Mouse potato needing bling? Check Merriam-Webster's new entries
By Adam Gorlick, Associated Press Writer | July 5, 2006
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. --Need tips on how to groom a unibrow or soul patch?
Just google it. Or get a mouse potato to do it for you.
If you're still lost, grab the latest edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary for a definition of those and about 100 other words that have made their way into its pages.
But be warned: you might come across a drama queen (a person given to often excessively emotional performances or reactions), an empty suit (an ineffectual executive), or a himbo (an attractive but vacuous man -- think "male bimbo".)
"We try to have a mix that address the wide range of people's information needs when adding new words," said John Morse, president of the Springfield-based dictionary publisher. "It could be a technical term or some light-hearted slang that sends people to a dictionary."
Some new words in Merriam-Webster's updated dictionary
By The Associated Press | July 5, 2006
Following is a partial list of new words and their definitions being entered into this year's edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.
Aquascape: a scenic view of a body of water, or an area having a natural or constructed aquatic feature.
Bodyboard: A short surfboard on which the rider lies prone.
Dreamscape: A dreamlike, usually surrealistic scene.
Manga: A Japanese comic book or graphic novel.
Polyamory: The state or practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a time.
Ringtone: The sound made by a cell phone to signal an incoming call.
Sandwich generation: A generation of people who are caring for their aging parents while supporting their own children.
Supersize: to increase considerably the size, amount, or extent of.
-- Edited by detroit at 18:09, 2006-07-06
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase