My hubby left this morning for a long business trip. Nine days in Sin City. I'm sure many of you on here have spouses/boyfriends that travel and I need some constructive ways to fill the time. I'm so sad and lonely. This is the first time that he's ever gone on a business trip and the first time we've been apart. What's a girl to do :(
-give yourself a mani/pedi or go to the spa and have it done -clean the house or organize your closet, go through your clothes or shoes -read magazines and clip out pictures of outfits you like....create a lookbook of your own -try cooking something new, either a dinner or a dessert. The bonus here is obvious - you get to enjoy what you make! -watch chick flicks or girly TV show reruns, like SATC -start a new book
well, my bf was travelling a ton for work last year. it was really tough, especially since he would leave monday morning or sunday night, and come home friday (usually late due to delayed flights), with me having finished the whole bottle of wine while waiting for him and passed out in my going out clothes. it was a sad sight to see.
so, let's just say i know how you feel about the travelling thing.
the first few nights are hard, especially falling asleep. i couldn't sleep without talking to him before i went to bed. usually i would go to the gym to make myself tired, take a bath while reading a magazine, talk to him, and then fall asleep (sometimes with the aid of night time cold medicine or wine). it helped me to have a routine and to me TIRED. after a couple of nights i got to enjoy watching cheesy tv shows of my choice, painting my nails, walking around with a face mask and teeth whitening tray, etc.. usually i made sure that two nights a week i had plans with my gfs or my sister.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Kitty wrote: I'll usually invite friends over and have some wine and watch tv/movies. I hate sleeping alone though..that's the worst. I have the hardest time falling asleep when my boyfriend isn't home. This is what my problem is going to be.
alka seltzer night time cold tabs. you dissolve them in 4 oz. of water...they don't leave you groggy and they make you sleepy (tylenol pm doesn't work for me). this and wine saved me.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
soulchic wrote: You could catch up with some girlfriends. That's always fun.
This is a good suggestion but I'm being totally honest when I tell you I don't really have any girlfriends. My sisters are my girlfriends and they both have kids and are busy with them
I am taking my twin nephews one night for a sleep over. They're very excited about that, so at lease that's one night down. I love all your suggestions and to I'd love to hear more of your stories.
sorry - I can't empathize. mine is leaving for 3 weeks tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to the time alone
do whatever you want to do that you may not as freely do if he's at home. go shopping for hours on end without having to be home by a certain time. plan a girls night out. go spend the day with your mother or drive out of town to visit an old girlfriend. these are the types of things I'm planning on doing...
-- Edited by detroit at 16:53, 2006-05-04
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
That can get lonely. My mom hated it when my dad was gone on business trips. He would be gone for usually two weeks at a time, once a whole month in Japan. It got to the point where she made him quit his job to get a lower paying one that didn't require travel! Anyways, you can always call him every evening to talk, and make him bring you back gifts!
i'm the opposite! i'm the one always away while BF is always home alone.
things i like to do when i travel and am alone is read books, watch whatever telly show i want too, exercise, eat what i want when i want, get pedis, go shopping, watch movies i want to see that he might not want too
what he does while i am away: trains for his 5Ks and 10Ks, watches movies i don't want to see (last night he saw that sleepy hill or whatever it was called- the really creepy scary one), goes to the library, hangs out with his brother
the idea is- do what YOU want to do and enjoy the time alone!
p.s. when i am on the road alone, i put a pillow up against me to simiulate (sp?) my BF and it sometimes helps...
Aww I'm sorry nunzi. I have been in the same boat this week. Actually I was out of town last week and now the bf is out of town until tomorrow and I'm so excited he's finally coming back. Sadly I've been having to study so much that I haven't done anything for myself that I enjoy this whole time. Just work, study, exercise, sleep.
Definetly throw on some girlie movies while he's away and maybe relax with some nice long bubble baths or a few good books. The time will fly by!
I agree with detroit. I miss DH when he travels (fairly frequently) but also enjoy the alone time. I shop...DH always calls me and asks, "what store are you in" when he's traveling. I'm not realy shopping *that* much but I do tend to go browsing when he's gone.
Also I tend to reorg my closet, and pull out outfits and play around, because I can leave things pretty much thrown all over the bedroom when he's not home and I can put them away a day or so later instead of having to be all neat at night. I buy magazines or new books, and take long baths and read. I catch up on al the Tivo'd stuff that he doesn't like to watch.
I was happily single when I met my DH and though I love living with him, I enjoy the occasional nights alone when he travels. I do wish my folks lived closer though (they're about 2500 miles away) because I'd spend time with them too...but they're too far for quick little trips.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
If you need to get out of the house I suggest going to Borders or Barnes and Nobel, grab a latte and something sweet in one of their little cafes, scoop up as many trashy celeb magazines as you can and catch up on who wore what ugly thing to what, who's sleeping with who, who was spotted where doing what, and what Britney did to her baby this time. It's a good cheap night, or day out because you don't have to feel guilty about spending $ on those mags, It's kind of like you're at a library.
You should get some DVDs of shows your DH doesn't like/watch. For me, it's Gilmore Girls. The boy hates them so when I have evenings alone, I pop in a disc and watch to my heart's content.
I also like to order in salads and food he doesn't like to eat.
I work on my paintings, read new books and go look in silly stores he'll never go to.
I also am super concerned about changing my mind about things. So, for instance, if I want to organize my mags and I want some mag holders, I have to go to all the stores in town to check out what they have, prices, colors, etc. I'll eventually end up at probably the first one I went to but the boy hates stuff like that and I never feel fully satisfied with a home purchase unless I've done it. I'm weird like that but still, it's a thing I can't do when he's around.
I also like to rent indie flicks or girlie flicks that he won't watch.
My hubby used to be out of town a lot, but now it's every few months for a week or two at a time. While it's hard having the kids "all to myself", it's easier sometimes when he's gone because I can cook whatever I want for dinner (usually I DON'T cook when he's gone), and that's a big thing for me. The girls and I are happy w/ sandwiches, salads, rotisserie chicken, etc. He prefers a heartier meal and likes home cooking more than going out to eat (), so by late afternoon, I usually am home getting dinner ready and piddling around the house.
Back to your situation... eat what you want, when you want, have a drink w/ dinner, rent chick flicks, go out w/ your girlfriends, clean out your closet or pantry, organize things around the house. Have some quiet "you" time. Once you get used to being alone once in awhile, you'll cherish little spurts of "you" time. I do!