precious time it takes to be mad?
My grandmother once told me that a girl would never get in trouble if she kept her feet in a bucket. Wtf? I can't tell you how many times I've imagined sexual positions that would allow a girl to keep her feet in a bucket. Hee.
My mom always says: "You have the same pants to get glad in that you got mad in." It used to tick me off so much when I was younger but now it instantly calms me down when I get worked up. I know I'll be over it eventually so why waste the precious time it takes to be mad? My grandmother once told me that a girl would never get in trouble if she kept her feet in a bucket. Wtf? I can't tell you how many times I've imagined sexual positions that would allow a girl to keep her feet in a bucket. Hee.
those are great. i feel like i have some but i'm drawing a blank.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Hedvig wrote: My mom says that once you wash a new piece of clothing for the first time, you'll have to start washing it all the time - so you should wait as long as possible before you do wash it. Apparently, clothes get dirty much more easily once they have lost their protective chemical coating, or something like that... Do I need to send your mom my medical bills???? My "didn't wash" story
I never got around to reading that story of yours laken! That's so....disturbing! Okay, so I'll be washing my clothes as soon as they come home from now on!
if you swallow watermelon seeds, a watermelon plant will grow out of your ear.
My sister used to tell me that with any seed. Whatever type of seed it was is what would grow lol. She also used to tell my brother our parents found him under a rock. We also had ongoing battles over our mom. "that's my mom" "no, my mom" hehe.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."