Well I think you look fabulous. I wouldn't have even noticed the chin thing if you hadn't pointed it out. Your house looks really nice as well. So that part's great. Having ST in print is pretty awesome, regardless of the bad journalism. Reporter = bad and lazy. ST = cool. And the article didn't really change any of those things so good, right?
So way to go detroit! Although it's not all it could be, it's a great step in the right direction. Enjoy it.
I agree with everything that's already been said. My 1st impression when I saw the pic of you was literally, "Wow, pretty! Wow, look at her hair -- shiny and perfect!" The pic-stretching is not very noticeable - no worries!
I agree about the condescending tone -- the thing about the database server especially irked me: "...and its staff wouldn't know the first thing about setting one up." This sounds less like a factual statement and more like a degrading assumption.
But it is something to be proud of nonetheless - free press for sure -- congrats again!!
Pros: You look absolutely stunning! and FREE PRESS.. free press.. free press.
Cons: It does sound very much like an advertisement for eCriteria. The author has made it seem like your whole world revolves around the use of eCriteria instead of it being a small piece of the site. I noticed the condescending tone as well. :(
Yay for free press. Shame on the writer for being a sloppy reporter (and snarky, to boot).
I went to a newstand to get the issue and I seriously couldn't find the article. There were no foldover ads in the magazine that I was looking at. I'll have to try a different store b/c I want that magazine!
"The trick is that the company has no database server, and its staff wouldn't know the first thing about setting one up." This statement bugs me! Seems like they are calling you idiots. Yes it seems snarky and smart-assed. Poorly written, the whole thing.
Yeah, this statement irks me, too. I guess I could be considered staff since I'm a contributing editor and I actually do know how to set up database driven (.asp) websites. I've taken several classes and my company website is largely database driven and I'm the webmaster.
The writer really should get their facts straight before spouting off and assuming. Where was the fact checker in all of this? Sheesh. And that was the journalist in my coming out. Grrrr.
I just wanted to join in and say what everyone else has already said. Congrats and you look beautiful!! Too bad the writer couldn't have done a better job, but like everyone else has said - Free Press!!
If the story has inaccuracies, you should request a correction/clarification for the next issue and also for the Web article. If they agree, the Web correx can be done immediately.
I just think it's awesome that you got the article in the first place. Yeah, it was kind of dry and just sort of "fell off" at the end, but that is a reflection of the writer, not ST.
I don't really know what you are supposed to look like, but I think the photo looks nice! I look at it and think, "I wanna know her!"
"The trick is that the company has no database server, and its staff wouldn't know the first thing about setting one up." This statement bugs me! Seems like they are calling you idiots. Yes it seems snarky and smart-assed. Poorly written, the whole thing.
That's the exact statement that made me bristle too. I almost got the impression that the writer just thought that being a woman interested in fashion meant not being technologically savvy, which is ridiculous.
But, I think the pic is great. Your hair, skin, and outfit all look great and your home looks INCREDIBLE. And, as everyone has mentioned, it's free press!