"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
wow! congrats to you and your hubby! how are you feeling now?
Thanks girls! It really is great to have all of your support.
shopgirl82, I'm feeling pretty good, a little nausea (no morning sickness yet though) and tired. Oh, and I'm peeing like all the time (sorry, seemed like an appropriate time for that emoticon, hehe).
I do have a cool story to go with all of this, the weekend before I fainted was my sister-in-law's graduation and we went to a reception at her church before going to ours and a friend that the DH grew up was there with her hubby and new baby girl and it was the first baby I've held since everything happened last time and I wasn't sure how I would react holding her, but when I held her it was like for the first time in all this craziness I had a peace about me, like God was telling me everything was going to be ok. And here come to find out, I more than likely conceived that weekend! Anyway, just wanted to share Thanks again girls!
shopgirl82 wrote: wow! congrats to you and your hubby! how are you feeling now? Thanks girls! It really is great to have all of your support. shopgirl82, I'm feeling pretty good, a little nausea (no morning sickness yet though) and tired. Oh, and I'm peeing like all the time (sorry, seemed like an appropriate time for that emoticon, hehe). I do have a cool story to go with all of this, the weekend before I fainted was my sister-in-law's graduation and we went to a reception at her church before going to ours and a friend that the DH grew up was there with her hubby and new baby girl and it was the first baby I've held since everything happened last time and I wasn't sure how I would react holding her, but when I held her it was like for the first time in all this craziness I had a peace about me, like God was telling me everything was going to be ok. And here come to find out, I more than likely conceived that weekend! Anyway, just wanted to share Thanks again girls!
awwh that is such an awesome story! God is good! A little nausea is a nuisance but a great sign that things are progressing nicely. It means your Hcg levels are in a good place..
oh congratulations! i'm so happy for you and dh! and this is actually exciting for me on two levels - the same time you had your last experience one of my closest friends went through the same thing, and i just found out that she's pregnant again too! i have a good feeling about both of you this time.
congratulations again.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis