I need to take my ex bf to small claims court bc I lent him money (amongst other things) under the agreement that he would pay me monthly and he hasn't. I unfortunately don't have any documentation of the agreement, i.e. verbal agreement, but I have emails and messages that say that he was going to pay me and never did.
So, I need to assess what exactly are "damages" so that I have a foundation for my claim. Could someone please help me out?
The Small Claims Court has a monetary limit, called a jurisdictional limit, on the amount of money damages that a person can claim. The most you can ask for is $5,000; however, you are limited to filing no more than two claims anywhere in the State of California for over $2,500 in one calendar year. You may file an unlimited number of claims for $2,500 or less, however if 12 or more claims are filed within one calendar year, the fee is increased.
The Small Claims Court clerks can answer many kinds of questions and provide the forms you need; however, they are prohibited by law form giving legal advice. For legal advice contact the Small Claims Advisor at 1-800-251-5259.
The Court contracts with an attorney to provide Small Claims Advisory Services. Currently the Law Offices of Greg Blevins holds the contract, this office can be reached at 1-559-688-6000 or toll free at 1-800-251-5259. You may also need to take action to enforce the judgment. While a Small Claims Court judgment carries legal weight, it may be difficult to collect. Collecting a judgment is one of the most challenging aspects of any lawsuit. The Small Claims Advisor will be able to give you suggestions on how to collect your judgment. Neither the Court nor the Small Claims Advisor will collect the judgment for you.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West