I could seriously stomp on my husbands toe right now, and drink a Margarita laced with Xanax. Notice the picture below.. How can you miss it, right? Well that is a picture of my car. Was my husband home to help me? NO! I had to get the fricken THING out myself. YAY. I scooched it out with a shovel AND it came straight at me. Well, after screaming bloody murder and banging the shovel on the ground it turned and went UNDER my car. I ran around the other side of the car to chop him in half with the shovel (I don't know where that came from but that was my split second plan). Well, the dang thing didn't come out!!!!!!!! I looked under my car, from distance, and it wasn't there either. SOAB! It had crawled-slithered whatever the hell it does into the undercarriage of my car!! WTF!!! So. I call my husband. I would like to be reassured that in no way can the snake get me from under my car. I have to go to work, I can't miss today because of a M.D. meeting. Frickin great. I don't yet tell him there is a snake in MY car. I casually (as possible) ask him if a snake can get to person from under the car..yayaya.. He say's he has to think about it...Hmmm..He says um, No. I say you have to be absolutely 190% sure or else I'm going to freak out, and explain that the snake is in MY car. He asks me where I found it. I say in the DAMN car. He wants to know where. I tell him. HE SAYS THAT TECHNICALLY THAT IS NOT IN MY CAR. Drumroll...BUT IN THE DOOR JAM. AND THAT I SHOULDN'T BE WORRYING ABOUT IT. Shut up! You are lucky I didn't make you come home and take me to work! So, I drove to work with my death planned out, hands shaking on the wheel. That is after I took a running jump into my car, and out of it for that matter.
I had the maintenance guy and our security guard look under my car, they didn't see anything. I was hoping there would an odor of baked snake coming from my car, that or a mangled snake carcas. Neither of those were there. Sigh. After talking to some of the girls at work we decided (hopefully) that it had to get in there when my doors were open. UNFORTUNATELY my doors have not been open since Sunday, when I cleaned out my car and went grocery shopping. Which means it's been hanging in my car since then, and I drive my BABY around. GASP. Somebody mentioned som'n about a van. I drive an Envoy so it had to "hop" up in there. I still think I may die. Or this is the traumatic experience that will lead down the path to OCD. My girlfriend did a little searching and decided it was either a rattle or gopher snake. I told her it didn't rattle at me and it must be a gopher snake. Then her coworker piped up that some young rattle snakes don't have rattles yet. Oh. Dear. God.
-- Edited by Sibeski at 18:20, 2006-06-28
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
HOLY SHIT!!!!! You win the award for the freakiest story today. And I am creeped out for you. I seriously don't know how you drove to work. Seriously, we don't even have a half way appropriate emoticon for that!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Your husband's lucky you didn't try to cut him in half with the shovel!!! I love that his response was that it wasn't "technically in the car." That's SUCH a guy thing to say!
Anyway, maybe the snake crawled into the undercarriage of your car and got killed from all the moving parts. That's what I'll hope for at least! Anyway, I'd do a good check of the inside of your car before you start that sucker up again to drive home. Yikes!!!!!
OH MY GOD!!!! How did the snake get in the doorjam or your car?? Wow, that would freak me out so bad. I'm impressed you made it to work. I'm even more impressed you thought to take a picture.
I love snakes, but that would have sent me over the edge. How did it get in your car in the first place, how did you eventually get it out and what kind of snake was it? did you have to call animal control?
Okay, I'm terrified of snakes so first I'd like to say that you are the bravest person I've ever had the pleasure of pseudo meeting. Second, and not to freak you out, but I've heard stories where snakes can get in your car from the undercarriage. I don't know if they're urban myths or what but I would have absolutely had a heart attack. I feel like I've done some sprints as is after just reading your post. I can't imagine if such a thing had actually happened at me.
Although the visual image of you holding a shovel while screaming and the snake deciding to go the other way is pretty damn funny.
A side note: I found a snake in a box at my grandmother's house and was going to call 911. Is that appropriate? (She found out what I was freaking out about and killed it with a hoe - damn crazy lady.)
OMG!!! I would have the heebie-jeebies so bad that I'd never be able to even GET IN my car ever again. I'd seriously have to sell it -- that's how much I hate snakes. Just looking at that picture makes me want to jump up on something!!!!! (((shudder))))))
i like snakes, but that would've freaked me out too.
i'd have to guess that snakes *can* get into your car from underneath - how did it get in in the first place? i'm sure it could slither in through a vent or something. i don't want to freak you out more, just want you to check your car before you get in!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
Wow - I probably would have died from fright upon seeing that snake! When you're ready to leave work, you should enlist a brave coworker to come to the car with you and make sure it's gone.
Of course, the first thing i thought when i started reading the story is "I hope the snake is OK!" I swear i'm St. Francis (patron saint of animals) reincarnated.
Anyway, I'm glad you are OK but don't kill the snake.
You are so brave!! I NEVER could have even attempted to kill it. I can't even watch snakes on tv because they freak me out so bad. You did great being able to drive your car after that.
I think i would have called in sick and left that for bf to find. I showed him your picture and first reaction was what is that and then it was where is that. He says no it can't get into your car from underneath or at least he wouldn't know how or where it could come through because of the size and he votes for rattler and would be big enough for rattling. I'm glad you are ok.
oh my gosh!!!!!! I don't know if I could drive in the car after that! I also would never fight it myself. If my (pretend) husband wouldn't help me, I would grab a man off of the street!!!!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123