So Journey & Def Leppard are going on tour and are making a stop here in Ames in Sept. I LOVE Def Leppard and would love to go.
The problem is is that tickets are going on sale today, but I'm not sure I should be charging tickets to my already-high-enough-balance on my CC. The biggest reasoning I'm questioning it though, is the fact that I'm jobless in 2 months and I have no idea where I'll be working/living, so things could totally change by the time Sept. rolls around.
Do I pass totally? Do I wait until I get a new job and then look into getting tickets? Do I say screw it and take a chance and buy them today?
Maybe you can catch a free show in the Walmart parking lot! When my brother was in the military, he and his friends went on a road trip and stopped through some town. They saw Def Leopard playing in the Walmart parking lot! I thought it was pretty funny.
-- Edited by aclassicbeauty at 21:15, 2006-05-06
Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. -Buddha
I would never charge entertainment on a CC, especially if you are unable to pay the full balance when the bill comes. Don't want to sound like Oprah or something, but don't live beyond your means.