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I know this is a really random question, but please humor me and answer it! I have recently figured out that I really have no clue what people "do" if that makes sense. Like I thought that it was totally abnormal to go to the gym (yeah now I realize that like 95% of the people I know go..oops!). Also, I feel like I never have enough time to do everything that I need to.

So, I guess:

what time do you get up? 7am
what time do you go to bed? between 10-11pm
how long do you spend cooking dinner? usually about a half hour, although lately I've been too tired so I make DH cook
do you go to the gym? If yes, when? no. No way can I get up earlier and I am so tired after work that it's really hard to motivate myself to do much of anything!
Anything else you do on a regular basis? nope. I am taking a class, so that's about 3 hours of work a week (its online so no classroom time), and I spend about an hour at weight watchers every Tuesday. I watch a lot of TV that I don't even enjoy, but its because I'm always too exhausted to do anything else.

wait- I also have season tickets to baseball. doy. Maybe that's why i feel like I have no time- 1-2 night a week I have a game after work and get home around 11-12 and go staright to bed!

(eta my info in case anyone was wondering)

-- Edited by ILoveChoo at 13:55, 2006-06-14

-- Edited by ILoveChoo at 16:01, 2006-06-14

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Kenneth Cole

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what time do you get up? 7:30am on weekdays/anywhere from 8am-2pm on weekends

what time do you go to bed? 11pm on weekdays/anywhere from 12am-5am on weekends

how long do you spend cooking dinner? 1/2 hour or less

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? no...I really should. I have plenty of time to, really.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? haha not really. I've actually been struggling with this. I need a hobby. I want to join a gym or maybe just join the local "Y". I'm actually leaning toward the Y because they have a cheaper membership where you can go to the classes and not the gym part. I was thinking I would do that for a few months because I'm not very self-motivated when it comes to working out and then build up to doing the whole gym thing. I also registered as a non-degree seeking student at a local community college and will be taking a class on cinema every Wednesday night.


Kate Spade

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what time do you get up? I get up at 7:20 which is the very latest I can get up if I want to get to work in time. I just feel like no matter what time I go to bed, I am always tired in the mornings! On the weekends I sleep till about 9, 10 or 11 if I go out the night before.

what time do you go to bed? between 10:30 and 12. That's pretty late, but I usually have so much to do at night that when I finally get into bed around 10 I want to watch tv because I feel like it is my only relaxation time, you know?

how long do you spend cooking dinner? As little as possible. When DH and I get home we are usually both starving so it's nice to have something to just throw in the oven or on the grill so we don't have to do a lot of preparation.

do you go to the gym? No, I definatly want to but like you I feel like there is just no time.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? I make wedding invitations as a side business and when I am in the middle of a job I start it as soon as I get home from work, and do a lot on weekends too. This along with my full time job can really burn me out, but the invitations are my passion and I want to do that full time someday so I see the time I spend on them being worth it (most of the time.)

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what time do you get up?  Usually around 6am.

what time do you go to bed?  Anywhere between 10 and midnight on weekdays, around 2am on weekends.

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  Less than 1/2 hour on weekdays, maybe longer on weekends if we eat at home.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  Yes, I either go around 2pm then I work a little later. If I go after work, I go around 6pm.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  I take the dog for a 45 minute walk every day.

I'm not sure about you, but I know tv can end up being a big time suck for me.  I don't even realize how long I sit there once I get sucked in.



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I get up usually between 7 and 7:30am, walk the dog (45 min), check email, eat breakfast etc. Work 8 or 9 hours, make dinner and eat by 7pm usually, load the dishwasher, clean up etc, the walk the dog again around 8 or 9 pm for an hour, watch maybe an hour of tv and go to bed by 11pm. Somewhere in there I usually try to throw a load of laundry in, shower, talk to friends on the phone, etc. I was going to yoga on Fridays afterwork and swimming Monday nights but classes are done for the summer now. 

So that's life in a nutshell.


Kate Spade

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i get up between 6 and 7 on weekdays, usually by 9 on weekends (barring a hangover or really late night).

i usually go to bed at 11 on weeknights, probably by 12 on weekends.  i just can't hang like i used to!

i rarely cook dinner, especially with the bf working far away, but if i do i try to keep it quick and simple.  or he cooks, when he's actually living with me!  so i'd say 30 minutes.

i don't go to the gym, but i pay $20 a month for a membership!    when i did go i'd go about 5:30 in the morning, but that just sucks.  the problem is it's so packed from 5-7 pm that you can't even park, much less get the machine you want, so i can't find a good time to go.  any later than that and i'd be up all night...i'm just going to have to force myself to start getting up super early again. 

there's nothing else i do on a regular basis besides take the dog for a walk most evenings.  there are always random political events that i go to and things associated with that i have to do - for example i should be going out collecting signatures for nominating petitions this week but i don't want to so i'm putting it off.  aside from that, i watch a lot of tv.  lol.

edited because i don't "talk" the dog for a walk...

-- Edited by asf at 13:48, 2006-06-14

freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis


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what time do you get up? 6:30 am on weekdays, between 7 and 8 on weekends.  This is not my natural rythm - I just live with a very early riser!

what time do you go to bed? Between 9:30 and 10 pm on weekdays, around 11 pm if we go out on the weekends.

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  Probably around 30 minutes.  If something takes longer to make, we save it for the weekend.  FH gets off at 6 pm so long meal prep would put our dinner way too late.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  No.  I just really don't enjoy it.  FH and I go for a walk in the evening (1.5 miles or so) if the weather cooperates, and I lift weights and do pilates at home.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  Watch baseball.  During the TV season we have 3 shows we can't miss each week.  I have been blissfully schedule-free this year, so the number of things I must accomplish each day are pretty minimal.

-- Edited by Elle at 14:19, 2006-06-14

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}


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what time do you get up? 7'ish

what time do you go to bed? Between 10-11

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  Normally 1.5-2 hours, but because it's "grilling season" my life has been so much easier and I get help from hubby so right now it only takes about an hour start to finish.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  Yep.  Four days a week after work.  On weekends Dh and me like to ride our bikes to the gym in the AM.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  Not since I'm not in school anymore.  During summer we go to the beach on weekends and hang out at our favorite bar on the beach.



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what time do you get up? right now around 6:30 b/c i want to get to work at 8. usually b/t 7:15 & 7:30 to make sure i'm out the door by 8. on the weekends i get up around 10 or 11 and go to sleep around 12, but it can vary depending on what i do the night before.

what time do you go to bed? around 11. i really like to get in 8 hours.

how long do you spend cooking dinner? 10 minutes max. i really hate to cook when i come home b/c i'm always tired  & hungry. a bad combo... i try to cook ahead of time and have stuff in the fridge that i just need to heat up.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? yes afterwork.  i feel icky & sluggish if i don't go regularly.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? not really. i used to volunteer, but my project ended, and now i've been focused on wrapping things up at work. i plan on taking a fun class or two this summer.

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what time do you get up? I should get up at 6 but I usually get up around 6:45 or 7. That could explain why I am consistantly 30 minutes late for work.

what time do you go to bed? 11 - 11:30. Sometimes 10:30, if I'm really lucky!

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  15-20 minutes. Usually DH will just throw something on the grill. If not, I will just make a big salad.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  Yes. I usually go from 7:30 - 9 pm. (average 2-3 times a week and then I will also go on Saturday afternoon).

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  I live 45 minutes away from my job, so I spend a good amount of time in the car every day. As soon as I get home, I get changed, check the mail and go to the gym. Then around 9, when I get home from the gym, I take the dog for a 20 minute walk and usually don't eat dinner until 9:30. Then I clean up, do laundry or watch tv for an hour before I go up to bed.



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what time do you get up? Depends on the day. On Monday and Wednesdays I go to school so I get up around 9:30, Tuesday and Thursdays I work so I get up around 6:20ish. On fri, Sat and sun between 9-10.

what time do you go to bed? Usually between 11-12. Weekends later.

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  Normally just around 30 mintutes. I like quick meals.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  no, I wish I had the motivation to do something. I will get on this health kick for like 2 weeks, where I work out at home and then my schedule gets screwed up.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  I watch my shows 3 days a week. But other than that everything really varies, especially since it is summer.



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what time do you get up?

I'm not consistent.

weekdays: 5:30 AM if I take 6 AM Spinning (I try, it doesn't always happen), otherwise I get up between 7:00 and 7:30.

weekends: anywhere from 9 AM - 3 PM

what time do you go to bed?

weekdays: between 12 and 2 AM.

weekends: between 2 and 7 AM, depending on what I did that night. I'm nocturnal.

how long do you spend cooking dinner?

sometimes my BF brings home food from work so all I have to do is heat it up.

most of the time it takes me anywhere from 15-45 minutes to make dinner.

do you go to the gym?

I probably go at least three times a week. It helps that I live two blocks away from my gym and that it's a really nice gym. I'm just too tired to go everyday like I know I should. I squeeze in cardio whenever I can. I try to lift weights 3x per week with my gym buddy. I take Pilates twice a week on Monday and Wednesday nights, and I also usually take a yoga class on Saturdy afternoons as long as there's no amazing sample sale action.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?

Check ST? I write in a blog, check emails and do all the other fun internet stuff. :dork:

Besides the gym, I also go out with friends or by myself on the weeknights to sports games, shopping or out to dinner/coffee. If I do any of these things, chances are I won't go to the gym.

-- Edited by Lilykind at 15:55, 2006-06-14



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what time do you get up? 7am

what time do you go to bed? between 9:30-12 pm

how long do you spend cooking dinner? 10 minutes? I don't really cook anything that has more than 3 steps.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? Not right now, but I used to go after work and on weekends. I really have been too unmotivated in the last 4 months.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? I take a drawing class on Wednesday's. I also go see a movie every weekend.


Marc Jacobs

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what time do you get up? 7am
what time do you go to bed? between 11-12
how long do you spend cooking dinner? half hour to an hour
do you go to the gym? If yes, when? yes after dinner for the most part
Anything else you do on a regular basis? work from 8:30-4:30/5 and then relax at home for a good half hour before cooking, relax again for 30 mins - hour after eating to let food settle, go work out and then go to bed.  I also have been studying 3 hours a day and that will probably get upped to 5 hours a day since I'm not doing anything at work for the rest of the month so I have time to study both at work and at home.

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what time do you get up? Around 7 now since I'm working. When school starts up again in fall, I schedule my classes so I don't can sleep until at least 9, usually later. I'll be interning for the NLRB during the fall so at least a couple of days of the week I'll have to be an early riser

what time do you go to bed? between 12 and 1.

how long do you spend cooking dinner? How ever long my Lean Cuisine requires I DO NOT cook full meals for myself... it's too time consuming and messy. So it's usually a frozen dinner, sandwich or salad.

do you go to the gym? I did but my membership just expired and I'm not renewing. During school, I went at least 4 days a week during the day because most of my classes were at night. I have an elliptical machine and lately I've been doing it in the morning and/or at night.

Other things that take up time: Every Sunday night I have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They live about 30 minutes to get there and it's always a drawn out affair that takes about 2 hours. At night I watch my tivo-ed Oprah while eating dinner and then devote time to playing on the computer (email, ST, ebay).



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what time do you get up? About 8:30..I have to be at work at 10..can leave at 9:35 and get there on time. I could get out of bed later- i dont really do anything in the morning and don't have to look good really.

what time do you go to bed? Between 12 and 2 am. Usually 1...very rarely midnight though. I can't even imagine going to bed before then- this is when I feel like i get everything done (seeing friends, watching tv, cleaning)
how long do you spend cooking dinner? Probably not more than 20 mins. i'm very lazy.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? No, never. I want to start running. I walk all over the city during the day (maybe 40 blocks on avg. and when i take the subway to work, another 45 mins of walking that day)

Anything else you do on a regular basis? I am on the internet probably 1-2 hours a day, i watch some tv, not very often, and i almost always have people over (i live with 3 girls and we're friends with a lot of the same people in the area) so we'll sit on our roof and have a drink or watch tv together.


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Dooney & Bourke

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what time do you get up? 6:50 on weekdays and whenever on the weekend (usually the dog gets me up between 8-9 but sometimes I crawl back in bed )

what time do you go to bed? Anytime between 9:30-12:45 on a weeknight and between 12:30-3 on the weekends.

how long do you spend cooking dinner? between 30 min to an hour usually.

do you go to the gym? nope. There isn't any close by and I don't feel like I have enough time nor do I want to fight traffic to go to a crowded place to try and workout. Getting up earlier isn't an option. I already get up early so I can take the dog out, make breakfast for DH and straighten up a little before getting ready for work by 8.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? We always have something going on the weekends. This weekend there is a blues festival we might go to. During the weekdays, at least once a week we go to our neighbor's and cook out. I feel like I spend tons of time at work even though it's only 8 hours a day. I try to make a point to watch a little TV just because I feel like it's the only "relaxing" time in between all the other mandatory chores.

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What time do you get up? It depends on when I have to be at work (I work all different shifts) but between 5am-7am at the latest to get the kids to school
What time do you go to bed? also depends on what shift I'm working and the kids but usually between 11PM-1AM

How long do you spend cooking dinner?  around 30 mins. usually-- if I'm lucky the man will cook for me

Do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  No, but man do I love my FIT tv channel.  I work out in my living room when I have time. I also play on a volleyball league but I'm not sure if that counts as working out as we usually just goof around during the game and go out for drinks afterward.

Anything else you do on a regular basis? Nothing too exciting-between kids, and work and the household stuff there isn't much time for anything else



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what time do you get up? it depends, I work in an office three days a week, and I get up at about 7:45. But on the other two weekdays I work from home, so I get up about 10 or 11, and it is completely all over the place on weekends. But Sunday I try to wake up at 11 so I can go to church (believe me, it's hard after being out all night Saturday!)...of course this all changes during the school year, but I'm taking the summer off to save up some money!

what time do you go to bed? On weekdays, usually about 1. I really should go to bed earlier, but I'm such a night owl

how long do you spend cooking dinner? as long as it takes to drive to Taco Bell. I'm so horrible, living alone, and especially working from home and living alone, I'm starved for company by the end of the day so I always try to go out to eat with a friend, even if it's just fast food

do you go to the gym? If yes, when? LOL you must be joking. really, the gym is just so incredibly boring for me. I can't do repetitive and seemingly pointless things, as much as I know it will do me good

Anything else you do on a regular basis? not every day, but I take dancing classes. Sometimes I don't go at all and sometimes I go four times a week... it really depends!


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Kenneth Cole

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what time do you get up? anywhere around 9 to 11 am (not much of a morning person)

what time do you go to bed? around 1-3 am (my best hours)

how long do you spend cooking dinner?  I love relishing every moment of cooking, which is why I cook so slow. Takes me about 1 to 1 1/2 to make one or two dishes, whereas my mom can whip up 5 mouth watering dishes in half an hour. She amazes me.

do you go to the gym? If yes, when?  I used to go. Really. :) I do a lot of things outdoors.  I take walks in the evening for about 40 minutes, or I play soccer/bike, or I dance to music and do light weight lifting.

Anything else you do on a regular basis?  As of lately, I've become a style thread addict! Other things...on Saturdays I go to the flea markets and yardsales to pick up vintage jewelry or linens/trinkets/purses. Then in the late evening, I meet up with my friends and we go out to dinner. I watch the BBC news every day. I love the British accent!  Sundays is movie rental day, usually foreign flicks, and then dinner with my family in the evening.

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