I'm just asking because I am freaking out right now! I'm spending the weekend at my aunt's house while she and her husband are on vacation, to watch the dogs and everything. Usually I have someone stay out here with me, a friend or a boyfriend, but as luck would have it, no one I could get a hold of is available tonight, and my phone broke because I dropped it in my aunt's hot tub, so I can't get any numbers out of it to call anyone else.
Anyway, I'm with two big tough dogs, and in a house I've stayed in a zillion times before. But it's thunderstorming, and I'm alone, and the house is kind of out in the middle of nowhere. I've turned on every light in the house. I feel like I'm four years old, but stuff like this really scares me! I can't ever watch scary movies if I know I'll be going home alone. Before I lived in my apartment, I had a house with three roommates - there was only a night or two that I had to sleep there alone, but on those nights I couldn't do it, even though I'd slept there a million days before that.
But I'll walk around in my scary neighborhood at all hours of the night, basically just asking to be raped
Anyway, how easily are you scared? What scares you? What do you know you should be afraid of that you aren't, or what should you not be afraid of that you are?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I love being home alone, it doesn't matter where. I have a love affair with the darkness and find a really heavy thunderstorm in the middle of the night to be very sexy. But I am terrified of flying, so go figure.
haha that's the stupid part, I can't exactly articulate what I'm afraid of, which is why I know I'm a big chicken because there isn't really anything I *should* be afraid of. I don't really enjoy evenings alone for the most part, but I'm not usually scared when I'm at home, just unhappy. I find company reassuring.
It's like I'm afraid that some sort of rapist/axe murderer/monstrosity will randomly pick this house, make it through the locked garage door, make it through the locked house door, make it past two big snarling, attacking dogs, walk through the maze of the house to find me in the corner of the basement, and then attack me.
It's ridiculous. Maybe it's just knowing that there's no one else here *should* things happen to go wrong.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I've never lived alone and only been home by myself for the weekend about 4 times. The first time, I couldn't sleep and I felt like I was starting to crazy. I don't like thunderstorms at night even when I'm not alone. My little dog and I cuddle up with DH like scared little kids. I don't mind rain storms but I just don't like big thunderstorms. I guess I'm afraid it will turn into a tornado.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I am scared of pretty much everything. It is so sad. When I lived alone, I always slept with my mace, cell phone and house next to my bed. I always had dreams too where someone whould break in and I couldn't call anyone because the phone line was dead.
I used to also be afraid of storms which kind of stinks when you live in florida, and there are always hurricanes.
I am afraid of so many things, that my family always makes fun of me.
I'm the same way too. When I was at school and my suitemates were gone for the weekend, I was terrified to sleep alone, even though there was a whole building full of people AND I'd slept there every other night. I also have tons of trouble sleeping after seeing scary movies. I keep reminding myself "Nothing in your REAL life changed b/c of this movie" I'm always terrified people will attack me.
I'm glad to know there are other people out there who are afraid of stuff like me! I can't believe my aunt lived in that house alone for years before she got married...
thankfully, I got a new phone this morning that works, because I'm home in my apartment again, and it's the only phone I have! If I still didn't have a working phone, I would be out my mind right now!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
If it makes you feel any better, I've never been able to watch the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer...because it scares me. That's how big of a wuss I am.
I normally never jump at noises in the house, but when DH is gone or is working late I jump at everything.
ttara123 wrote:\ It's like I'm afraid that some sort of rapist/axe murderer/monstrosity will randomly pick this house, make it through the locked garage door, make it through the locked house door, make it past two big snarling, attacking dogs, walk through the maze of the house to find me in the corner of the basement, and then attack me. .
Never ever ever watch that movie When a Stranger Calls. Ever.
I lived alone for several years a couple of different times & was never really scared although I couldn't watch scary movies alone or anything. Now that I am married & live with someone again I do get scared when I'm by myself. And DH is going to be out of town for 11 days in 2 weeks - I'm starting to freak out a little. So it's not just you!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I'm a big scaredy cat too! And where we live has lots of woods, not really the country but not city, but anyway it is very dark at night and if I'm home alone I have as many lights on as possible. And I won't fall asleep without my hubby home, I have to have the tv on and a light on and then I usually fall asleep from pure exhaustion. So, you are not alone.
Definitely not alone! I'm the same way, with the completely irrational fear that 'someone' is going to come 'get me' .
And why is it that people who live in the country do not believe in window coverings?! I know they don't have neighbors around to see in, but it always makes me feel like some weirdo is hiding in the bushes outside in the dark and he can see me but I can't see him.
When FH is gone, I always go around and check all the locks on the windows/doors as soon as it starts to get dark. Then I stay up watching TV for as long as I can and have a drink or two. If I'm really freaked, I'll leave a lamp on in the living room. Then I always turn our bedroom TV on and set the sleep timer so I can fall asleep with it on.
I hate being alone at night !
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Im not scared of being alone- I actually like it when my husband leaves for his weekend hunting/fishing trips so I can have some time to myself. Nighttime, is one of my favorite times of the day. My sister still brings up the time she and a friend had come to visit me, and I was sitting in a chair reading the Exorcist, with only the light above me on. She says Im twisted. I am afraid to fly though.
FashionPrincess wrote: And I won't fall asleep without my hubby home, I have to have the tv on and a light on and then I usually fall asleep from pure exhaustion. So, you are not alone.
This sounds exactly like what I do! I just CAN'T sleep when I am all alone. I used to love it when I was little and people were still up when I went to bed because I hated trying to go to sleep when everyone in the house was already asleep. My DH and I have lived in our condo for almost a year and when we first moved in I had to leave the TV on to go to sleep, now I can't sleep without it. I turn the volume all the way down, but I also have another strange thing about sleeping: I CAN NOT sleep without a fan. ALL YEAR ROUND there has to be a fan on full blast in my room. I just can't sleep in silence. And the TV or radio sound keep me up, it has to be a fan.
Also, whenever I get home, especially if I get home before DH, I go around and check the closets, and in the shower, ect. Lord knows why I do this and what I would do if a scary murderer was actually IN my shower or closet, but it makes me feel better knowing they are all clear.
I blame all of this on watching Law and Order SVU. I am soooo afraid of getting raped and murdered by some psycho because of this show. I can't watch scary movies, probably best that I don't, but I can't stay away from the SVU and for that reason I am a HUGE scardy cat!!!!
And I won't fall asleep without my hubby home, I have to have the tv on and a light on and then I usually fall asleep from pure exhaustion. So, you are not alone.
I am the exact same way. If my boyfriend isn't home, I cannot sleep - sometimes I'm up all night long. I don't know what it is...and I cannot go in the bedroom and try to sleep in silence, so whenever he's not home, I have to stay on the couch w/a light on and the TV on and most of the time, I'm the same as FP, I only fall asleep out of exhaustion.
It's funny too, because I lived alone for a year and nothing scared me really. I never jumped at noises and I could always fall asleep. I guess now I'm so used to him being there. Now I listen to every little noise if he's not there.