Yay! A baby boy! And since I'm assuming that Linus is out of the question I like the name Andrew too.
Congratulations! How exciting! I'm sure the idea of a baby boy will grow on you especially once you see him. My new favorite boy name is Charlie but that might be worse than Linus for you. I do like Simon.
Yay! Boys can't wear the outfits, but my friend has a three year old little boy who is just a lot of fun... So they can be precious too, even without the accessories...
No and we are totally open to suggestions!! Boys names are so hard! We really like old school, non soap opera-ey names so if you or anyone has any favorites, please bring em on! Maybe something that goes well with Lucy (his sister)?
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!! I really really love the name Charlie (flknight, i've always loved that name too!) but of course can totally understand if you don't want to go that route...although I think Lucy w/ a little bro named Charlie would be sooo adorable...
Thanks everyone! I love some of the suggestions (i.e. Oliver, Charlie, but my husband not so much). For the people that like Charlie, what about Charles instead? Is it still too Charlie Brown with Lucy?
I think Henry is a super cute name! (and one that works at any age- I hate when names are great for a little kid but don't seem right for an adult or vice versa.)
Congrats! Baby boys are so cute....I also love the name Simon, but I could be biased b/c that's the name of one of my best friends. Also I know it's a traditional name, but William is good for all stages of life b/c it's so versatile in terms of nicknames -- Liam, Will, etc.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
alb wrote: Does anyone like Henry? I thought it would sound cute with Lucy but I don't know. Henry sounds great with Lucy. I also like Simon with Lucy. The BF is good friends with this English couple named Lucy and Simon and the names are the coolest together, so British and Mod.
OMG Simon and Lucy are the most incredibly English pair of names I have ever heard in my life! I love it.
I love Noah and Jesse--very old names, and pretty unusual...
Congratulations! I have to admit that if I were in your shoes I'd probably hope for a little girl too but having a boy will be awesome and I think it's nice that they'll be so close in age.
As for names, I know I sound like a broken record because I recommend this site all the time but I love the Social Security Administration's baby names page. You can check to see what the popularity ranking for a certain name has been over the past 15 years or so and also browse the top names for each decade going back to the 1880s which is great if you want a more classic or less common name.
Thanks everyone! I love some of the suggestions (i.e. Oliver, Charlie, but my husband not so much). For the people that like Charlie, what about Charles instead? Is it still too Charlie Brown with Lucy? We're thinking of Charles Rory but I don't know. Any votes for Henry--yea or nay?
I love the name Charles - that's my dad's name. He'll have cute nicknames like Charlie and Chuck too!