More and more yes, but what I really have is marriage fever. I've been living w/the bf for 2 years now and I dream of our wedding a lot! I think he's starting to get the fever too. Lately, he's been asking me about going to look at rings! I'm so excited. But, the two of us have been talking about how cool it will be when we start having kids. How exciting!
haha I've had wedding fever since I was 2 seconds old. At my age, still in school and with so much ahead of me, I don't necessarily date guys looking for a husband. But if I date someone long enough or get serious enough, I do start thinking about why I could or could not marry him. My best friend said it quite well when she said (using a phrase from a Prince and an Elvis song) that I'm "just the marrying kind"
And as much as I say I don't want kids, ever, it's my secret that deep down I think I'll start wanting them once I get married. This sounds so stupid, but my big fear is that my future husband and I will talk about whether or not we want kids before we get married, and then once we do I'll suddenly turn the tables and start wanting them!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Nope. Not at all. I love hearing about all the STers that are preggers and I love seeing the baby pictures but on the inside all I feel is relief that it's not me or my immediate IRL friends. How awful is that!
I love seeing pics of your kids and hearing your great news, but for me: No. freakin. way. If I ever get the slightest, tiniest bit of mini-baby fever, I just spend a few hours with my friends' kids. That cures it real quick. I can't see myself ever wanting kids. I don't have a ton of patience. And I need my privacy. And I hate when people mess with my belongings. And I hate getting up early. And I like to pick up and go wherever I want, whenever I want. I would either be a terrible mother or feel imprisoned.
I am totally having baby fever. Well, not fever really, but I am getting warm. Gary and I feel as if its near time that we have a child. He is going to be 35 this December and I am 31. Neither of us are getting younger. I have gone to the doctor and need to go back for my pre-pregnancy check up. In a few months I will start charting and hopefully, we can conceive a baby between May and July of next year.
i don't have baby fever, but i *adore* children b/c they are so cute and full of personality. it doesn't help that my gym is in an area with tons of new parents so i'm completely surrounded by kids. so cute! but i don't want one.
i have the bug real bad. i've had it for 15 months, but it doesn't look like it will actually happen any time soon. we have been trying off and on, more on than off, but it seems there is something wrong. so our next step is the doctors to get tested for everything possibly wrong. but i too have had a lot of friends either have babies or announce pregnancies in the past year and it is maddening. i am happy for all of them, but a little resentful that it isn't me.
Nope. I really don't have the desire to have kids. I'm glad for all the new moms-to-be though!
I'm w/you, my dear. Great for the mom's to be..and ever so glad to come home to a quiet place everynight:)
My bf has a daughter, so I get the best of both worlds..right? When I don't want to be around kids, I come home...and if I do, I go out w/them. So easy.
I've been struggling w/endometriosis for like 6 years & after 3 surgeries (in 6 years) I'm not ready to go thru anymore pain for a little while at least. :)
Metric wrote:
no. No baby fever, no wedding fever. I think that part of my brain is missing. however, I do have "run off to Tahiti" fever....
Yes, that off to Bora-Bora fever is totally in me:)
I think I will want a child in about 6 years or so. I want DH and I to enjoy lots of alone time first. I am at a very selfish point in my life right now too.
I've had baby fever for over a year now. DH is finally catching the bug. We are in talks about whether or not to start trying right away or to wait until January to start trying. I'm kinda leaving it up to him, so we'll see how he feels next cycle.
Right now, I have absolutely zero desire to have a baby. I'll be 28 in August. I suspect that when I'm around 33, I'll want to have one. Hubby and I only want one child (which my mom really disagrees with), so waiting until then isn't really a concern for us. I'm far too selfish right now to have a baby. I finally got a job I don't hate, and hubby and I have enough money budgeted to do some serious travelling before we decide to have a child.
I might take my reply back, today I went out to brunch with my mom and grandma. They both needed constant attention and help, because my grandma's old and my mom just had surgery, so she can't really do anything for herself either (we kind of went to brunch just to get her out of the house!)...anyway, taking care of them should've made me think, "this is hard work, what would I ever do with kids"...but instead, I just kept looking at the ADORABLE babies and kids sitting all around and for perhaps the first time in my life, I thought "I want one!"
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Me? Absolutely NOT!!! But, remember I have three boys already-two of which are in their "terrible twos" and I just turned 34 so my reproductive days are getting numbered anyway. Now, my husband on the other hand, he told me yesterday he would still like to have one more. Ummm....okay-does he not see that we can't keep up with the three we've got???
Seriously, there was a time when we considered a baby girl from China (since, let's face it, the odds aren't in favor for me having a girl) but I truly feel we have our hands full (literally) right now!
blubirde wrote: Nope. Not at all. I love hearing about all the STers that are preggers and I love seeing the baby pictures but on the inside all I feel is relief that it's not me or my immediate IRL friends. How awful is that!
Yep, that's me. I love the idea in the abstract, but the reality of kids is just such a grind that I can't even picture it right now. After law school I'm just going to play for a while...
I maybe should have specified that I'm kind of yearning to have a baby in like 2-3 years, not NOW. Definitely not now! I really don't want to have to move out of Manhattan yet, my boyfriend lives in another country, and I have tons and tons of traveling that I want to do. And I really don't have wedding fever even though I love planning parties.