I need to get this out, because it's still freaking me out. Yesterday, I was driving home from the Target by my house. Luckilly, I was by myself. I was driving down the street and noticed a man pull into a left turn lane from behind me, accelerate and then pull back into traffic so he could cut me off. And he did. I slammed on the brakes and honked the horn. He was in front of me now, swerving from lane to lane and honking. I thought, maybe he knew the guy in front of him, was mad, and wanted to run him off the road. It was that bad. I got up closer to him and called 911 as soon as I could read his license plate. I guess he saw me do that, because he slammed on his brakes, parked SIDEWAYS in the crosswalk of a busy street and ran up to my car. At this point, I was at a red light with someone in front of me and behind me. I had nowhere to go. He kept knocking on my window and screaming at me while I was on the phone w/ 911 telling them everything as it was happening. I wouldn't look at him, but I finally did just so I would be able to I.D. the man. He pulled his shirt taut so I could read it, and it said "Stop Snitchin'". He was pointiing at it and walking by my car, yelling. FINALLY, the light turned green and the car in front of me left, and I sped out of there and didn't look back until I was pretty far gone. Luckilly, he didn't follow me, and I don't know what happened after I left.
I'm so nervous that I'm going to run into this man again. This was only a few miles from my house and I drive around that area pretty much daily. What if I see him again? What if he recognizes me? We have some men over this morning working in our garage, so I had to park on the street last night, and I slept horribly, thinking "Maybe this man lives near me and is going to drive by and see my car, know where I live, and flip out on me (and my kids) again." I was soooo scared. This man had crazy eyes, and he was on something. I don't know if he was drunk or on PCP or something like that, but he was just SO ANGRY.
How scary! I'm so sorry that happened to you. That would have freaked me out too. Do you know if 911 responded? It might be worthwhile to followup w/ the police and see if they need any additional information.
That's really scary. I'm glad your kids weren't in the car with you--that would have been really traumatic for them. I'm glad you're alright!
ETA: I was just thinking some more about this. If the guy was provoking you and wearing a "Stop Snitchin'" shirt, that seems more than a coincidence. It seems like he was looking to pick a fight with someone and you were the one he picked. So it seems unlikely to me that he'd seek you out and do it again to you. Just keep your guard up, but I wouldn't be too concerned about it happening again. I just have a hunch that he was out and about doing that yesterday and you may not have been the only person it happened to.
That is an INSANE story - what did 911 say? And are we to assume this guy does this pretty often - I mean if he had on a "stop snitchin" tshirt it seems like he gets off on doing this on a regular basis - that is bizarre.
-- Edited by laken1 at 12:12, 2006-06-12
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
If he was all f**ked up, like you think, then he probably won't remember the details of your car, you, etc. when he's sober (and certainly not if he's on something again), so the odds of him even knowing you if you stood in front of him sound pretty slim to me. I wouldn't worry too much about that, but to be on the safe side, be on your guard.
A cop came and gave a lecture on safety and the independent woman a few weeks ago at work. He said a small can of aerosol hairspray will work just as well as pepper spray. It might not hurt to grab a couple of those next time you're at the store to keep around the house, in the car, purse, etc., just in case.
Thanks girls. I'm not as freaked out now, but driving around today I was still on the look out for his car. And NCShopper, I think that was EXACTLY what he was doing. Out looking for trouble. I hope someone stopped him before he hit a car or a pedestrian driving like that. There was a camera at that intersection too. I wonder if they only take pictures when someone runs a red light, or if they take them every few minutes or something like that.
You poor thing! That is terrifying! I once had something similar happen to me. I was making a right turn into a parking lot and a man who was crossing the street saw me. He followed me into the parking lot and knocked on my door while I was parked (I was just about to get out of the car-- thank God I always lock my doors). He started screaming and yelling about how I had almost run him over-- even though he was nowhere near my car!! He was completely insane and was calling me every awful name in the book. There was a woman in the car next to mine and she kept me gesturing to me with her phone, wondering if she should call 911. I had no idea what to do. Finally he backed off and I sped out of the parking lot. I'm from a small town so I was terrified that I would run into this guy or he would recognize my car. But I never did.
Don't worry-- I'm sure you will never see him. But I can totally empathize with you-- I was scared for so long after that. There are so many crazies out there!
"He does dress better than I do...what would I bring to the relationship?" ~ Clueless