I swear I am going to stop asking ya'll questions - if Patrick doesn't leave soon I'm going to choke him!
His dad suggested that he do the currency exchange here - is that normal? I thought we'd just send some real $$ & let him just use his card the rest of the time - just suck up the exchange rate issues on his card. I called my bank & they said that they had to ship the Euros to the bank & it could take up a week? I'm thinking maybe it's because I'm dealing with my local branch. It's Wells Fargo it's not like it's a small bank. Does that sound normal? I guess I was thinking I could just go somewhere & do this. Can he just do the exchange at the airport? Or do they charge more somewhere like that?
Sorry if all that sounds stupid - I'm obviously clueless.
Halleybird - since you obviously had to deal with other currency recently (he'll need Euros & pounds)? others?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Is he going to need money right away for a taxi or something? I always just use my ATM card when I travel - from what I've read that's supposed to give you the best rate - but I guess it's usually nice to have some currency before you get over there so you don't have to deal with finding an airport ATM as soon as you land. I don't think I've ever done currency exchange at my bank but I work near an American Express office so I think I just used that when I went to Japan. I did exchange some money at the airport once when I didn't have any Euros and I'm sure the rate was terrible and they charged a fee but I was also just exchanging like $20 or something. If he wants to go over there with a lot of cash I'd keep trying to deal with your bank but if he just needs a little bit so he can get on a subway it shouldn't be too bad to exchange a small amount at the airport.
Do you know anyone who travels a lot and who might have extra currency lying around? A few times I've bought currency from friends who had some left over from their trips.
I don't know why he'd need money right away, but since FIL said to go ahead & do it he hates not to then have to hassle with it later - you know, sometimes we still act like kids when with our parents - then have to hear "I told you to take care of this before you left" kinda thing & since FIL is footing the bill for almost everything it's hard to then be a pain!
I was going to send $300 in Euros for Ireland & $200 in pounds for London - I just think that's enough for small spending & such. Then whatever else he can use his debit or credit card. I mean, right? He'll be gone 11 days total but that includes travel time....
-- Edited by laken1 at 16:49, 2006-06-22
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
certain banks branches (like the main one in your city) have international currency on hand (or at least it was that way with bank one in btr) so I would call around and find out what the main branch in dallas was for your bank and maybe some other big ones up there like chase or bank of america. Also there is a federal reserve bank up in dallas and they might be able to help you as they also keep international currencies on hand - not sure if you can go there and exchange money but they can tell you who around town will.
I took some American cash with me and changed it out at the currency exchange, but I don't think I'd do it that way again, because depending on the place, they take a certain percentage of your money. I was really stupid when I went to have my dollars exchanged for Euros in Dover, because they had to change my dollars into pounds and then into Euros again. I lost like $40!
I did run out of the money I brought and started using my ATM card, and that was a much better option. The ATMs gave me currency in Euros, and my bank only charged me between $.30-$.75 per transaction (which is cheaper than using another bank's ATM here!). If I ever go back, I am going to bring a small amount of cash for incidentals (like cc said) and then use my card the rest of the time.
Do call your bank first though, because some do charge higher fees. And not every card is approved for international use, because some of the kids we were with had trouble with their cards. Also, if he uses his credit card with street vendors/small shops, etc., he should always check the amount on the receipt (and keep it) because I have read about some scams where the merchant will jack up the price on unsuspecting tourists, betting that they won't check their receipts or bank statements until they get home.
Good luck!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde