So I had an interview this morning, for the church secretary position (I decided to take a chance). OMG, they had FIVE people from the staff ask me questions, as in basicallly a panel-like interview *Falls over and dies*
Overall, I'm not sure it's the job for me because the salary is pretty low and if I heard correctly, they don't offer insurance (they offered up all this info in the interview, so I didn't ask).
Anywho, I applied for an Admin job online today through and someone from the staffing agency that the company went through, called me literally an hour or so after I applied. Now I have an appointment/"interview" with her on Thursday. I'm just starting to realize that I need to be looking sharp for even just staffing agency appointments because this woman probably IS the interview for the company.
Oh, and this is what I wore to the interview today and will again wear this Thursday :
Good luck. I am sorrry that you are having such a hard time. Interview suck (I had some last week). That panel interview sounds horrible. I hope that this new job offers health care. You will do great!
Okay, so I have yet another interview on Friday...Yay!
And while I'm not sure if the job is for me, the church LOVED me apparently; The pastor called me today because he had another couple of questions, and told me that they thought I handled myself very well and they were definitely interested. He also said they were impressed that I looked at the website and commented about something on it