I am still hoping to come and for sure will have Madeline. I'm waiting to hear from my doctor regarding surgery though, although if it's neccessary I am hoping to put it off until next week.
I'm so sad! I won't be able to make it this time. I totally forgot that I had a bachelorette thing on Wednesday and I have to go to a WhiteSox game. totally blows as I am so not a Sox fan (Go Cubbies!!) and I'd rather meet you all.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I'm not going to be able to make it either :( my mom and my brother are visiting and I thought they were going to be here on Friday but they'll actually be here on Thursday morning and I'm nowhere near ready for company.
I really hope we can plan something else for later this summer.
I haven't been around much b/c my boss was fired on Thursday of last week. I hadn't complained about him but he was verbally abusive to everyone and vendors. He would throw products and smash candy in meetings along with other destructive behavior. I had complained but nothing really changed. I guess the final straw was when he threw something at an EVP of M&M Mars in a meeting last week and the EVP complained. (rank has its privileges.) Anyway, I have been working a ton to catch up. So it would be best if I could work tonight -- I have a big Valentine LIne Review to prepare for.
I was going to try to juggle some stuff and make it. SHould we reschedule though so we can meet everyone?
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
mikacat wrote: I was going to try to juggle some stuff and make it. SHould we reschedule though so we can meet everyone?
I will be out of commission for at least the next 8 weeks. I was so excited to meet everyone. I relly hope we can maybe do another meet-up maybe end of this summer.
WHAT??? I got up an hour early so I could do my hair and everything for you guys today!!! Now it's all wasted!! J/K. It sounds like a lot has come up for everyone so we should reschedule. Any weekdays work for me if we meet in the burbs, if it's in the city we should probably do a Friday or weekend day.
Rlutz, if you are still up for it, I will meet you out there tonight. Just let me know.
itsapinkthing- good luck with everything!!! Don't be scared! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Mikacat - Good LORD!! I had no idea your boss was such a crazy freak! Hopefully things will be better now that he is gone! Email me when you get a chance.
Happy first day of summer everyone! (isnt' it purty out for the occasion ) I'm sure we will all meet, someday.