I had them as a young teenager, not since, but my aunt got them a while ago. I think she got the invisalign kind? anyway, she loved it when it was all over
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
The end result will make it worthwhile (I hope)! I'd get Invisalign but it wouldn't fix the problem I have, so it's old-school braces bonded to my teeth. Ugh. At least they'll be ceramic so they won't be quite as noticeable as the metal kind.
I had the ceramic braces and was happy w/ them. (That was before invisalign came out). One warning, though. If you eat something w/ mustard on it, prepare to brush your teeth for a while. My ceramic braces and the rubber bands always reacted to mustard and made my braces look very, very yellow.
LOL, Bastet, thanks for the tip. I remember grape juice could be a problem too, from when I had braces before. Looks like I won't be eating any hot dogs with mustard at baseball games for a couple years!
I had them when I was 24 until 27, but I am so glad I did. I hated them at the time, but it was worth it. Atleast you know how it is so the pain will not come as a shock!! Just remember to take an aspirin before you go get them tightened. That really helps!! Good luck!