This older lady at work basically forced me to borrow these old movies from her. I didn't want to but she insisted that I watch them because she thought I'd like them. Anyhow, I've had them for a couple weeks and never watched them because I was busy with classes. I told her I would watch them when I got my wisdom teeth out last weekend. Well, I watched one movie (it's a set of 6! ) and it was so boring and stupid I wanted to kill myself.
Now, I have 5 more to watch! I really don't want to waste my time watching these stupid movies but I know she's going to ask me about them. I've had them for weeks now so I can't really come up with a good excuse. What should I do? Watch some of each one in the series maybe? Any good ideas-thanks!
Can you find reviews of them online? Or, places where people summarize them?
If not, I'd just fast forward through them..watching here and there to get a sense of what they're about.
Although, you might want to consider being honest with her and saying you didn't enjoy them. I'm afraid she'll only bring you more if you say you like them!!
I would be honest and just say, I really don't have the time to watch all of these movies. That's like an average of 12 hours (if each movie is around the usual 2 hours). If that's not good enough for her, just tell her that you frankly didn't care for the first one, but thanks anyway. I have never heard of anyone forcing something so strange on someone like this!! 6 movies, that's just sooooo odd to me! What is her deal? Why did she think you would like them so much?? Don't let your guilt make you feel like you have to watch them!! God, it's like having to do a horrible school project!! She is not your teacher, you will not be graded on your knowledge of these movies!! Tell her NO!!
I've had a similar thing happen to me. In fact right now I have a book my mom wanted me to read and have had it for months. I tried to take it back to her and she insisted I might have time over the summer. I've ended up just skimming it and giving it back telling her it was alright but I didn't just love it.
There was a good suggestion of fast forwarding through it. Or just give them back to her letting her know you watched the first one but you were too busy/ too tired/ in too much pain to watch the rest. Tell her you realize you've had them awhile and you just couldn't keep them any longer not knowing when you would have time to actually watch them but you appreciate her lending them to you. Like someone else said- there's always that fear of her sending you more.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I would bring them back to her and say "Thanks so much for letting me borrow these. I watched one, and to be honest, I couldn't really get into it." That way she knows it's not your taste and doesn't try to get you to watch other movies like that in the future.
By the way, that if I had to watch a movie like that, I think I'd take a fork to my eyeball. English preppy boys with a teddy bear? I think not.
I would bring them back to her and say "Thanks so much for letting me borrow these. I watched one, and to be honest, I couldn't really get into it." That way she knows it's not your taste and doesn't try to get you to watch other movies like that in the future.
I agree but if you want to pretend you watched more than disk 1 in the series netflix has reader reviews that tells more about the story line and how other people perceived the mini-series that you could read and use as your own opinion
Ohhh I LOVE Brideshead Revisited. I've read the book about 5 times and I keep asking for the miniseries for Christmas because I've only seen a few parts of it. At least it has Jeremy Irons! Though maybe you're too young to like him.
Maybe the woman gave them to you because you're an English major and she thought you would like them. I agree that you should just give them back to her and say "thanks so much." If she asks you about them just say that you actually only watched the first dvd and it wasn't really appealing to you.
Cortney-sometimes in life it's more polite to tell white lies to spare someones feelings.
Anyhow, thanks for the responses guys. I guess I'm going to admit I only watched one and tell her that I simply don't have enough time to watch them all before I go to London, after thanking her for thinking of me. That's actually the truth because I have to read about 30 academic essays, 8 plays, a Shakespeare biography and another novel by July 16th.