so I moved into the new apartment almost 3 weeks ago and have had nothing but shi**y things happen so far.
1. I got laryngitis. I couldn't talk for almost a week and my throat was so sore. I'm just starting to feel better.
2. Then someone must have hacked into our computer because I know it wasn't me or my husband (nobody else uses my computer). They used my checkcard number to charge $200 with Microsoft online. The bank is still doing their investigation on it. I'm praying to God that we get that money back. We contacted Microsoft online and they said that the transactions were made on May 26th (we were moving that day). The charges were made somewhere down south in Inglewood!
3. The A/C in the new apartment doesn't work! It's f*cking hot outside so you can imagine how it is inside. I called the lazy front office people and they sent the A/C tech out here to "fix" it. Well, it worked for a couple of days then it busted again. I called them again and they sent out the same guy. He said that there was a slight leak and that he closed off some valves hoping that would fix the problem. It worked for another couple of days and now it's busted again. I called the front office again and they said that the guy would be out tomorrow. What can I possibly expect this time. I already told her that they need a new unit. Argh!
4. Yes, the list continues. I was looking forward to receiving a deposit check from the last hell hole we were living in and guess what? Of the $400 deposit, they now said that I owe them $32! Supposedly, we had to pay for half of the paint (that was stated in our lease) at $165. The cleaning lady charged $85; some ice cube trays and a broiler drip pan were $15! WTF?? I didn't even know we had ice cube trays to begin with! They also charged 8 hrs of onsite (their maintenace goons) at $85 and carpet cleaning at like $65. There was no damage to the apartment (but I was stupid and didn't take pictures). So if the cleaning lady cleaned the place, the carpet guy shampooed the carpet, and the paint guy painted, what the hell did the maintenace a**holes do for 8 hours??
In Michigan, you can't charge cleaning fees unless it's stated in the lease. Also, unless there was something that proves you had drip/icecube trays when you moved in, I would fight that too. Provided none of these possible charges were spelled out in the lease, I would take them to small claims court NOW. They can't make up rules as they go. I think they also rely on people not wanting to bother with the fight so they get away with it. Read your lease, it should say that upon leaving the apartment should be left in the condition it was in when you moved in, minus normal wear and tear. Cleaning after someone vacates is part of the overhead in property management.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase