Thanks theotherjess (and my fellow Orlando girl!) Now I know what you mean about being so excited to be STer of the week that you're ready to prepare an acceptance speech!
Great questions! Ok, here goes...
What does your user name mean?
Funny you should ask about my name. I actually don't really like it and have thought about changing it. Like a lot of the other girls, when I first started posting here I didn't realize how important it would be. Anyway, the first part (fl) is for the state I live it, Florida. The second part (knight) is because I went to Rutgers College in NJ and their mascot is a Scarlet Knight. And the third part (24) is the date of my birthday and I just like the number.
What is favorite part about Florida? About Orlando?
My favorite part about Florida is the weather (sorry for the obvious answer). I also like how laid back it is here. To be honest, I don't love Orlando but I try to make the best of it and I do like that it's a mid to large city so you get the benefits of living in a big city. The shopping isn't bad either.
What is your favorite store?
I probably buy the most from Banana Republic, Anthropologie and online. As for my favorite, I really love online shopping and and are the sites I check the most.
I know you said your bf is a PM (my dad is a construction exec too). Do you ever get to go to any cool openings for things his company builds?
My bf has a degree in mechanical engineering and he does work as a project manager for a commercial pool company. They build a lot of the pools and water parks for hotels/Disney/Sea World. They don't have many openings in the traditional sense but I have been to a few of the big water parks before they've been opened to the public.
What are your top 5 favorite things in your closet?
My overall style is pretty conservative. I like relatively plain clothes paired with fun shoes and accessories. Right now, these are my favs:
1. Rebecca Taylor white blouse/cami.
2. Seven Dojos
3. Lacoste polos, like this
4. These Magnolia shoes
5. And I guess I have to mention these because I wear them all the time and I'm on my third pair. Oh, and another reason I love living in FL is becasue we can wear flips all year.
* Favorite movie * favorite food * who is your BFF & how / when did you meet? * what were you like in high school? * what do you do for a living? * what kind of car do you drive?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
It's a toss up between Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing.
Favorite food
I love pizza. I also love different kinds of ethnic foods like Lebanese and Indian food.
Who is your BFF & how / when did you meet?
I'm really lucky in that I have quite a few really good girl friends and I realize that I pull different things from each one. So, it's pretty hard for me to choose a "best" friend. But, if I had to choose, she's a friend I met the first day of middle school and I knew we would be friends the minute I saw her. Now she's an accountant and lives in DC. I was the maid of honor in her wedding and I just became her daughter's Godmother. I don't get to see her as much as I would like (which is the case with most of my friends) but when we do see each other and/or talk it's like we talk everyday.
what were you like in high school?
I love this question! I grew up in a small town and had a pretty "typical" high school experience. I was active and participated in a lot of school activities and was on several school sports teams (I was even a cheerleader, although I don't tell many people that). I had a lot of friends who I'm still in touch with today. I even went to hs with my bf but we were only friends then. We didn't become a couple until after we both graduated from college. Even though I look back on hs with fond memories I wouldn't ever want to go back. I realize that even though I may have appeared confident I was soooo unsure of myself and who I was. But, looking back does make me appreciate the person I am now.
what do you do for a living?
I'm a paralegal but I'm "retiring" in August and going to law school.
My music taste is pretty eclectic but right now I'm really into the Ryan Adams Gold album.
whose style do you admire? (famous or "regular" person)
I really like Jennifer Aniston's style, conservative with interesting accessories. I also think LC from Laguna Beach dresses adorably but since she's about 18 and I'm 29 I don't really model my style after hers, at least not too much. I also really admire the style of lots of the ST girls. I adore shopchicago33's style, as well as Drew's, RAR210's, fashionprincess', halleybird's and theotherjess', just to name a few.
what's your favorite book?
This is hard. I love to read, it's one of my most favorite things, so I have a few. My all time fav might be East of Eden or Pride and Prejudice. Some recent books I've really enjoyed are The other Boleyn Girl, The Red Tent and The Time Traveler's Wife.
so how did you and your bf get together? i know you said you met in hs but how did you start dating?
It's sort of a long story, as most probably are, but basically, we were friends in hs but I always remember having chemistry with him but we both dated other people at the time. We went to different colleges but kept in touch through some mutual friends. Then the week after 9-11, I was living in Baltimore and by bf (although, not at the time) came in to visit one of our mutual friends. We all ended up going out together and then he and I spent the rest of the weekend together. He was living in Chicago at the time and invited me to visit. I had ff miles so I went, never thinking anything other than I knew we would have a fun weekend. We did and then "dated" long distance for 2 years. Then, three years ago, I moved to FL to live with him (he had moved her the year before).
what do attorneys do that drives you crazy? (i am also a paralegal)
Um, everything. Just kidding (sort of). I actually work with some pretty good guys but the thing I hate the most is when they procrastinate on doing something and then they think their emergency needs to be my emergency.
Not really hobbies but things I enjoy are: reading, Bikram Yoga, running (I'm "training" for a 10K) and I'm sort of getting into cooking, which I never thought would be something I would be interested in.
other favorite websites?
ST is pretty much it for me. I like to shop online so I frequent,, and
This one is hard, not because I don't have a favorite but because I have too many. Right now, I haven't been to MD (where I'm from) for a while and I'm really craving a crab cake sandwich with coleslaw and fries from my favorite place in Baltimore. Oh, and I would need a beer to go with it.
If you could have lunch with any 3 people, who would they be?
1. Bill Clinton - I think he is such a character, plus he's brilliant. I would like to talk to him about current events and the state of the county and world today.
2. Queen Anne (Henry XIII's 2nd Wife) - I love this period of history. I think it's so fascinating plus, it was a time that had a big impact on the politics and religion of today.
3. Carolyn Bassett-Kennedy - This would be just for fun. I think she was really beautiful and I loved her style. I've always been curious about her relationship with John Jr. and what was really happening at the time they were killed.
Where are you going to law school?
I'm still deciding. I've paid my seat deposit at two schools and now I just have to decide between the two. But, I didn't get into where I really wanted to go, which was University of Florida Oh well, at least I got in somewhere.