Does anyone ever buy used books on Amazon? I need something to keep my mind off of shopping and I noticed on Amazon you can buy used books from sellers for really cheap. Does anyone know how this works? Am I actually paying the seller or Amazon? Can I put a bunch of books from different sellers in my cart and check out all at once? TIA.
Yes - I've bought used books from Amazon before. I believe the used books are actually from smaller book stores. They then send them to you. I got one and it was practically new but with the used price tag. I'm pretty sure you can just but them all at once.
yep I do this all the time. I find I buy equally from used books and I usually compare the prices between the sites and go with the cheapest one. I also turn around and sell my books on when i am finished with them.
You pay amazon or ebay in the case of and then they pay the seller. You can buy from a bunch of different sellers but you won't qualify for free shipping on orders over $25 by buying used books (just fyi) if you put them all in your cart and check out at once.
My new book policy - girl, GO TO THE LIBRARY. I haven't done this in years & now I never buy books anymore. Well, except for knitting / reference books.....
Just had to throw it out there.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
My new book policy - girl, GO TO THE LIBRARY. I haven't done this in years & now I never buy books anymore. Well, except for knitting / reference books..... Just had to throw it out there.
I agree, I used to buy all the time from Amazon, and then I realized I had a stack of books that I already read and that are just sitting there. So I started checking out books at the library. My library has a huge section of new books and I end up going to get a different book like once every 4 or 5 days. I found that I save a lot of money.
You should definitely check out the library. Lots of libraries have an online request system where you can go onto the library website and request any book you want and then they'll notify you when the book is available. It's just like online shopping! My library even goes as far as to deliver the books to me for free when they're ready and most of the time they're brand new books. You can also get books on tape (or CD) and DVDs. I truly love the library and it saves me a ton of $$.
the books on amazon aren't just from smaller sellers, they can be from anyone. I sell books on amazon all the time. However, a lot of smaller sellers do use it, so you could get it from a person looking for cash or someone who makes a living out of it. Either way, the seller has to rate the quality of the books. I only buy things off of Amazon - I've saved so many hundreds of dollars on books, CDs, and DVDs because I just buy them from the "used" section - even though many of them are brand new!!!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I agree this is a great option for buying books, as well as I also go to Half-Price books, a B&M store. I suggest the library also, but it can be a hassle if the branch you go to is small (like the one right by my house) so then you have to request a book and they will send it to your library for you to checkout (and for some really popluar books, there may be a waiting list).
I agree this is a great option for buying books, as well as I also go to Half-Price books, a B&M store. I suggest the library also, but it can be a hassle if the branch you go to is small (like the one right by my house) so then you have to request a book and they will send it to your library for you to checkout (and for some really popluar books, there may be a waiting list).
That's exactly why I don't want to go to the library. I want to have a bunch of the books I want on-hand for when I want to read them. The library branch is too small by me and they don't have what I'm looking for or I have to wait.
Where is the closest Half-Price books to us?
Thanks girls - I'll def. be ordering some from Amazon or
Laken - is run by ebay but they don't do auctions. Some people list books as auctions through ebay. It maybe more profitable to them based on the book but i really don't know why people would ebay for example Pride and Prejudice on ebay you know.