(i guess this could go on mamastyle, but i don't think baby talk should be limited to that forum )
how's everything going? how's your journey? what's the hardest thing/ most exciting thing? for those of you who have babies, how are they sleeping/how are you sleeping? i was looking at everyone's "Stats" on mamastyle and i can't believe how old the babies are getting.
Karina- Gisele is gonna be 1?! wow!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Everything is going great for me! I do have some nausea, but nothing I can't handle. I have my first ultra sound on July 3rd and I'm very excited about that! Thanks for asking
Everything is going great for me! I do have some nausea, but nothing I can't handle. I have my first ultra sound on July 3rd and I'm very excited about that! Thanks for asking
glad to hear! that will be an exciting day!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
it's going ok! some days are better than others. i knew it would be hard, but it feels like two full-time jobs! we are both sleeping ok, not through the night. but she is on a "nap-strike" lately. (although the past two days i got her to nap) she's also doing this new thing where the second time she wakes up in the night for a feeding, she doesn't want to go back to bed. so i've been putting her in the swing, waiting till she falls back asleep, then putting her back in bed.
it's so hard some days that i just want to lock myself in the bathroom and scream...but it is getting better, and it's definitely all worth it.
definitely most exciting thing so far is seeing her smile! also, yesterday she was kind of tilting her body like she was trying to roll over. so cute! it's amazing watching her grow.
I'm feeling really good. More tired then ever and my lower back aches at times but I can handle it. Not really hungry and haven't had the desire to eat sweets - which I lived on before getting pregnant. I go in on the 7th!
things are good...I am going back to work next week part time and I am nervous about leaving him...he is sleeping ok, sometimes he sleeps through the night, but other times he is up everythree hours...I am exhausted
We're both good. She's such a laid back baby, not much of a crier at all. The only time she even really fusses is if she's tired or she wants to be held, and even then she'll stop crying as soon as someone picks her up. I'm amazed at how much she eats though....her birth weight was 6 lbs 13 oz but when we went to the dr last week she weighed nearly 10 pounds! She's starting to give little smiles and it absolutely melts me. I have to go back to work on the 10th and it's going to be the hardest thing I've ever done, I really just want to be a SAHM but I won't be able to do that until December since I have to finish out my navy enlistment. I hope the time goes fast!
ETA: Oh yeah, the sleeping thing's not going so well. I don't think I've slept more than three consecutive hours since she was born. Sometimes I try to sleep during the day but we just moved so I'm still busy with house stuff and I feel guilty if I'm not working on something. It was kind of overwhelming at first but I'm slowly adjusting.
I'm good. I've been sleeping a lot more. Some nausea but I have only actually gotten sick once. I haven't really been able to eat until this week. I ate more than I have in awhile. I had a whole baked potato lol. I used to drink coffee but now can't stand the smell of it and there are other things I normally like that I can't stand. I go in on Friday and will have my first ultrasound! I hope this next week doesn't seem too long while I'm waiting for it lol.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
hey shopgirl--I'm doing well. I am in my 2nd tri now and it's much better. We find out the sex of baby #2 tomorrow and I am so excited! Lucy is 13 mos old and is wearing me out these days. She's very curious and never sits still unless she's sleeping!
Thanks for asking, shopgirl I am well. I have 1 month left till the due date now, and everything is getting harder and harder. In the past week I didn't manage to work at all. Maybe I just feel the slump after finishing a big project... But I don't sleep well now, and my belly is getting huge! The third ultrasound is this Friday and I am very excited. The last one was at 20 weeks, and I am impatient to find out how the baby is doing in there.