General chat seemed as good a place as any to post this; it's more of a beauty-related topic ...
How do we feel about men and french-manicured toes? Good gosh, it sounds weird just sayng that. The reason is, a friend of mine has bee seeing this guy on and off for about 8 mos. He travels for business a lot and when she saw him the other day, she noticed he had a french on his toes. It sort of weirded her out and now she's wondering if he's gay or experimental or if this is a European thing since he travels there often. She wanted to ask, but really didn't know how to broach the subject without saying -- what the hell is up with your feet?
Ok, so thoughts?
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
i'm okay with men getting pedis - it's better than having nasty feet...but i think the french may be taking it a bit far. clear polish is even pushing it - i'd prefer just the cleaning, shaping, sloughing, etc.
soo...i don't think i'd be able to resist asking him if i were her! maybe it is a euro thing?
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
i'm okay with men getting pedis - it's better than having nasty feet...but i think the french may be taking it a bit far. clear polish is even pushing it - i'd prefer just the cleaning, shaping, sloughing, etc.
I agree w/ asf. I definitely couldn't resist asking about it. I'd probably do it in a joking/flirty teasing manner.
what they said. I think french pedis are kind of odd even on girls- what's wrong with just some clear polish? Even that would be pushing it on a guy though. Cleaned shaped, buffed= good. but polish? oy.
Hmmmmm.... I actually think polish on a young, hip, club type of guy can be fun. (I think girls have had to work so hard for so long, guys need to get into the beauty and grooming game too...) But something about a FRENCH pedi seems a little off.
I think french pedis are kind of odd even on girls
ITA. French pedis seem extremely high maintenance to me. My DH has gotten manis, though not pedis, in the past, and I completely don't mind that. I think clean and buffed feet/toes are better than the often completely neglected alternative. But I don't go for polish on a man's toes.
I think girls have had to work so hard for so long
Dizzy, I normally agree with you. But not here. It's a *choice* women make to do all the "girly" things we do. And I don't feel that "now men should suffer because we have" is a really viable argument. :)
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
thanks, girls. my friend and i both think it's beyond weird that he did this. i mean we knew he was a metrosexual, but this is taking it to the extreme. i'm all for men having pedis but um no, not a french. freak. i should also mention that he carries a man purse. not even an LV but a Dooney. LOL at this point, you maybe wondering why my friend chose to date him. she is too so he's been "cut".
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
Worst Beauty Trend of the Moment: French Pedicures
Tuesday June 6, 2006
A huge trend we've noticed lately is the 'French pedicure,' meaning toes painted to look like the traditional French manicure. What we dislike the most about the trend is how the white paint seems to highlight the edge of the nail, making it look as if the toenails have been allowed to grow out beyond the nailbed a good few centimeters. We must admit, it sort of grosses us out. Plus, it must be INSANE to keep toes perfectly unchipped.
A better color for toes this year? We like corals or your basic (so very gorgeous) pearl. We are simply not fans of the French manis & pedis & recall a highly esteemed beauty editor, who once dubbed the French manicure 'tacky' (we've always secretly agreed).
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I don't like them on girls, and like everyone else said I don't think I could date someone like that! Even if he was gorgeous and amazing and everything... I would be completely turned off if I saw that. But before I broke up with him, I'd ask. Not in a mean way, I'd just say "I've never seen a guy who got a french pedicure before" and see what his response is
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123