So Sunday afternoon my Mom and Dad came over to our condo with our family dog. My Dad was putting in our new countertops in our kitchen, and my mom and dog were there to keep me company. It was a beautiful day and my dad was set up outside our condo right on the grass in front of OUR place. It was so sunny and nice my mom and I set up some lawn chairs and sat with the dog and watched my dad work while we got some sun. He didn't have much stuff out there, 2 horses with the countertop on top so he could cut it, and a few small tools. We were probably out there a total of 2 hours. When he was finishing up he said the lady that lives upstairs came out onto her patio and said something like "the grass is looking pretty bad" My Dad responded politely with "Yes, I guess it could use some water" And as she was closing her door so he couldn't respond she said "Actuallly I think it needs a little less TRAFFIC" I am furious!!!!! HOW RUDE!!!!!! Let me just say: 1. The grass in our complex is beautiful, plush and green!!!! We have a VERY large grassy area in the middle of all the complexes that are there for OUR ENJOYMENT!!!!! 2. How DARE she say something like that to my family who was there enjoying a day in the sun with their daughter who lives there, and we were technically on MY property???
I just think it's sooooo sad that some old lonely woman has to ruin someones day or make them feel bad because she is miserable and cooped up in her condo on a beautiful sunny day spying on people and coming out to make rude comments to them. If I was out there I would have said something snappy right back. I am just fuming right now. The more I think about it the more angry I get!!! I want to do or say something to let her know how much this upset me, like leave a note in the lobby about "where can I find the rules on where we are allowed to be on the grass" What can I do??
I wouldn't even honor her comment with a response. If you do, you'll just end up in a back and forth dialogue that you really don't want to be in, especially because you weren't doing anything wrong. This is her problem and not yours, so try not to let it get to you.