So I'm moving this Friday to a neighboring town (apartment). My problem is this little stray cat roaming around that I have been feeding for about a month. She doesn't come into my apartment but stays out on the porch area and sleeps on the doormat. This is where my problem comes in. I can't afford to pay the pet deposit at the new place ($500) so I was going to take her to one of the local no kill shelters and neither of them are taking animals. Now, I only have 2 options:
1. Leave her here at the complex and hope that someone will feed her or that she can fend for herself, she's probably about 8 months old so she is no young kitty.
2. Take her to the animal control but I know that they will put her down.
Either move her to the other complex with you and hope she stays around your apartment but not in it and continue feeding her or leave her at the old apartment. I would hate to call animal control and have her put to sleep.
is there any way you can try to find a home for her? I know it's not much time, but it's another option. if you can't find a home for her, I would bring her along (how are they going to know you have a cat anyway?) if they confronted you on it ever, you could say that your friend asked you to watch him... is it a complex you're moving into, or are you living side by side with the property manager?
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
ITA with Aurora and Detroit - I'd try really hard to take that kitty with me if I were you. If I left the kitty behind, I'd always be wondering what happened to her....same goes for bringing her to the shelter....
Maybe you can secretly take her with you until you find her a home? Or by that time you may decide/be able to keep her!
Ok, I'm sure this isn't the case with your cat, but in my area an entire family had to be treated for rabies after exposure to a stray cat that turned out to be infected. They had fed the cat for awhile (not sure how long) and the cat had "adopted" the family who happily cared for it. Well, after it looked like it was sick they took the cat to the vet and found out the truth.
I'm only warning you because I'm assuming the cat doesn't have any shots. If you are going to take this cat with you or try to find a home for it I would seriously consider taking it to the Humane Society for free or reduced price shots.
I've already asked a ton of people if they wanted to take her in but nobody wants to. I actually haven't seen very much of her in the last few days, usually she would hang out by more door most of the day and all night. She has a little collar with a bell (I didn't put it on her) on it so I hear her when she comes up the staircase. I guess I'm also assuming that she's a stray kitty because she would hang around here all of the time (through the rain, at night, daytime). If somebody owned her wouldn't they let her at least when it was stormy?
I would just leave the cat at your current place since she is used to the area and hasn't been taken away yet, she will probably get by. If you take her to your new place, she may wander off trying to find the old place and get hit by a car. Or somebody will see the cat and take it to animal control.
I would just leave the cat at your current place since she is used to the area and hasn't been taken away yet, she will probably get by. If you take her to your new place, she may wander off trying to find the old place and get hit by a car. Or somebody will see the cat and take it to animal control.
This is what my husband and MIL have said. The few times that I have tried to keep her inside of my apartment now, she wants to be outside. She sits and meows by the door to let her out.
hmm since you mention a collar with a bell I would think she maybe belongs to someone at the complex. Maybe she just hangs by you since you give her extra food?
As most of you know my cat has been missing for a month now.
I can only hope that he got lost and someone is feeding him and treating him nice.
So naturally I wish you could keep him! There are so many sick bastards out there, the thought of my kitty out all alone is making me ball right now. Ok I'm upset again......that's no helping you either.
My mother is like the one person I thought would never take a stray home. My sister & I are quite well known in our fam for doing so. I have two cats I found out on a farm...ugh! after finding like 5 dead. I was so upset! It was like hell on earth for me that year. Anyway, my sister moved to Atlanta w/her hubby and the neighbor's cat wandered in their apt all the time too! Eventually their neighbor moved & willingly left the cat with Missy & Chase because it had become so enthralled with them. Then they found another. And when my mom & I visited, we found a very small, very sick little kitten. My mom picked it up, took it in the house, and the next day when we had to fly back to D.C. ..she bought a plane ticket for the cat! Now, Ms. Baby is a happy healthy cat ...along with Buddy who my sister also found in Atlanta & drove home.
It is not fair & it makes me so angry that there are stray cats. I think it was WI, wasn't it, that wasn't to allow the shooting of ferile cats for no reason! NO one is listening to Bob Barker and that is the reason for so many poor little strays anyway! Ticks me off !
Anyway, I think you should take the kitty with. I think someone should start a fund so you can take the baby with! :) Cats are so great and mine make me so happy! See their pic!
Anyway, maybe a nearby town has a no kill shelter that might take the little one in? I'm so mad now. I hate hearing stories of stray animals. I want to cry because it is some idiot human's fault.
I hope that someone is being nice to your kitty, too, Carmen. That sucks!
NO one is listening to Bob Barker and that is the reason for so many poor little strays anyway! Ticks me off !
My parent's neighbors across the street need a talking by Bob Barker. Since my parents has moved their nearly 4 years ago, the neighbors first had two dogs and since then I have been told that dogs has had 4 litters! They now have like 4 dogs since they keep once out of each litter, and I have heard that they are going to keep another one! They are not even purebread pups, people will not pay money for them. I don't see why they can't spay and neuter, they would spend less money on that then all the dog food they have to buy! My parents should just move already, also considering the neighbors place is an eyesore.
If she has a collar, why don't you attach a little note with your phone number or email address on it and hopefully whoever owns her (if she has an owner) will get it - just say you're worried about her, not sure if she's being taken care of - moving and you might take her with. they will contact you if they own her.
if she keeps coming around w/ the note, then she's probably stray...
I have two friends that take in strays, give them shots and adopt them, and well, I think the cats are happier on their own with just someone to leave out food. And strays who are moved find it VERY traumatizing (We seriously think one of them was attempting suicide after a move, I am not kidding, even though I've heard animals don't have that concept...)
Anyway, if it were me, I would take the kitty somewhere to have it spayed or neutered and get the required shots, then talk to a neighbor and ask them to adopt your kitty so someone will still leave out food. I really think that's in the kitty's best interests, unless she seems to want to be a housepet. But that doesn't sound like the case...