girl, i am dying - of course all (mostly all) babies are beautiful but your daughter is stunning! She is to-die-for gorgeous! So beautiful! I bet you just want to kiss her cheeks all the time!
Those eyes! Those rosebud little lips! She's adorable! She looks like such a happy little girl too. Don't ever worry about posting too many pics--I love seeing how much she's grown up! I can't believe she's already 8 months!
What a pretty little lady she is! And she seems so happy. It is amazing how fast they grow. I was showing my husband and he was like wow, that's 8 months! Take tons of pictures you forget so much of that age as they grow. I can't even imqgine my oldest that age anymore...
Thank you so much everyone! I am really lucky, she is a very happy baby.
As far as the camera - most pics are with a Nikon Coolpix 5200
a few are with a new camera we were given as a gift, I think its a pentax - one of the new ones with a big screen on it.
Modeling...hmm, it's something we spoke about (my husband and I) - we have actually been approached with some offers...but I don't know. I spend a LOT of time with her taking classes, music, gym, swim, etc... I am not sure I want to give that up to trek into the city every day and put her to work. I don't think it would be fair for her - she is just a kid, she deserves to have fun!
If she wants to do it when she gets older, maybe it is something I would consider so we could put away some $$ for her - but right now I think being a crazy little kid is good for her.
She is seriously the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. (Please don't tell my 4 nephews and 1 niece I said this!)
I love them all. Your family is gorgeous, especially you, Jen! You are also an excellent photographer. You capture Talia's moments SOO well. I'm always impressed. Thanks for posting them!
Oh my God, I've never seen a cuter little girl! She's so perfect! And no, you're not the only one that loves to look at a million pictures of her because I swear I could look at that cute little face all day. She's like a tiny adult, complete with a super cute hairdo and cute clothes! I second the baby modeling thing, she's perfect for that.