We start our actual move a week from today, and the wedding is about 5 and 1/2 weeks away !
Trying not to stress and just roll with the punches, which is totally not my personality so you can guess how that's going . My biggest sources of stress right now are the guest list/RSVP situation (we are still waiting on a bunch of RSVPs, and we're going to have to call everyone who hasn't responded as sooooon as we get to our new place. Also, nobody is declining the invite and we need at least 40 people to do so) and furnishing our new apartment. We have 3 people staying with us for the wedding, and we so sometime after the move and before the wedding we need to get another bed and set of sheets, a computer desk, and bath towels at the very least. Not the most convenient time to be racking up extra expenses in the month before the wedding!
So, that's that. When are you moving?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}