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relationship articles
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I am a comcast customer, and they occasionally have great articles on relationships - here's some they had this week:

5 Kinds of Chemistry
Brought to you by Jonathan Small

Pretty much all of us know what someone's talking about when they say, "Hey, I was on a date, and--wow--we had incredible chemistry." In a nutshell, that means that these two people felt such a strong attraction to each other that they couldn't wait to get somewhere, ahem, a little more private, right? Sure, that may be the most traditional kind of chemistry, but it's hardly the only type. According to experts, that earth-moving, spark-flying phenomenon can assume many forms. To help you sort through all those crazy feelings you may have for someone, we've described five of the most common types of attraction you can experience. Recognizing and savoring all of them can lead to a fantastic, long-lasting relationship.

Type #1: Sexual chemistry
This is the most common type of chemistry, but it's also the most misunderstood. After all, pretty much everyone's made the mistake of confusing physical attraction with love. Is there a way to differentiate one feeling from the other? Helen Fisher, Ph.D., an anthropologist at Rutgers University and author of Why We Love, explains it this way: "Lust is basically the craving for sexual gratification," she says. "It generally dissipates after having sex and returns hours or days later. You can feel it for several different people at the same time, and one you doesn?t necessarily feel 'possessive' or jealous. But when you're in love, you are very possessive."

No one is saying sexual chemistry is evil or that you should necessarily hold out for something deeper. Nor should you fret if you feel like great sex is all you have in common with someone at first. According to Dr. Fisher, having sex with someone can trigger a peak in the feel-good chemical dopamine, which, over time, can produce genuine, bonafide feelings of love. Hang in there, and it just may happen!

Type #2: We're-so-comfortable chemistry
Have you ever been with a guy who finishes your sentences, or a woman who's so easy to talk to, you feel like you can be totally natural around her? Welcome to comfort chemistry--that effortless rapport and connection that can exist between two people. "People who share this chemistry often feel like they're a unit," says Harry Reis, Ph.D, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester. "When they talk to each other, they almost feel like they're talking to themselves." Worried that all this familiarity makes you better friends than lovers? Never fear, simpatico feelings can often lead to lust later. "When you fall in love, the elevated activity of dopamine can affect levels of testosterone and trigger a heightened sex drive," explains Fisher. Translation: You two may be passionate partners in no time!

Type #3: We-laugh-like-crazy-together chemistry
Ask someone to give you a wish list of what they look for in a mate, and humor almost always appears near the top of the list. "Everybody likes to laugh," says Kate Wachs, Ph.D, a psychologist and author of Relationships for Dummies. "We're all looking for a mate that helps us have fun." Researchers have even found that laughing together increases how attractive people look to each other. So, don't automatically relegate jokers to the role of "great to invite to a party." Where there?s laughter, long-term love can follow: Just think how much easier it'll be to get through all those rocky points that every relationship has sooner or later.

Type #4: We're-so-complementary chemistry
While it's important for us to find a mate who shares our values, we're also attracted to those who are different from us. "We like complementary personalities who accentuate our good parts and mask our flaws," says Dr. Fisher. For example, a sexy fashion model might have real chemistry with a nerdy mathematician--and vice versa. Why? She makes him feel sexy, and he makes her feel smart. Same goes for the anti-social type who marries a people person. We're drawn to those who make us feel like better and more well-rounded people. Remember the famous line in Jerry Maguire: "You complete me?" That's complementary chemistry in action.

Type #5: We-have-so-much-in-common chemistry
As anyone who has ever searched profiles on knows, finding common interests with your potential mate is a huge plus?whether that?s a penchant to cruise flea markets for that one-of-a-kind antique, or a love of camping deep in the wilderness. "We tend to gravitate towards people who share similar interests as us," Dr. Fisher says. Not only does doing so make spending time together insanely easy, but sharing an activity you both enjoy allows you to get to know each other in a low-pressure environment. Plus, just think of what a bonding experience it would be if you both scaled those waterfalls at Yosemite together! These touchstones can become the foundation for a lot of fond memories--and a solid relationship.

Now that you know the five types of chemistry, be on the lookout to experience them all. Even if you don't feel that "lightning has struck!" sensation when meeting someone, you two still might have excellent chemistry, if it's given time to grow.

Jonathan Small is a Los Angeles-based writer who's written for Glamour and other publications.

8 Common Dating Lines--Decoded!
Brought to you by Laura Gilbert

It's no secret that the language of love isn't always the most, well, direct. That's why so many singles spend hours analyzing e-mails from their dates trying to figure out if "I'm busy at work" is a brush-off, or wondering whether that invitation of "I'll make dinner for you" means they want to share a whole lot more than their garlic chicken recipe. How can you suss out what someone's really trying to say? To help you out, we got a bevy of dating experts to decode eight common lines so you'll spend less time scratching your head and more time communicating.

Line: "I'd love to stay out, but I have to get up really early tomorrow."
What it means: "Sorry, you just aren't floating my boat."

Of course, if it's 2 AM or your date follows up with, "But let's get together soon--maybe this weekend?" the fact that they want to end the date is no big deal. But if the night is young or your date mentions they can't stay out late in the middle of, say, appetizers, that's not a good sign. They may sense there's no connection and want to exit sooner rather than later, says Steve Nakamoto, author of Men Are Like Fish: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Catching A Man. At least look at the upside: This person's also freeing you from a situation that's not going anywhere, so just enjoy your dinner then skedaddle.

Line: "I had such a good time with you."
What it means: "Wow, you're actually fun and different from all the other guys/girls!"

This sentence might sound generic, but try saying it out loud: It sounds far more intense than a mere "I had a nice night," doesn't it? "This is a way of revealing how you feel without getting too heavy," says Laurie Puhn, author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life. "The person is letting you know they really might like you, and trying to find out if you possibly feel the same." So if the interest is mutual, let your date know by responding in kind.

Line: "I'm just not ready for a relationship."
What it means: "I'm just not in love with you."

It's hard when someone you like tells you they're not in a place where they can seriously date anyone. But it also makes you hope that the problem is timing, not your personalities. If you can just be patient, you think, things could percolate, right? Wrong. "This means 'I don't love you, so if that's what you want, we should break up,'" says Puhn. Don't be fooled--when this person does meet someone they really want to be with, they will indeed be ready for a relationship.

Line: "I'd love to meet up, but I'm just really busy with work right now."
What it means: "I'm trying to think of a really nice way to blow you off."

Of course, this person could very well have a full schedule that week. But if he or she doesn't offer any alternative dates to hang out, what you're really being told is that this person would rather work than hang out with you. (Sorry.) "They very well could be busy. The question is whether they're focusing on the problem or finding a solution," says Puhn. "You can always get away long enough for dinner or a drink with someone or say, 'I'm going to call you in two weeks after this project is done.' It's a matter of priorities." So if your date isn't trying to pencil you in, it could be time to write them off.

Line: "So, gotten any funny e-mails on Match lately?"
What it means: "Are you interested in seeing each other exclusively?"

Let's face it, it's intimidating to ask "So are you seeing anyone else?" And with online dating, there's a sneakier way to put out feelers: by asking a question that reveals whether someone's been checking his or her account for new suitors. "In online dating, you can receive flirtatious e-mails 24/7, so leaving your profile up sends a message that you're still open to other prospects," says Nakamoto. So if your date's asking anything about your online activities, it's probably a sign he or she might pop the " you want to see each other exclusively?" question soon.

Line: "So, want to meet for coffee?"
What it means: "Want to meet for a coffee and then have dinner if we like one another?"

It's always smart to schedule a short, easy-to-end date when you're first meeting a new person. "Committing to a dinner with someone new can seem like too much for a person who doesn't want to get stuck at a table for hours if things aren't clicking," explains Puhn. Still, many online daters will leave the ensuing hours free in case you two hit it off. That doesn't mean you should head to your rendezvous with overly high expectations and an empty stomach. If you're hungry, eat already. If you end up wanting to prolong the fun on your date, you can always suggest going for dessert or a drink.

Line: ?I'm meeting my friends for a drink?want to come??
What it means: ?I really like you and want to know if you get along with my pals.?

It may sound like a casual invite, but what your date is saying is that he or she is totally comfortable being seen with you as a couple--and is interested in how you'll relate to his or her closest comrades. "Meeting the friends is an approval thing," says Nakamoto. "Women want to see how he treats their friends, and men want to know if his friends like the girl." It may seem intimidating, but it should actually boost your ego: You've passed the first tests and are now on your way to becoming a full-time boyfriend or girlfriend--provided the buddies sign off. If you're feeling just as positive about the relationship, say "Yes," and charm away.

Line: "Why don't you come over and I'll cook for you?"
What it means: "Ready to get physical?"

Cooking for a person is a show of intimacy in a couple of ways. "The person is really inviting you into his or her life," says Puhn. "Someone's apartment is their whole world, so they're obviously very comfortable with you." Then, of course, there's the fact that you'll conveniently be just a few steps from the couch--and the bedroom--later that night. If it's a first or early date, this might actually be a bit too personal, especially if you're not sure how you feel about your future together. But if you're pretty sure you're ready to explore things further, congratulations, tonight could be the night!

New York City freelance writer Laura Gilbert has written for Health, Stuff, Maxim, The Knot, and other publications.

Is She Sending Mixed Signals?
Brought to you by Riki Markowitz

It's a situation nearly every single man and woman has experienced (and is none too glad about it, we might add): Boy meets girl. Boy is thinking "Wow, I think she's really into me!" Meanwhile, girl is thinking "Why can?'t this dude take a hint and leave me alone?"

Why are mixed signals like this so common? To get to the root of this misunderstanding, researchers at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in Vienna, Austria, observed pairs of men and women who had never met before as they interacted for ten minutes at a time; they then asked the women whether they were attracted to the male subject. The results offer plenty of clues as to why dating is confusing: Whether they know it or not, women gave off positive courtship cues (such as hair flipping, chest thrusting and fidgeting with clothing) even when they were not into a guy. Even more frustrating, women gave off more negative courtship cues (arm and leg crossing) when they did like someone. What gives?

"There was hardly any difference in the number of courtship signals given off by those women who did express an interest and those who didn't," said Professor Karl Grammer, who headed the research. "And the women who said they were interested in the man gave off more negative signals than those who weren't interested."

Why women do this is not completely understood, but those who want to avoid sending men mixed messages may want to make sure they body language supports their agenda. If you're interested, let him know with a flirty hair toss; if you're not, cross your arms or legs instead. Meanwhile, a guy who could swear a woman is lusting for him--or is aloof--may want to avoid any snap judgments and gather more info first.

Riki Markowitz is a writer living in Brooklyn.

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase

Kenneth Cole

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Line: "I'd love to meet up, but I'm just really busy with work right now."
What it means: "I'm trying to think of a really nice way to blow you off."

Of course, this person could very well have a full schedule that week. But if he or she doesn't offer any alternative dates to hang out, what you're really being told is that this person would rather work than hang out with you. (Sorry.) "They very well could be busy. The question is whether they're focusing on the problem or finding a solution," says Puhn. "You can always get away long enough for dinner or a drink with someone or say, 'I'm going to call you in two weeks after this project is done.' It's a matter of priorities." So if your date isn't trying to pencil you in, it could be time to write them off.

Ouch! It's almost like the author of this article wrote this specifically for my situation in my post.



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Maat wrote:

Line: "I'd love to meet up, but I'm just really busy with work right now."What it means: "I'm trying to think of a really nice way to blow you off."Of course, this person could very well have a full schedule that week. But if he or she doesn't offer any alternative dates to hang out, what you're really being told is that this person would rather work than hang out with you. (Sorry.) "They very well could be busy. The question is whether they're focusing on the problem or finding a solution," says Puhn. "You can always get away long enough for dinner or a drink with someone or say, 'I'm going to call you in two weeks after this project is done.' It's a matter of priorities." So if your date isn't trying to pencil you in, it could be time to write them off. Ouch! It's almost like the author of this article wrote this specifically for my situation in my post.

I know, I thought that too when I initially read it.  Even so, let's continue to give him some benefit of the doubt, but still be aware of what this typically means...

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase

Marc Jacobs

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I can't remember if I posted on this or not, but someone asked me to meet him ON VALENTINE'S DAY, handed me a cd he'd burned with only FOUR SONGS, and then proceeded to tell me "I'm not going out tonight - I'll be busy this weekend, and I'm not sure when things will settle down!" I was totally horrified. Fwiw, he later begged to date me seriously, and when I told him off about his Valentine's Day goof he swore he really was just busy. But, well, I didnt' date him because I met another girl who started crying in the bar when she saw him, and she told me he was a player. We're friends now, though, and he's not exactly a player, he's just clueless.

Ok, now I guess I'm not sure what that story illustrates. Maybe that boys are dumb? And this crap happens to everyone. Don't worry about him, please sweetie!


Kenneth Cole

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Dizzy wrote:

I can't remember if I posted on this or not, but someone asked me to meet him ON VALENTINE'S DAY, handed me a cd he'd burned with only FOUR SONGS, and then proceeded to tell me "I'm not going out tonight - I'll be busy this weekend, and I'm not sure when things will settle down!" I was totally horrified. Fwiw, he later begged to date me seriously, and when I told him off about his Valentine's Day goof he swore he really was just busy. But, well, I didnt' date him because I met another girl who started crying in the bar when she saw him, and she told me he was a player. We're friends now, though, and he's not exactly a player, he's just clueless. Ok, now I guess I'm not sure what that story illustrates. Maybe that boys are dumb? And this crap happens to everyone. Don't worry about him, please sweetie!

Which four songs? LOL...

I think I remember this story. Well, on the bright side, I'm sure it was easy for you to know to cut him off.

-- Edited by Maat at 18:19, 2006-05-04

-- Edited by Maat at 22:02, 2006-05-04


Kate Spade

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Great post Detroit! I am sure we can all use them!



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Ally S wrote:

Great post Detroit! I am sure we can all use them!

good - I'm glad you see value in them.  a lot of this stuff is applicable in non-romantic relationships too (plus, I thought the chemistry one was really interesting)

if I only knew then what I know now

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase


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Thanks detroit for the articles... I really enjoyed reading them, pretty interesting

"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins


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Good articles, detroit. Thanks for posting.

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