Hopefully I won't be the only guest at this pity party, 'cause my misery needs some company!
- Still haven't heard about FH's job yet. If it comes through, we'll be moving in 6 weeks and we'll have to pay rent for 2 weeks that we won't even live here. I'm sad that we'll probably be leaving CO - I really like the area and our apt and our friends here .
- On that same note, I'm kind of sad we're moving back home. I love my family and stuff, but none of our friends there have their shit together yet. I'm afraid I'm going to feel stifled by my family and all the people who don't really know me anymore, but think they do.
- I had lunch with a friend yesterday and we ate outside because it was soooo nice. I ended up with a bad sunburn on my chest, neck, and forearms. I was wearing a crochet shrug, so I have little tan diamonds all over my upper arms .
- These stupid BC pills are really messing with my head, so everything feels so dramatic and puts me over the emotional edge. I made myself cry last night because I realized it was the last night we had without the knowledge that we'd have to leave soon .
- I'm growing out my hair for the wedding, and it's the first time I've had long hair as an adult. It's getting really long now, and I've shut it in the car door 3 times this week.
Phooey. Pout. Stomp, stomp, stomp.
-- Edited by Elle at 12:37, 2006-05-12
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Sorry you're having bad day Elle - I'll join your pity party!
My morning started out horribly. I went to put on a brand new top from Banana, and when I looked in the mirror it had a huge snag, which of course couldn't be somewhere people wouldn't see - instead it's right on my boob! It must have snagged and spread
That threw my whole morning off, because then i was late to work trying to pick something else out to wear. I couldn't finish my hair, so it's frizzy, and I don't have all my makeup on
It is raining here again today. It rained all day and night yesterday, and it's supposed to continue for like the next 5 days.
It was getting nice and warm here, and now it's like 45 again and freezing.
Work has been so busy, I can't even keep up. The beginning of my week was sooo slow and the last two days I've just been slammed.
I definitely need to join the party... i never have to time to get dressed and brush my hair with Jack...but today he finally falls asleep in the bassinette and I actually have time to wash my hair...we were gong to run some errands...but i do not want to wake him up to take him out since he is finally sleeping...but I am going stir crazy
i have not gotten more than 4 hours of sleepeach night sine jack was born and I am so tired..I have huge bags under my eyes
I spent all yesterday evening crying and my eyes are soooo swollen and i look like crap.
Sorry Elle you are feeling bad. I don't blame you. I'll join in.
I have no idea what I'm suppose to be doing at work. I have been gone for some portion of the week every other week since I started out on this client easter week. The other girl who is working on it with me is gone next week so I'm going to be completely lost!
I can't get motivated to work out at all or lose weight. I keep trying to eat well and exercise and something gets in the way. I wouldn't be so upset but I have family vacation to the beach next weekend and then my friends bachlorette weekend and the beach memorial day weekend and she is a toothpick!!!
I'm flipping out right now because I thought I had my disney vacation all planned out but when I was talking to my apartment office yesterday my lease is up Sept 1!!! I was going to WDW Sept 2nd but now that might have to change if I want to move out. They won't give me a renewal rate until 5 days before I have to give notice which makes me think it helps them screw people over because I'd have 5 days to find somewhere else to live. AUGH!!!!
I don't want to rebook my vacation. I liked the week I was going
I keep trying to eat healthy and all I get is a rumbling stomach all day and a rush to get home at 5. (sorry if TMI)
I am so sick and tired of studying. I hope I pass my test next weekend so I'll at least be 50% done. Not the way I wanted to spend my summer again!
I got my period out of nowhere and have awful cramps that i wasn't expecting until next week. And all I have on me are light tampons.
DH is going out of town this weekend. So is my best friend. And its going to rain. Which means I'm gonna be stuck at home by myself, since I hate taking the bus in the rain and there's not really anywhere to go anyway since I'm broke.
I'm getting impatient about a job I applied to. They said they'd be calling people mid-May, but I applied almost a month ago and i want this job more than anything. I just want to hear (something* already...
-I have to cut off the guy I've been seeing that I really like because lately I have realized he's just not that into me.
-I am supposed to run a 5k next Saturday and I haven't been running lately. I don't want to have to walk but I'm pretty sure I will. Instead of working out to get ready for it, I've been lazy.
-I don't feel like going out tonight because its chilly outside and everything I want to wear is sleeveless or a skirt. How silly is that?
I told myself I was not allowed to do this anymore, since I have much to be grateful for, but I can add a few for me:
My OBGyn has decided that I need to have a procedure to remove cells from my cervix, some laser vaporization thing, and it's under general anesthsia. With all the pregnancy complications I had, and other issues in that area I wish I could just be normal. Especially because I'd like to try for number 3, on that note... Because of the pregnancy complications with Madeline hubby says he can not deal with an emotional rollercoaster like that again, he worried a lot with the pregnancy, so he does not want anymore kids
rlutz..I feel you on the slepp issue, for us it got better just recently and MAdeline *can* do a 6 hour nighttime stretch, not that she always does...
I agree with Shopchicago, the weather here sucks, and I need to walk to get this baby belly gone!
I'll join! I was sooo motivated this moring, but then we had a company wedding shower for a girl in our office with criossant sandwiches and a VERY rich chocolate cake. Now I am full and sleepy and trying to fight it so hard but.... I am checking out. I don't want to work anymore even though I have soo much to do so I forsee the rest of my day being me pretending to work but just having the ST window right behind my "work" on my computer so I can hide it when I need to.
The weather is sooo crappy as you chicago girls know and tonight I am supposed to clean our place, but I have a feeling I am going to end up in bed in my jammies watching Deal or No Deal.
I feel like my Mom is too busy with the little kids that she forgets that I'm her kid too. I've talked to her once since easter. That's an entire month! And that was because she called me to tell me my littlest brother was having surgery. She literally never calls me, and whenever I try to call her she's too busy to talk or not home. I just called her to find out how everything went with my bro (it's been a week and a half, but I haven't been able to get in tough yet!) and finally got through. I managed to talked to her for bout two minutes (while she was distracted because she was vaccuming) before she had to go. I didn't even get to tell her that DH is going to be up there this weekend on interviews. She barely even knows that we're trying to move back anyway.
I am sitting at my desk crying now becasue I feel like I don't even have a Mom. I feel like she doesn't give two shits about me.
I am home sick with the stomach flu - I can't keep any solids down
My BF and I were supposed to have a new place June 1st, well they just pushed the date back on us to the 16th. Luckily we could extend our 30 days notice - but we've found 3 cockroaches (for the first time) in the last week and its getting hot (we have one crappy wall A/C)
I applied for a MLIS program and am still waiting to find out the results ... its taking so freaking long. I'm really paranoid they have a problem with one of my transcripts from the UK.
I have PMS too.
The stomach flu is my major gripe now!
I'm sorry everyone is having problems today - but its nice to share.
I feel like my Mom is too busy with the little kids that she forgets that I'm her kid too. I've talked to her once since easter. That's an entire month! And that was because she called me to tell me my littlest brother was having surgery. She literally never calls me, and whenever I try to call her she's too busy to talk or not home. I just called her to find out how everything went with my bro (it's been a week and a half, but I haven't been able to get in tough yet!) and finally got through. I managed to talked to her for bout two minutes (while she was distracted because she was vaccuming) before she had to go. I didn't even get to tell her that DH is going to be up there this weekend on interviews. She barely even knows that we're trying to move back anyway.
I am sitting at my desk crying now becasue I feel like I don't even have a Mom. I feel like she doesn't give two shits about me.
ILC, I am sorry your having such a hard time with your Mom right now. I can relate for sure. Since I moved my Mom never iniates contact, and I have her only grandkids. I think she has a hard time because I live close to my MIL and we see her a lot. But part of me thinks she see me as having my "own" family now, and in an old fashioned way, a good husband to take care of me. Didn't you get married fairly recently? Maybe your Mom is confident you are doing well and don't really need her and she's having a hard time finding her role in your life now?
itsapinkthing wrote: But part of me thinks she see me as having my "own" family now, and in an old fashioned way, a good husband to take care of me. Didn't you get married fairly recently? Maybe your Mom is confident you are doing well and don't really need her and she's having a hard time finding her role in your life now?
I wish I could let her off on an excuse like that, but no. She's been like this since even before I got married. Heck, she never even called to tell me that one of my relative died and I only found out when his poor wife got the wedding invite! And I asked her to call me and let me know how the surgery went, but she flat out told me that she's be too busy to let me know anything.
She has 5 kids at home still, ranging from 2 to 16, so yeah I get it. But hi, I'm here too- 5 minutes of you times once in a while might be nice. And stop vaccuming when I want to tell you something. Seriously, all I could think was what if I had called her to tell her I was pregnant or somethng (I'm not, but hopefully soon...)? IF I managed to even get that out in the short conversation I could manage to have, she probably wouldn't even hear it or be paying attention enough to let it register. She would just "uh huh thats nice" like she does to everything else that I say.