My hair was really long and overdue for a cut so I went in today and ended up getting it cut shorter than I though I would. It was down to my butt and I cut it up to my shoulders. I wasn't going to- but my stylist said if I cut it just a little shorter than what I was asking that she would donate my hair to locks of love. My hair grows fast anyway and how can I say no to kids with cancer? So I did it and I hope it helps cheer up a child who can't grow their own hair.
here's a link to their site if anyone else is interested.
I just did that too. I have donated so much of my hair over the past few years. I agree, that since my hair grows fast that I can do without as much, especially when you know that it is going to kids with cancer.
erin wrote: i have actually been growing my hair out for this for almost two years. (growing out from a pixie cut) i can't wait to get it hacked off again.
I have been too - but everyone who knows me now can't imagine me without long hair (moved here a year ago) so I am letting it grow on and enjoying my long hair but when I am ready to cut it - that's where its going!
I have been growing out my hair for about 6 months now for locks of love. It feels like it is taking forever though, because I am like waiting for it to grow.
I am growing out my hair for this very reason. I might not hack it off until it's almost waist length. My hair grows really fast and I can't say no to kids with cancer either.
I couldn't do this because my hair only looks acceptable within like a 5" range, but good for all of you! I love these pictures of kids who have donated, so cute...