supermom...but I cannot...I am so overwhelmed with everything, I need to vent... Jack is doing well, but he only sleeps for 4 hours at a time, so I am sooo tired, but htat is to be expected. But, I went back to work yesterday and it is sooo hard....i have to feed jack and get him ready in the morning and then get myself ready after he calms dow....sit in and hour or so of traffic..and get to work...I have to carry the work tote with my lap top and his diaper bag. This week he is staying with me at work, since my mom is my babysitter and she is on vacation, it is hard to get anything done at work with him there...also i am not up to speed on all my accounts since I have been gone and everyone expects be to know what is going top all this off I am babysitting my moms dog and I am not sure what to do about her...I have to drop her off at my moms and then picker her up after work...also saturday I have my husbands neices cristening ang I do not know what to do with her all day...I am at my wits end....thanks for listening to me vent...just wish could do it all!!
I'm so sorry you're going through this - and stories like yours are why I'm a liberal who wants more family-friendly policies (daycare is a feminist issue!) It's incredible what women are expected to do, and it's no wonder you're overwhelmed. Can your husband help out more? Or could you negotiate flex time or anything with your employer? Good luck - it sounds like you're a great mom, and no one can do everything you have to do without getting really tired at least some of the time. Take care of yourself sweetie...
are you breastfeeding? if not, maybe you could ask your husband to take over the morning feeding...
right now i am feeling like i have to do everything and it makes me so exhausted. (i "jokingly" call my husband baby daddy) i'm not even back to work and i'm tired, so i can only imagine how you are feeling.
I totally understand how you feel. I am not even at work, and it is exhausting. Some ideas/thoughts:
It definitely sounds like hubby needs to help out more. Can he either do the morning feeding like Erin suggested or take over for you at night so you can go to bed early and get some rest? Also, it sounds like you have a lot of stuff to carry (literally)--can you leave your laptop at work or do you work at night while you're at home? I would make every excuse I could just to not have to lug a lap top in every day.
Hmm, I don't know if that helps much, but that's all I can come up with right now. I know how hard it is with a baby though, so you're definitely not alone in your frustration!
I don't really have any good advice but I am so sorry it's so tough on you. Being a new mom (heck, a mom in general) is super hard work. I can only imagine what it must be like.
As for the christening, when my SIL had her kids, we were always super eager to take care of the baby for events like those when she had to be up front and present. If we were going to the event also we'd hang out in the back with the baby so we could go in and out, if need be, etc. If we weren't going to the event, we'd keep the baby at her house (or wherever). Do you have anyone - family or friends - that could watch Jack? I can promise they'd be more than happy to do it and would most likely really enjoy the experience.
((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))hang in there things will get better!!! I wonder why it is that us women try to do everything I agree can hubby help out with feeding and helping getting jack ready? I remember after I had chris I thought I was SuperMom and the day after I was out of the hostipal I went back in b/c one of my incisions popped open (c-section) they told me I was up to soon and doing to much. Remember we are here if you need to vent.