so I'm taking an online class this summer just for fun (hey I get discounted tuition trough work- might as well take advantage, no?) and... we have lectures via podcast! For some reason I find that absolutely hysterical and also somewhat disturbing and kind of fascinating. I just had to share.
I think that's so cool! I'm starting grad school in the fall and now I'm hoping that some of my lectures are podcasts.
This is a little off topic and probably a really dumb question which will show how electronically challenged I am but, I'm just getting into using my ipod and I tried to download some podcasts this weekend. I was able to watch them on my computer but they didn't actually download onto my ipod. Do you need a special video ipod to actually watch podcasts from an ipod and if you don't have a video ipod are you just meant to watch the podcasts on your computer? TIA!
I think its cool too, but also just kind of weird! I mean ipods are not meant for work! lol!
Yeah, you need the video ipod to see it. I'm not sure if you can hear them on a regular one. Now that I think about it, it would be kind of cool to listen to my lectures while I'm at the gym...