which sex and the city character do you most think you are like?
who was your favorite saved by the bell character?
what's your signature drink?
what accomplishment are you most proud of?
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
thanks, i am so flattered to be ST-er of the week! i'm just sorry i didn't see this earlier -- thanks for the heads-up, sephorablue!
okay, on to answers...
Is your name really Scarlett? If so, do you like it? (I think it's pretty.) Thank you -- my real name is Elizabeth, but I love the name Scarlett. I was somewhat obsessed with "Gone With the Wind" when I was in middle school and it remains a book I'm really interested in. I even did my senior thesis on what makes it a relevant pop culture phenomenon today and its literary merit (which I think is usually dismissed). I think Scarlett is a vibrant name, and also with Scarlett Johansson being such a hottie it's even more so now. :)
If you could pick your name, what would it be? My parents almost named me Juliette, and I've always kind of wished they had, partly because Elizabeth is a pretty common name (although I do like it). In almost every office I've worked in or school I attended there were other girls with the same name and we'd have to be distinguished from each other in some way. In high school I was "red Liz" because of my tendency to blush. If they had named me Juliette maybe I'd be complaining about all the Romeo jokes, but I still like the name!
How did you meet your BF? We met a year and a half ago at an end of semester show at the School of Visual Art here in New York. A friend of mine was pursuing her MFA there, and he works there. We actually went to the same college but never met while we were students -- I transferred there in the middle of his senior year. He came into her studio, my friend recognized him as a fellow alum, and we started talking. We hit it off almost instantly.
What career path do you see for yourself? This is very much on my mind these days! I'm getting a Masters in Information and Library Science, and should be done by the end of this December. Ideally, I would love to do historical research and write some articles and books (for example, I've been interested in the Civil War for a long time and read a lot about it); I also love film, and would love being a historical advisor on a movie or working in a film archive or library, like the New York Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center or the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. I would also like working for a newspaper or magazine in their library, while doing writing on the side.
What brought you to NYC? When I first visited NYC, I was 11 years old and I hated it. I'm from kind of a small town in Pennsylvania and was so unused to the noise and the crowds, and I was horrified to see homeless people and realize there are individuals that unfortunate in the world. I just had no idea that existed. But as I got older and came here more often I began to love NYC, and realized that anything I could conceive of doing professionally would be available here. Literally the day after I graduated from college I came to New York for an internship. As much as I like NYC, however, I don't want to live here forever.
What's your favorite show? It's a tie between Lost and The Office! I can't miss either one. I also love The OC, but don't feel as consistently satisfied or intrigued.
Favorite reality TV show? Does What Not to Wear count? I only started watching it recently. I also liked the Lisa Loeb reality show that was on E!.
What's your favorite band? My all-time favorite band is U2, and besides them, I love The Shins, David Gray, Death Cab for Cutie, Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, and Rufus Wainwright.
Favorite store to shop at? Anthropologie, Bluefly, and TJ Maxx.
which sex and the city character do you most think you are like? I think I'm a combination of Miranda and Charlotte. Generally I never say them, but I'll think a lot of Miranda type things and wish I could stand up to people and be confident in saying things the way she is, but I rarely am. Like Charlotte I can come across as old fashioned or uptight, if you don't know me well. And also like her, I look forward to being a mom and I try to look on the positive side of things, and I have actually been inspired by watching the E! True Hollywood Story. ;)
who was your favorite saved by the bell character? I loved Saved by the Bell! So bad it was good. I can never look at Jessie Spano again without thinking about "Showgirls," though. My favorite character was probably Zach.
what's your signature drink? Vodka with cranberry juice. And I love to drink milk, except that's for home!
what accomplishment are you most proud of? On a personal level, I'm proud of being a good daughter/sister/friend. I tend to be too hard on myself and self-critical, but I can say that I'm good to the people I care about. On a professional level, I'm proud that I was able to move to NYC and get jobs on my own and handle the transition to life in a big city. eta: I thought of something else. I write a movie news column for a website and used to write movie reviews for it too, and last year I got us on a TV show on the Discovery Home channel called Party Girl. The website wanted to have some kind of event where members could meet each other and we also wanted to promote ourselves and get the word out, and then I heard about Party Girl. The show's premise is, a party planner comes and plans a party for you and then it's put it on TV, so I thought it would be great promotion for us. I set it up with the show, and worked out all the party details with them, and then the camera crew spent two days with me filming preparations and then the party. It was weird seeing myself on TV, but it was a fun experience overall and helped the site get more attention.
I know you watch Lost. Who is your favorite character? Which character are you most like? What the heck do you think is going on on the island? Great question! I'm going to cheat and answer this in three parts: I love Hurley and would want him to be my best guy friend, I'd want Sayid as a boyfriend (after he got over Shannon), and I'd want Sun as my best girl friend. I love any episode centered around any of those characters. I don't know if I'm much like any character in particular, but I relate to Sun's wanting a life of her own. As for what's going on, I think The Others are part of the Hanso Foundation and were there to conduct psychological experiments, but somewhere along the way it turned horribly wrong and they can't turn back.
Favorite mall store? Banana Republic, and Nordstrom (if the mall in question has one)
Favorite place to vacation? Italy! For the food, wine, and general attitude of appreciating life.
Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving. My family always gets together at this log cabin and everyone brings different dishes and drinks a lot of wine and makes funny toasts. This year my BF will come home with me for it for the first time. :)
When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to either be an "author" or a veterinarian.
What is your favorite childhood memory? I like this question. This is more of a feeling, but my favorite memory is of being at the beach with my parents and brother and us all laughing while running into the water. This may sound like a cheezy Kodak commercial, but I have a lot of fun with them.
What is your favorite place to eat? I love Italian food, probably because my mother is Italian. There's this wonderful Italian restaurant in Park Slope, Brooklyn called al di la that is my all-time favorite place to eat here.
What is your absolute, most favorite thing in your closet? My dark gold ballet flats.
What are your 3 favorite foods? Pasta, fresh peaches in the summer, and sweet corn on the cob
Your favorite movie and why? Ghostbusters -- it just always makes me laugh, and everything about it works so well -- the writing, the casting, the combination of the supernatural and comedy, and the idea of New York as this place where anything can happen and people will band together to beat it.
Do you have any pets? Are you a dog or a cat person? Dog person, hands down! I had a Bernese Mountain dog named Pepper when I was growing up, and want dearly to have another dog someday. But no pets for now. I did have a betta fighting fish named Howard, but he died a few months ago. My BF and I talk a lot about moving in together and getting a yellow lab.
If this Saturday was Scarlett's Perfect Saturday, what would you be doing? I would wake up early, but after a good long sleep, and go off to meet friends for brunch somewhere. We wouldn't have to wait for a table and everyone would have some mimosas or Bloody Marys. We'd go to the park afterwards, and then later to a museum or to catch a really good movie. That night I'd cook dinner with the BF and we'd take a walk along the river.
I love Italy too! What was the best thing you saw in Italy? The best thing you ate? What are your summer plans? Are you still doing that program in Florence?
The best thing I saw in Italy was the house my grandfather was born in. He emigrated here when he was 8 years old with his older sister; they had been orphaned by a flu epidemic that went through the country following WWI. He lived in a tiny town in the alps in a house that's almost entirely gone now, except the foundation. Also, I loved seeing all the puppies at the St. Bernard Monastery!
The best thing I ate was a simple bolognese sauce with pasta, and nocciole gelato. Oh, that was good... :)
My summer plans are to take two classes and hopefully have an internship. I'm not going to Florence anymore; if I'd gone I wouldn't have been able to graduate on time. Oh well -- Italy will still be there!
What are you parents like? Whats your best friend like? Bad habits? Hobbies? Favorite books/authors?
My parents are college sweethearts, married for 35 years (hard to believe!). They are pretty conservative and traditional, but still open minded and very fun. Both have become good friends, as well as being my parents. My mom used to be an art teacher and is still very crafty -- she makes jewelry and has her own loom, and has weaved me some shawls and knitted hats. She used to make all my clothes when I was little, and as a result, my mom has had a big impact on my personal style. She told me once that she never tried pot because she was afraid she'd like it too much! She's just over five feet tall and tiny, but a feisty lady who can also be very goofy. My dad is a real food and wine lover, and also a movie lover, which he's passed on to me. He loves to fish and just sit back and tell stories with friends. He has a kind of crazy demanding job so he works a lot, but he does a good job of balancing that with a personal life. My mom tends to dwell on the negative and my dad is much more of an optimist, which can make him easier to talk to.
I don't have a real "best friend," which is something I've always felt a little loss about. I always thought of a best friend as the person you did everything with, and I've always ended up having a number of close friends from different times or areas in my life. In that sense I feel lucky to have as many good friends as I do. My boyfriend is probably my best friend now.
Bad habits: spending too much on clothes, picking at my cuticles, and being a bit of a procratinator.
My hobbies are cooking, reading and talking about pop culture, watching movies, and I love makeup (although I don't actually wear much). And, of course, clothes! Currently I'm on a shopping ban. My brother and I love playing Civilization, and I'm dying for it to come out on Macintosh.
Some of my favorite books and authors are: Gone With the Wind, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, To Kill a Mockingbird, Calvin and Hobbes books, anything by David Sedaris, books about the Civil War, historical fiction like "The Other Boleyn Girl," and biographies.