I have some beefs on how things panned out, but hey - it's free press.
First of all, I hate to be interviewed. The story never comes out the way you explained it.
Let me list my beefs:
#1. the blurb on ST is in a gate fold ad in the magazine - took me forever to find it. The pagination is: pg. 76 "Business Through Your Browser" followed by a double gatefold ad for a company that sells data backup stuff, then it jumps to page 84 & 85 which is the end of the article. I am inside the freaking gatefold ad - it is bizarre.
#2. ok, so there I am, sitting in my dining room with my computer. I don't know what the photographer did to my face, but the lower half of my face is stretched and it looks like I have long hook nose and Jay Leno's chin!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREAM! omg! I hate this picture! did the photographer secretly hate me and decided to turn me into The Joker?!? I think you have seen enough pictures of me to know I do not have a 5" chin! I am thoroughly mortified. at least my skin and hair look good.
#3. so the way we generate revenue for the site is through ad sales and affiliate commissions. IN NO WAY does the coupon code database and website database contribute in any way to revenue, because, as I explained to the writer, we are unable to hyperlink the sites with affiliate codes and that was a beef that I had with the database management program - these databases are simply there for added value to sylethread readers - no affiliate money or any money is made from them being there. BLEH.
which leads me to beef #4. the last sentence reads, "Without eCriteria, Bauer couldn't run those databases at all. And she might not have a business." WTF?
Honestly, I'm kinda pissed. At least it got me to thinking - and you know what? Why the hell am I paying $20/mo for something that in no way generates revenue for the site, and can still exist but with affiliate coding as a webpage vs. a database link? The thing is that I would have to put in the discount codes you guys find instead of letting you put them in yourselves. Considering the code submissions trickle in, I think it's something I can manage anyway.
So, that's what I'm going to do, is maintain the added value offered in the tool box databases without the cost of a database server.
Sorry for the rant, but I'm a bit disappointed with the whole thing. Maybe I'm being too critical. I mean, it was something I was excited about and wanted to tell people about, but with the distortion of my face in the picture, and the shoddy journalism, I don't want to tell anyone now. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I can't help feeling the way I feel. I guess I just have to focus on appreciation for free press for ST.
It's less than two years since Kris Bauer and her partner, Taru Helne, launched stylethread, a webzine for the style-conscious set that allows members to share not only their favorite shopping sites but also online coupons and other ways of saving a buck or two. Today, thanks to good ol' affiliate marketing, the site, based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, is going strong. Using services such as Commission Junction, Linkshare, and Performics, stylethread generates revenue by pushing its very active and vocal members to other Web sites—and a big part of that push comes from a pair of on-site databases. The trick is that the company has no database server, and its staff wouldn't know the first thing about setting one up.
Stylethread offers a database of shopping Web sites and another one that serves up online discounts and sale items. Members can view and even add comments and new entries. Stylethread's twin databases play a key role in bringing users back to the site again and again.
But setting up a database can be expensive and time-consuming. Stylethread lacked the funds for a long development cycle and dedicated database hardware and software; with affiliate marketing, margins are slim. And Bauer and Helne didn't have the expertise to do it all themselves. Luckily, they found eCriteria, a hosted database service anyone can tap into—easily and inexpensively.
Initially, stylethread paid $5 a month for the service. Through her Web browser, Helne configured the two databases and linked them to the site in a few minutes. As the databases grew, the company upgraded to eCriteria's $20-a-month package, which has additional customization tools and doubles the storage space to 5MB. Without eCriteria, Bauer couldn't run those databases at all. And she might not have a business.
Just The Facts Company: stylethread Location: Bloomfield Hills, MI Number of employees: One, plus freelancers Challenge: Launch two Web databases Solution: eCriteria, a hosted database service Savings: Rather than pay for a database server ($5,000-$10,000) and someone to set up and manage it, the company pays eCriteria $20 a month
-- Edited by detroit at 14:41, 2006-06-04
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
yeah..free press, free press, free press. free, free, free. overall, i thought it was okay. i mean, somebody reading this isn't necessarily gonna know that the facts aren't exactly all correct. it's still gonna draw people to at least check it out and that was the whole point, right? but think of it this way: somebody, somewhere, had to suggest this website as a good example for this acticle which means that somebody (other than just us) think's the sites awesome!
and detroit...you can't even really notice the chin thing (i wouldn't have if you didn't mention it). i was too focused on your pretty hair! it looks so pretty and shiny and soft!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
if those things are wrong, i think you're being kind. i would be upset too.
but your pic looks great and your skin, hair, and smile.....GORGEOUS!!!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
You know, whenever we have had reviews for the restaurant they constantly get tons of info wrong. It always bugs me but I guess you just have to learn to take it with a grain of salt. Something about the tone of the article is a bit off to me. Is it just me or does it seem a little...I don't know...snarky? I guess its hard to not be critical of something that is discussing your "baby". And I think relrel is right, the people reading the article probably won't catch the errors.
I'm sorry the article isn't what you wanted it to be! Sounds like he just didn't listen or didn't care enough to pay attention to details. But, it IS free press, and I'll be curious to see how much more traffic Stylethread gets in the coming weeks. As far as the picture, I too wouldn't have noticed the chin thing first off if you hadn't pointed it out. If I were a random reader, I wouldn't notice a detail like that. But knowing you, I was looking a little closer at the picture than the readers would. Your hair and skin DO look amazing! I think it's a beautiful picture!
Something about the tone of the article is a bit off to me. Is it just me or does it seem a little...I don't know...snarky?
OMG! I thought that was just me but I thought I was being overly sensitive! I almost wrote in my post about how I felt like he was sizing me up as a complete dolt [who could never figure out a database because she's such an idiot]
thank you for letting me know it's not just me - I found the tone condescending and snarky too
Reading the article, I almost got the feeling that the only thing they really cared about was promoting eCriteria. I may be wrong, of course. I do wish they would've let you read the article to make sure the facts are right beforehand, since it seems they were unable to get it right on their own.
Metric wrote: Something about the tone of the article is a bit off to me. Is it just me or does it seem a little...I don't know...snarky? OMG! I thought that was just me but I thought I was being overly sensitive! I almost wrote in my post about how I felt like he was sizing me up as a complete dolt [who could never figure out a database because she's such an idiot] thank you for letting me know it's not just me - I found the tone condescending and snarky too *free press*free press*free press*free press*free press*free press*free press*
Metric wrote: Something about the tone of the article is a bit off to me. Is it just me or does it seem a little...I don't know...snarky? OMG! I thought that was just me but I thought I was being overly sensitive! I almost wrote in my post about how I felt like he was sizing me up as a complete dolt [who could never figure out a database because she's such an idiot] thank you for letting me know it's not just me - I found the tone condescending and snarky too *free press*free press*free press*free press*free press*free press*free press*
It seems like the writer is kinda lazy and sloppy and amateur. When the readers come to the site they'll see how bright and competant you are.
1. You look absolutely fabulous. The pic is a little off which I only know from seeing other pics of you. Everything about the picture is stunning though and I don't think others are going to notice anything about the picture except a very beautiful and stylish female.
2. The writer was absolutely awful. I also thought he/she was kind of rude and said things that should have been worded much differently.
Overall, I think it is great because it is free press, but a much better article could have been written much better. It seems like the article is more about eCriteria than StyleThread. It is free press though. It is just the beginning of things to come. I would contact the editor and have them print a retraction (although no one reads those it is the 'right' thing to do) about how the website make money.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I see what you mean about the stretching of the pic but anyhow, you still look fab. You're hair, skin, outfit, and house all look very polished. The article is focused more towards the technology of the site isn't it? Anyhow, maybe some stylish techies will see it and come join us. It may not have turned out how you thought but I still think it's great. You took ST from just an idea of continuing FH to what it is today (even being featured in a national publication) and I think you should be very proud!
I also sensed a condescending tone in the article. However, despite the shoddy journalism ST is receiving free press. It's just too bad the writer was an a**.
I also wanted to add that you look fabulous in your picture! I really love your hair like that.
thanks for the support, everyone. I think I should write a letter to the editor for whatever it's worth.
Just so you know, this is the type of information I provided to the writer (copied from a follow up e-mail where he had more questions):
"Hi Cade,
Answers for your questions, plus additional clarification to the information I gave you in the interview following:
"Any way to say how much money eCriteria saves you? Or time?"
The eCriteria databases save time in that I don't need to manage the content as often as I would if it were a site page - readers are able to submit codes on their own, vs. them submitting them to me and having to update a page. Since time is money, and eCriteria saves me time, I suppose it saves me money in the long run!
"I'm assuming that if you built a database on your own, you'd not only have to pay for software and hardware etc. but also for an IT person to set it all up."
This is correct. This is a simple, cost effective solution for our simple database needs.
I wanted to clarify what Stylethread's business model is, what stylethread is all about, and what I feel my role is:
Stylethread generates revenue through ad sales and affiliate advertising commissions. As revenue is directly affected by traffic, monthly and weekly viral e-direct is leveraged to increase repeat and new traffic. The site is also designed in a way to intuitively lead the reader through the site and retain traffic.
The forum community of 800+ registered members is the backbone of Stylethread, and is responsible for sustaining much of the site's traffic. The forum receives traffic from a primarily college educated female audience, ages 18-35, median HHI 70,000, single, no children. Visitors source from major retailers researching trends (Saks inc., May Companies), students from top Universities (Harvard, Yale, Stanford), to the professional woman who enjoys the pursuit of style and improvement in all facets of her life.
Members of the forum contribute to the e-zine portion of Stylethread. These contributions add value to the general site, and the site provides a venue where they can write on subjects in which they have expertise (indie-music manager – music; attorney – dating/relationships; Nationally Certified Fitness Instructor – fitness; those with a developed and cutting-edge sense of style in regard to fashion), as well as build a writing portfolio. The forum community members make Stylethread what it is - a style think tank in the form of an e-zine and forum. I consider myself a part of the Stylethread community, and my contribution is making the site financially sustainable through the management and distribution of content."
so where he got that the measly coupon code database was the backbone of stylethread, I don't know. and I agree - it totally seems like an advertorial for eCriteria (maybe it was part of negotiations for advertising for them or paid product placement - I suspect PCmag was made aware of ST through eCriteria.)
also, since the article in the freaking gatefold of an ad, I wondering who's going to see it anyway.
all in all, yes it's cool that ST appeared in an (actually global) publication, and it's just the beginning I'm actually feeling more excited about the endeavor relrel is helping me with - college/university papers!
P.S. the picture is growing on me - it looks worse in print... maybe I'll use it in my bio on the site since it's all computery and everything
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Reading the article, I almost got the feeling that the only thing they really cared about was promoting eCriteria.
That's what I got out of it. It seemed like the guy was just in a rush to write it and didn't really pay attention.
I agree with relrel someone somewhere suggested this site and it's still going to attract more people. She's also right you can't really notice the chin thing. You're hair is just gorgeous! It reminds me of a pantene commercial
So is there somewhere where we can complain on the writer to say his article seemed like he just wrote it in a hurry and that he needs to pay attention during interviews?
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Hey Detroit! Great free press. The thing that bothers me about the article is not your face (you look beautiful). Its the fact that the article is less about StyleThread and more about eCriteria. The author seems to be praising the company rather than you and DC for creating a huge something out of nothing. I can guess where the mag's loyalt lies.
I saw it on the newsstand today. I think that besides the condescending tone (I wanted to beat the guy for saying "without eCriteria, Kris might not have a business"), the part I was pissed about was that I had to unfold an advertisement to even get to the article on ST.
You look great in your picture! It really does look nice in print, especially your hair.
Yea, I saw this the their site the other day. It just never pans out if you can't do it yourself. You know that men sometimes don't listen, right? Well, free press.