I went to the pharmacy this morning to refill my Seasonale and it cost $155!! I was shocked. I usually get it via mail through my prescription company thing and usually it's $75. But since I had my annual appointment last week, I didn't have time to get it sent in via mail and sent to me in time to start taking it so I had to go to a regular pharmacy. (I always send it in but use a regular pharmacy for the very first one for the above reason.)
I called the pharmacy people, demanding they match their own price/coverage via mail. They said no because it's a 90-day prescription and a retail pharmacy can only fill a 30-day prescription and have it covered by my insurance. But I don't have a choice!! The pack can't be split up - not my fault. I threw a fit and they directed me to my HR so HR could call them.
I went to my HR and apparently they thought it was weird for me to be directed to them but they're women so they're on my side.
Man this is so unfair! I don't have a choice when I can go to my yearly gyno visit (mandated by insurance that I can only go once a year). I don't have a choice when I get my prescription refilled because I can only get it refilled at a physical examination. And I don't have a choice how it comes packaged (90 days vs. 30 days). All of these things are out of my control, so how come I have to pay more? Their little by mail option isn't available to me for the very prescription (I use it to get the prescription refilled). Ugh. I hate insurance. I thought working for the state was supposed to have good benefits. If this is good, I feel sorry for everyone else.