OMG! It's beautiful. Such a great location, too! And really, the cost isn't bad at all. You'd definitely pay more for a decent hotel for an entire month, and you wouldn't be in nearly as nice of a neighborhood. What do you plan to do while you're there?
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
What a great apartment! Paris is such an amazing city, enjoy it! Also, just wondering, do you speak French? If you do, think how much you'll improve in the month you're there. It's totally worrth it just for that. And if you don't, it's still totally worth it!
lol, aside from moi, au revoir, c'est la vie and merde (!), i don't speak a word! but i'm getting french tapes/cds to listen to in the car so i can learn at least a little bit before i get there
OMG! It's beautiful. Such a great location, too! And really, the cost isn't bad at all. You'd definitely pay more for a decent hotel for an entire month, and you wouldn't be in nearly as nice of a neighborhood. What do you plan to do while you're there?
Thanks, hb! That's what we figured re: the price. As for what we plan to do, we really don't know! We want to do it all, all the touristy stuff but also really get a feel for what it's like to live in Paris and just be Parisian
That apartment looks so amazing, how exciting for you! It will be so nice to be there for so long, you really will get the time to see the Paris as it really as and not just the tourist stuff. Ahh, just imagine waking up in the mornings and heading out for a coffee at some gorgeous cafe.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I'm so jealous! First of all, that place is amazing. Seriously, just what a Paris apartment should be. Secondly, a whole month?!?!?!! Can we trade lives please?!?!?! That is so cool that you're able to do that. You're going to have a blast.
Do you guys plan on travelling outside of Paris/France, or are you just going to spend your time getting to know the city? Either way would be awesome. You could use your apartment as kind of a home base and travel all over or you could just get to emerse yourself in Paris in such a chic, Carrie Bradshaw-kind-of-way...only without the crappy boyfriend.
That is so exciting for you! Your apartment looks perfect and I agree the price is way cheaper than a hotel would have been for an entire month. Congratulations! It is always best to jump on an opportunity when you can, since you may never have the chance again!
I'm going to the South of France in September, and I'm brushing up on my French via the internet. If you're interested in picking up some basic French for travel, go to and sign up for the "travel French" email newsletter, it's really helpful, and I think it would work for someone who has not studied it previously. Here's the link if you want to do the email course (it's free):
If you don't want to do the email course, they have a lesson of the day page that's pretty useful, too.
One word - Jealous. No seriously, have fun and we expect an on-line stylethread daily diary ( or atleast every few days) complete with pictures, especially of the patisseries and chocolatiers since they have the most amazing window displays.
That apt is fabulous and the location is awesome! Can I come visit in Oct. when I'm living in Cairo? Just kidding I will be 8 mos pg and not much fun by then! Seriously, you will have to check in from time to time so that we can all live viaciously through you!