did any of you actuall ygrow up here? How are there driving test structured in VA? I took it in NY and am wondering if its similar, easier, or harder... I need to get this done.
I grew up in VA. I took the driving test when I was 16, so I don't know if the test is different for adults. It was a total joke, though. I got there a little close to closing time, so maybe the tester just wanted to get it over with and go home. All I was start the car, show her that I could turn the headlights on and off. I backed out of the parking space and basically drove in a square on the streets surrouding the DMV. I think there was one stop sign, and one traffic light. At one point she told me to turn left, and I promptly turned right, and still passed. I don't know what others' experiences were, but I'd say if you can pass a driving test in NY, you will breeze through VA.
Hmmm, I looked at the VA DMV. They have some kind of written test now, I think (I can't tell if you have to take it if you have a license from another state). Here is a link to practice tests: (The questions are really easy)
thanks! The written test is just to get you're permit. I've never had a license- I took the test in NY when I was younger but failed (3 times ). Good to know VA might be a little easier though- I'm moving back up to NY at the end of next month, so I'll def. try to take it here before I move!
When I took the driving test when I was 16, I stalled during the test I was so afraid I wasn't going to pass because of that but I did! So, I agree with Basket, its not that bad.