I am still trying to decide on a mother's day gift for my mom. Here is my question-do you like getting gift certificates or actual gifts more? I usually like to get gift certificates better because I love the process of shopping. I know my mom usually feels the same way. But I always feel like giving gift certificates is the easy way out. What do you think?
It may be the easy way out, but at least with a gift certificate to a place I know my loved one shops at (or an Amex card if I don't know) I know the money won't be waisted. I have received a ton of well meaning, but useless to me gifts and I would hate to think I would waste money on someone else with something they don't need or want.
However, if I am 90-100% certain that they will love a certain gift then I am thrilled to get it for them.
I guess I think a little too practical about gifts.
I voted GC, but it really depends on what I want at the time. I have to admit that most gifts I receive are not really so well thought out or the gift buyer just doesn't get me, I wish all gifts I got could be purchased by someone who reads my mind like a very best friend, but often I get a gift I really don't need and I end up wishing I had got a GC instead.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
While I love getting a GC to a great place, I'd rather unwrap something. Hopefully the package will hold something I have been lusting over which makes it all the better. I love presents!
Ally S wrote: While I love getting a GC to a great place, I'd rather unwrap something. Hopefully the package will hold something I have been lusting over which makes it all the better. I love presents!
ita. although a gc is a million times better than cash (will just end up going towardgroceries or something boring like that)
I love getting actual gifts. I feel like I'll always be able to remember who gave me that particular gift, whereas GCs feel a bit impersonal to me. But I have nothing against getting a GC if it's either to Anthropologie or Barnes&Noble!
While a gift certificate can be nice because I like shopping, I'll barely remember a month later what I got with it and what I bought with my own money. And the giver doesn't know what s/he got me, either. With a present, though, I can keep it and love it and always remember my loved ones when I use/look at it. If I hate it? I can always store it away until they come over, then wear it/use it/etc. When they see it, they'll feel loved because they'll remember the thought they put into making me happy.
The exception is if it's a relative that I'm not especially close with, e.g. someone who lives hours and hours away, I only see once a year, but perhaps wants to give me a present for graduation, etc. If someone doesn't really know me or my tastes, a GC is much better because it shows that they care, but doesn't load up my house with crap. But if it's someone that I know well, I don't like getting a GC because I feel like they didn't even want to put the effort into showing me that they care.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 23:12, 2006-05-13
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I'm very particular so you pretty much cannot buy me a gift that I will like unless I specifically requested it. Because of this, I prefer gift cards, although cash is really my favorite. I have probably $200 to iTunes right now when all I really want is $20 to go out to dinner.
I also always give gift cards because I'm self centered and incapable of picking a gift another person will like. I only know what I like and I have a really weird sense of humor.
It depends who it comes from. I never give gift cards because I like picking out gifts for people (usually clothing) because I know what they like and I know they like it because I see them wearing it!
I prefer to get gifts picked out because I like it when people take time to pick me out something and see what they like to get me.
I'm very particular so you pretty much cannot buy me a gift that I will like unless I specifically requested it. Because of this, I prefer gift cards, although cash is really my favorite. I have probably $200 to iTunes right now when all I really want is $20 to go out to dinner.
i am totally this way too. i return most gifts that people buy me, and my friends/relatives have started catching on and just giving me gift cards. the problem is, that i can never seem to find anything at the place i have a gc for, and then i'll find a thousand things i want at other stores. or i'll feel like i have to use the gc for the "perfect" thing and never end up spending it. i have $300 at crate and barrel that i've had for 3 years, $200 at garnet hill, and $200 at jasmine sola that i can't seem to spend.
i also feel like when i get a gc there is also pressure to get something really great or really worth it. i also end up spending money that i would probably would not have spent if it weren't for the gc.
It really depends who it is from. Outside of my Mom I rather my family give me a gift card then and actual gift cause they seem to have no clue as to what my interests or style really are.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
ttara123 wrote: If someone doesn't really know me or my tastes, a GC is much better because it shows that they care, but doesn't load up my house with crap. But if it's someone that I know well, I don't like getting a GC because I feel like they didn't even want to put the effort into showing me that they care.
This is exactly what I think. I would not like say, my boyfriend or mom to buy me gift certificates, but I would and do totally appreciate my mom's great aunt that I see maybe once every two years or something sending a GC.
"In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing"
It really depends who it is from.Outside of my Mom I rather my family give me a gift card then and actual gift cause they seem to have no clue as to what my interests or style really are.
Same here - I have a few family members and friends who give good gifts, but a gift card is better from most people. However, my BF gave me a gift card once and I was super disappointed... I guess I expect more from him, which is silly because he's pretty clueless.