Ok, my turn to rant. I hate this state. I hate this state. I am through pretending, and I just freaking hate this state:
- Indiana people wear bad clothes, no makeup and big, wide, flat shoes. And they have this suspicious look they give girly girls. Y'all, I hate getting suspicious looks. In my head, I know they resent women who could subvert the partriachal paradigm, and attractiveness gives women power, which is unsettling. (Basically this means the women think I'm going after their men and the men think I'm stuck up or in the charming Hoosier phrase, "mouthy"). But my inner five year old just keeps going, "They don't LIKE me..."
- This may be particular to Bloomington, but why do intellectual people always sniffle? It's all year round because all the nerds have asthma or something, and they snort it back in their throats and swallow and never use a kleenax. Oh god, they sit in class and keep snorting the same loogy over and over and over and over until I have to leave to keep from hurling... Also, brainy people pick their nose in public - happens all the time in the library. Seriously, after two years here, intellectual pursuits and snot have become inextricably linked in my mind.
Ok, one more year here. One more year. They call it a fly-by state for a reason and I'm never coming back...
Ok, want a funny (and kind of cheesey) story... When I was a teenager we always drove thru Bloomington on our way from OH to IL for summer church camp and we would stop at that McDonalds to eat, well one summer me and this guy I was dating was all about saying blooming, you know like English people say it, "you blooming idiot". Well, after we stopped in Bloomington that summer, we started saying "bloomington idiot" instead So now everytime you see one of these people give you a judging glance just think to yourself "Bloomington idiot"
Oh I just finished law school in Indiana and am SOOOOO happy to be done. Although I will say that the people at my law school all had great fashion sense, the general community was really lacking in terms of stores-- I've spent the last three years doing a lot of internet shopping. And it's just so blah here-- I'm so tired of the same old chain restaurants! I'm moving to Chicago after the bar exam and I will be so happy to have some real shopping and real food :)
Don't worry-- you'll be out of there before you know it! Do you know where you might be headed when you're done?
"He does dress better than I do...what would I bring to the relationship?" ~ Clueless
lovelygirl wrote: Oh I just finished law school in Indiana and am SOOOOO happy to be done. Although I will say that the people at my law school all had great fashion sense, the general community was really lacking in terms of stores-- I've spent the last three years doing a lot of internet shopping. And it's just so blah here-- I'm so tired of the same old chain restaurants! I'm moving to Chicago after the bar exam and I will be so happy to have some real shopping and real food :)
Don't worry-- you'll be out of there before you know it! Do you know where you might be headed when you're done?
Haha - no way! I'm thinking Austin or D.C. right now, I have friends going to both places... And there's really no way you went to my law school... some of the girls have really good style, but um, as a rule, it's pretty blah. It's not their fault though, I'm much more blah now than I was when I got here.
Nope, I didn't go to IU -- which is where I'm assuming you went! I'm at a law school way up in northern Indiana (hint: this school is ALL about football!)
Washington D.C. is so great-- I love it there. And I've heard that Austin is a ridiculously fun town. Good luck in your 3L year-- it will go by so fast! You'll be studying for that bar exam before you know it
"He does dress better than I do...what would I bring to the relationship?" ~ Clueless
I just reread this post and, well, I was nuts this weekend. Wow. If the worst thing that ever happens to me is I live in a town with people who wear bad shoes, look at me like I killed a seal when I spend 45 minutes on my hair (which may be excessive, I can admit) and pick their nose a lot, then I am doing ok. Thanks for letting me rant.
Oh, and I can tell that because I was upset, everything seemed really negative... it's weird how feeling emotional (and pms-ey_ colors your thinking on everything.
I just reread this post and, well, I was nuts this weekend. Wow. If the worst thing that ever happens to me is I live in a town with people who wear bad shoes, look at me like I killed a seal when I spend 45 minutes on my hair (which may be excessive, I can admit) and pick their nose a lot, then I am doing ok. Thanks for letting me rant. Oh, and I can tell that because I was upset, everything seemed really negative... it's weird how feeling emotional (and pms-ey_ colors your thinking on everything.
you're allowed. we've all been there.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots