* How did you meet your hubby? * You have such great style - where do you find your inspiration? * Of all the shoes you own, which is your favorite pair? * What makeup item can you not live w/out - just one? * What's your favorite food?
Oh, wow, thanks girls! I've never participated before so I'm kinda embarressed now...
Ok, I'll do the best I can in answering your Q's...
where are you from & where do you live now? I'm from the DC area and now live in the upper NE
what type of business are you in? Family owned business
if there was no anthro, where would you shop? I would simply cease to exist .
most embarrassing moment? Farting in a Spanish class (of course, as soon as it got really quiet) in 9th grade when there were a bunch of cool juniors and seniors in the class. Since there were so many upper-classmen they made a huge deal of it and I seriously never wanted to go to that class again.
favorite movie? Goonies
* How did you meet your hubby? In college.
* You have such great style - where do you find your inspiration? I call it trial and error, I just keep trying on stuff til I find a combo that looks good. I've always been a fan of rainbow colors so I like to mix them up as much as possible.
* Of all the shoes you own, which is your favorite pair?
I don't have a picture, but they are Moschino Cheap & Chic peep toes with this big plastic orangy-pink ball at the front toe. They have pastel colors as trim in pink, yellow, and baby blue. Very me.
* What makeup item can you not live w/out - just one? One? How can I pick between blush and lipgloss when they are both oh-so-necessary. Ok, forced? I guess blush, but I'd be licking my lips all day for a little shine.
* What's your favorite food? My own creation. I call it Salad in a Sandwich. You can use any veggies you like; the secrets are using either roasted garlic mayo or spreading the minced garlic in a jar on light mayo and drizzling a tiny bit of light/FF Italian dressing, using smoked gouda, and a hollowed out pumpernickle bagel (hollowed out to fit all the veggies). Even meat eaters love this sandwhich.
name five things you want to do before you die. (1.) Have at least two children, (2.) Finish college (3.) Enjoy a few years of retirement (4.) Start my own business (this one is really hubby's, although I've been here from before start and do my part) (5.) Visit and tour Italy.
how much do you consider "too much" for yourself to spend on a piece of clothing/bag/shoes? I would never spend more than $300 for a single article of clothing (exceptions are dresses), never more than $1k on a bag, and never more than $700 for shoes (boots excluded).
What do you think is the most valuable lesson you have learned in life so far? To be myself and not worry about behaving a certain way around certain people. I just wish everyone was like this, but people somehow think it's being polite to kinda walk on egg shells around people so as not offend them or whatever. I'd rather just be me, even if I am different than most people I've met (I'm very philosophical and I don't find that to be common-place; noone ever wants to ponder Q's about the universe and talk about how things are the way they are on a regular basis).
I know you and your hubby run a successful business. Can you tell us what you do and what you think is the secret of your entrepeneurial success?
I'd rather not get into what we do (don't worry it's perfectly legal and totally respectable-I'm just super-paranoid on the net), but I can tell you point-blank the reason for our success is great service, truly caring about our customers, and doing what we say we are going to do or fixing it quickly if we make a mistake.
You did get married, right? What's your favorite moment from the wedding itself?
Yes, I was married and we chose the date since it would be easy to remember! The favorite part about the wedding is that it was done lightening fast!
If you had to choose one item in your wardrobe that completely represents you, what would it be? Of course that is ever changing, but I would say my green anthro sweater w/polka-dots tie. My favorite color is green and I have a serious addiction to polka-dots. Ok, thinking about it I want to add as a very close second, if not tie for first, my Harkham dress (which also has a polka-dot-like pattern).
-What part of the country do you live in? NE
-What are your top five stores to shop in? Anthropologie and Target. My favorite places to shop for shoes are Nordstrom, Shopbop, and Saks.
-What are your favorite items you have bought for this season? Harkham dress, Anthro green cropped sweater, Styleviolet yellow cropped "jacket," Moschino polka-dot shoes, and my blue and white split-neck tees from Anthro for their versatility.