Ladies: In the interest in getting the word out about the total coolness of this site could you all PM me with your college or university's newspaper name and the editor's contact information? The webpage address of the newspaper, if any, would be helpful as well. Along with the contact information, it would also help if you could tell me what city and state the school is in. I am going to try to compile a list of newspapers and email adresses so that it's easier to send things to them. Thanks!
Also: It would be helpful if this list could also include the schools with fashion programs. If anybody went to a school with a fashion program, could you please make a note of that when sending me the PM with the contact information. Any information on schools with fashion progams would be appreciated. You don't have to do all the searching if this isn't the school you attended, just the school's name would be enough. Thanks, again!
-- Edited by relrel at 17:41, 2006-06-04
-- Edited by relrel at 21:43, 2006-06-04
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Maybe I am a little slow, but what exactly do you want to do? Compile a speadsheet for press releases--what kind of press releases? My university had two papers, one that tried very hard to be a serious news source and another one that would run entertainment stories on their front page (they said they were a serious newspaper too, but what a joke!).
I do not want to disclose exactly what I'll be sending to the editors at this time. The target is general interest, I'm sure one of those papers had articles that would provide general interest stories - it really doesn't matter - I'll take both and I'll be lucky if one decides the content is relevant and if they want to communicate the information to their readers. I have nothing to lose by sending something to them.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase