Okay, so I filed for unemployment 2 weeks ago......No problems on the unemployment office's end or anything.
Today, I get a notice in my mail saying that I now have a telephone fact finding interview on June 6. If I read correctly, they only do these interviews if the employer protests your unemployment claim.....So guess who's protesting if that's the case? Yeah, the evil company that laid me off.
I swear, if they even TRY to not pay me unemployment (assuming I don't get a job before I get any unemployment benefits), they're asking for it.....They seriously have no soul to speak of and have horrific business practices on how they handle issues like this.
With all the issues going on with my dad's end with them, this is bullshit.
Evil, in IRL form......
(Should add that I know any employer can protest, but I hope that they don't think they don't have to pay me....)
Considering the situation, they are going to have to lie through their slimy teeth to not pay you unemployment. Pretty much the only way they could is if they sited gross misconduct or you quit, both of which they'd have to prove.
The people at unemployment have heard all the stories in the book, I'm sure. The people I talked to there were actually pretty helpful and more employee-oriented than employer-oriented.
I would have all of your documentation in front of you for the phone interview though, just in case you need to sight specifics.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was laid off last December. The evil beiotch who laid me off was contesting paying me unemployment. The interview was a breeze. I told the truth, was super duper sweet and the women on the phone was very nice. It seemed more of a chat then that they were really trying to dig something up. I'm sure yours will go just as smoothly.
Also found it helpful to write some notes before hand so I wasn't stumped on what to say. Have dates handy as well as specific situations if you can.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Hmm, I really don't have any paperwork other than my severance package (which I'll bring). The getting laid off was so spur of the moment that I really can't think of any reason or specifics.
They brought the four of us into a room, started talking about how the company had lost money (and I find this hard to believe, but anywho...), and then they were going "And so we've created these severance packages for you".
It was just so...blunt.
My mouth seriously fell open when got this notice. I swear, they sold their soul to the devil; Part of the mission statement is: We care, we communicate, we follow through.
No worries, CarrieS - it will be a cakewalk . Def. have your severance package handy, and maybe some notes (date you were let go, etc). Since they pulled all 4 of you in and let you all go at once, you could technically function as each other's witnesses . I can't believe they're even wasting time trying to fight it .... !
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Elle wrote: No worries, CarrieS - it will be a cakewalk . Def. have your severance package handy, and maybe some notes (date you were let go, etc). Since they pulled all 4 of you in and let you all go at once, you could technically function as each other's witnesses . I can't believe they're even wasting time trying to fight it .... !
Yeah no kidding....After all the crap with my dad, I can't believe they're actually trying to do this. I'll fight it all the way....
I think the company will pretty much always try to contest it. And the way they handled the lay off is really typical too. They don't want you to have a chance to react. I'm sorry, I know it's realy disorienting. Being treated badly just sucks.
Whatever you do, stay calm in the interview. Just be very matter of fact, and don't worry about explaining how awful the company is. Collette's advice sounds perfect...
Yup, I'll remain calm. Technically, I can't really badmouth the company anyways, since there's some legal stuff in my severance package about it and there's stuff going on with my dad's situation too.
I don't feel bad for calling them evil here though, since I didn't mention them by name....