I was laid off TODAY, w/a 3 wk severance package. They also laid off my dad.
This company can burn in hell. They should NEVER have purchased ProMap (the smaller company that was bought out by the current one).
If I didn't care about much before after finding out about my lay off, I really don't care now.
And I'm even more livid about my dad. They blamed him for the loss of money, which is bullshit. It's Schneider's fault. I feel horrible for my dad, because at age 60, what the hell is he supposed to do now??
Oh my gosh, weren't they going to at least give you until the end of June? I'm so sorry for you and your dad. I'm sending good vibes for you and him to find jobs.
ok - there's where my confusion came from - I thought you had already left.
#1 both of you should file for unemployment. don't refuse free money. also, your former employer pays for it - that should be incentive enough alone.
#2 both of you need to get your resumes on Monster - it's where most of the good jobs are posted. sign up for daily e-mail alerts for jobs in your areas of interest. all you have to do is hit a button to apply - I have had really good results from using them.
#3 Carrie - you are way overqualified for a secretarial position. I know you're desperate, but I think you should try to get an entry-level job in an industry where you have transferable skills - like your CAD experience. You are selling yourself short looking at Church secretary positions.
#4 think of companies you'd like to work at and check their web sites for job listings - usually found in "about us" or "contact us"
Hang in there, stay positive, and you know I'm here for you if you need any help with anything.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Detroit: Yeah, originally when I found out about being laid off, they were going to keep me until the end of June, along with the other 3 people in my dept. Not anymore. We were called into a meeting first thing this morning and told the lovely news and handed our severance packages.
I am DEFINITELY looking into unemployment now, since I'm seriously financially screwed at the end of this month if I don't have any income.
I know my resume is on Monster; I put it up first thing after finding out about the original lay-off. I'll have to go back in and do that update thing though.
I guess as far as overqualification, my self-esteem issues kick in and I don't really think I'm all that great at stuff (skill-wise). I do actually want to do Admin because I think the multi-tasking of it all is what I need to keep me from getting bored. I also kind of like office stuff (typing, organizing, etc.). I'm not limiting myself to just those type of jobs, but with my lack of experience in a lot of everything else, I'm not sure what I can apply for (My GIS exp. is very limited).
I do keep checking company websites of companies I like, to see if they have anything that might not appear on Monster; So far, nothing I like/qualify for, or can afford to move to.
Thank you so much for all of your help and whatnot with this; I highly appreciate it!
Carrie - I'm so sorry. Big {{{hugs}}}}to you and your whole fam.
Detroit has great advise.
Even if your GIS experience is limited, I think that is something should definitely emphasize. I know in my field, GIS experience (even just a little) sets candidates apart. Emphasize the GIS you do know, and it will show your aptitude to learn additional GIS. I'm assuming that you enjoy GIS, so forgive me if I'm wrong.
Also, I know this sucks right now, but it seems like you've been disliking your employer for a long time. I am positive that after all is said and done, you'll be better off someplace else. Hang in there!
UPDATE: When this new company bought out my dad's company, he signed a contract stating that they would keep him on until 2010. So, because of that, my dad headed down to his lawyer yesterday and the lawyer said it looks like there's a definite breach of contract. Good, I hope this company burns.
AND, get this: They're offering MONEY to the remaining employees in this office so that they don't quit. That is beyond shitty business practice to me.
Carrie, I'm sure you're sick of me and my "Go-GIS" peptalk but try looking at the City for GIS jobs.. That's always a good place to start and gain experience, if you feel you are somewhat lacking.. Most cities have converted to GIS and many places still need people to maintain their databases, etc.
Hang in there!! And yes.. go file for employment!!
Carrie, I'm sure you're sick of me and my "Go-GIS" peptalk but try looking at the City for GIS jobs.. That's always a good place to start and gain experience, if you feel you are somewhat lacking.. Most cities have converted to GIS and many places still need people to maintain their databases, etc. Hang in there!! And yes.. go file for employment!!
she's right, Carrie - check this out (even though you may not be qualified for this position, they still have needs in this area - I would contact them just to see if they have any unposted positions) http://www.city.ames.ia.us/hrweb/jobops.html
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I agree with the recommendation to look at your local gov't. One of my good friends from college got her start in GIS that way and she only had one course in GIS when she started.
Sorry to hear all your going through with your employment situation and good luck with the job search.
Oh my, that really does suck for you, and esp. your Dad. I'm this company has something bad coming it. Good luck to you and your Dad on the job searches.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I'm so sorry for you and your Dad! I wish you much luck with your search - don't let self-esteem issues keep you from applying (and shining in the interviews) of potentially great jobs for you! And I hope your dad has good luck with the breach of contract issue.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler