Hey girls I wasn't sure where to put this but my 60 day notice is coming up at the end of the month (when I decide to re-up or move out).
Pros: 1. I love the location. Its close to where I work and easy to get around town from here. 2. Save on gas which is the highest in Texas ($3/gallon) 3. Haven't had any major problems with the apartment minus 1 lost package and a pipe leak to be looked at tomorrow 4. Great move-in special when I moved in last year for the square foot, location, etc 5. I never hear the people above me or next to me 6. I feel fairly safe living here and coming in late at night.
Cons: 1. There has been maybe a handful of car break ins, 1 car stolen (keys left in car!), and 1 apartment broken into. 2. I have no idea what rent will go up to. Market rate listed online is $1025 3. Minor ant/spider problem in the apartment I can't get under control.
I found another apartment I loved and was comparable to this place. Same size, layout, nice workout room also and nice pool area. Right down the road and leasing for $899. So I was thinking of moving until I read about them on apartmentratings.com. I know I should take that site with a grain of salt. Their rating was 22% vs. 33% on mine. The only difference was when I checked the actual police department website that place had the police come out weekly for either car theft, car buglarly (sp??), and regular buglarly on their block so I know its in that complex. Mine didn't show up on their list in the 4 month period I checked.
So I'm not sure what to do. Is 950+ (what I'm assuming the rate will go up to) insane for this apartment or is safety and peace of mind worth it?
I would stay where you are. The rent probably won't go up to much if you are renewing and are not a 1st time renter with them. Plus, having to pack up everything and move stinks.
To me it sounds like you should stay where you are. Another pro to add to the list is not having to pack and move everything. Especially, just down the road.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I'd saty. It's not that much of a cost difference, and for the peace of mind it's totally worth it. Plus, moving is a pain in the butt and takes so much time!
To me it sounds like you should stay where you are. Another pro to add to the list is not having to pack and move everything. Especially, just down the road.
Ditto. I think paying the extra bucks for safety and piece of mind is money well spent. Plus, 60 days from now would put you in mid-August? Do you really want to move in Texas in mid-August if you don't have to?
I think the crime and the negative reviews sound like two big red flags. And I hate moving, which also incurs extra costs. So the net difference could be very little - $51 a year is $612, but you'll probably lose some of your deposit from your old place, and maybe have to rent a truck, so it could work out to less than $200 savings in a year, which, if you have a break in could be wiped out completely. It doesn't sound like it's worth it.
Can you negotiate with your current landlord? I had to move because I was an idiot and procrastinated for a couple weeks on paperwork, but because I had orally told the complex I was moving, and becuase they did not inform me until it was too late to find another place (six MONTHS after it was rented) I got them to waive first month's rent and lower the rent on an apartment in a nicer complex owned by the same company to be comparable to my old rent (they rented my apartment at a higher rent, so believe me, they weren't hurting). There's not a really strong negotiating position, but they don't want the apartment to sit empty. You could tell them you'll be forced to move if the rent goes higher than a certain point. Also, see if you can get them to renegotiate the move in special, or find another special, to give you a better rate. Apartment rentals vary a lot more than you'd think...
I'd definitely try to negotiate with the landlord on the rent. If there's a move-in special, try to get that one (threaten to move if not), etc. Who knows - it might work!