And I'm not happy about it. 6 of the 11 people from this office are here and it's raining and I am tired and hung over and I did not wear make up or do my hair today. I am wearing jeans and dirty pink flip flops with a big blue sweatshirt. I didn't even wear my contacts, I have my glasses on. BOOOOO!!! I want to go home and go back to bed! Barely anyone is even in the building today, when I went to the bathroom the lights weren't even on!!!! Is anyone else stuck at work????? I heard on the radio this morning that today is the 3rd highest for employee unproductivity because so many people have off and the ones that do have to work spend the day slacking and complaining that they are at work. DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!
I'm at work too! And so is DH so don't feel bad. DH actually had to work from home most of yesterday. My dad and brother are working too. Most people I know are working so we're not alone
I think instead of celebrating the Fourth of July, we (as a nation) should change it to Independence Day and celebrate it on the first Friday of every July, kinda like we do with Labor Day and Memorial Day.
I'm at work. One of my colleagues brought his two kids into the office and one of the boys has those rollerskate sneakers and has been running up and down the hallway and wheeling around. someone finally asked his father to put a stop to it. we're a freaking newspaper not a playground.
One of my co-workers has taken the concept of casual-dress just a bit too far. She's wearing a cutoff denim miniskirt, complete with frayed edges, and a top that would make jennifer beals from flashdance proud.
I'm at work too, although I got here half an hour late.
I contemplated taking the day off, but I knew it would just be a dead day and most people would go home early - so I came in. I plan to take a loooooooong lunch ;)
I'm here too. :( Got to wear jeans though -- good thing bec. i'm still tired from partying this weekend and didn't care much what I looked like. I don't even have make-up on -- only chapstick. :)
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
shopgirl wrote: I'm at work. One of my colleagues brought his two kids into the office and one of the boys has those rollerskate sneakers and has been running up and down the hallway and wheeling around. someone finally asked his father to put a stop to it. we're a freaking newspaper not a playground. -- Edited by shopgirl at 13:15, 2006-07-03
Um, that's just NOT OK!!!! I would have had an "oops I dropped my pencil in front of your rollerskate" moment there!! What was he thinking??
I worked today, too. They closed my office at 3:30. About 3/4 of the office took a vacation day, so no one was even at work anyway and the people that were, just hung around talking the whole time b/c none of our clients' businesses were open. It was utterly pointless (well, not for me, b/c I have things to do whether or not the clients are working b/c I do corporate marketing and pr as well).
And for the first time ever, I saw my boss in a scruffy outfit. I had to dress up today b/c it was the only motivation I had to go to work at all.
I was working on a different show today and we had a FULL day. The nature of my job doesn't allow me to take today off since part of my duties as a production accountant include processing payroll. No rest, no time to breathe, and since I didn't have a comp, no ST all day.