Awww, thanks for asking! I'm doing well, just ready to have the baby. I just got back from the OB and she doesn't think that the baby is likely to come on her own any time soon. On Monday I have to go in for an ultrasound and monitoring to make sure that everything is ok with the placenta and amniotic fluid, and if it is, I'll be induced at 7:30 am on the 25th, provided she doesn't come on her own before then. If they think the placenta is starting to fail or if there isn't enough fluid, I'll be induced on Monday. I think that generally they let people wait a little longer, but my due date based on menstrual cycle was May 12th and then it got changed to the 20th after an ultrasound.
So I'm excited! It's kind of nice to know a date because it feels like I've been pregnant forever. The only thing that sucks is that we just bought a house and we were scheduled to close on the 26th, so that will have to be changed. No big deal though; I can't wait to hold my baby girl!
I cannot believe that it is time for you to have that baby. Feels like you just announced it. Early congratulations and post pictures as soon as you can.
I didn't have to go to any of my appointments today because I had the baby! Her name is Inara Jane and she was born on the 21st at 10:04pm and......we share a birthday! I'm using my husband's work laptop because I'm still at the hospital but I'll post pictures soon.
oh my gosh! yay! im so glad you didn't have to be induced or anything and she came all on her own! inara jane is so gorgeous, where did you come up with that name? ( first thought was...inara? you can rearrange the letters to spell i-rana...and rana's my name!)
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling